第八节 货物进出口贸易合同(II)
所谓锁定交易方式功能,即确定交易的完成程序(吴江水 2005: 21)。该模块涉及货物的保险、运输、交付与付款。由于这些领域存在多项国际惯例,因而其处理应多参照这些惯例的英文文本,包括《跟单信用证统一惯例第600号》(UCP 600)、《跟单托收统一规则第522号》(URC 522)及《国际贸易术语解释通则》(2000年版)。 [7.8.1] 保险条款
例【1】 保险:由________按发票金额110%,投保________险,另加保________险至________为止。 对照译文: Insurance: to be covered by the ________ for 110% of the invoice value covering ________ additional ________ from ________ to ________. 涉外合同因其风险较大而通常约定有保险条款,譬如例【1】。笔者以为,该条款对照译文中最大的缺陷莫过于未采用完整句式,而是代之以不定式短语。此译文既未能明确指出保险标的,又毫无必要地使用被动式,这完全不符合英语合同范本的行文习惯。
为了说明问题,我们不妨以《施工合同条件》第18.2条(Insurance for Works and Contractor’s Equipment)第1、2款为例展开分析:
The insuring Party shall insure the Works, Plant, Materials and Contractor’s Documents for not less than the full reinstatement cost…
The insuring Party shall maintain this insurance to provide cover until the date of issue of the Performance Certificate, for loss or damage for which the Contractor is liable arising from a cause occurring prior to the issue of the Taking-Over Certificate, and for loss or damage caused by the Contractor in the course of any other operations(including those under Clause 11 [Defects Liability]).
上述两款规定先以“insure”引出保险标的“the Works, Plant, Materials and Contractor’s Documents”,再以“provide cover for”限定保险责任的范围“loss or damage for which the Contractor is liable arising from a cause occurring prior to the issue of the Taking-Over Certificate”与“loss or damage caused by the Contractor in the course of any other operations(including those under Clause 11 [Defects Liability])”。
比较而言,对照译文却并未加区别,仅用“cover”一词,自然极易导致读者歧义。此外,该译文末尾还续着 “additional ________ from ________ to ________”,更是不知所云。事实上,原文“至________为止”的真正作用在于约定保险期限,其含义相当于前引施工合同条款中的“maintain… until”。
比较《跟单信用证统一惯例》(UCP 500)第34条(Insurance Documents)f款:
f. ii. … or 110% of the gross amount of the invoice…
及《跟单信用证统一惯例》(UCP 600)第28条(Insurance Document and Coverage)f款:
f. ii. … the amount of insurance coverage must be at least 110% of the CIF or CIP value of the goods.
推荐译文: Insurance: The ________ shall insure the goods for 110% of the amount of the invoice and shall maintain this insurance to provide cover for _______ in addition to _______ until ________. [7.8.2] 付款条件
例【2】 付款条件: