【期刊名称】《电子测试》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)009
【摘要】在过去的很长一段时间内,交互式电子白板就已经受到了世界各国的关注,但是在最近几年才在教学中有所应用。交互式电子白板适合多种模式的教学,对在课堂上教师与学生的互动也起到促进作用。本文通过对交互式电子白板的研究分析,从而得出了交互式电子白板在教学的应用中的重要意义。%In the past a very long period of time, the interactive whiteboard has been the world's attention,but in recent years it has been applied in teaching.Interactive electronic whiteboard for various modes of teaching,interaction of teachers and students in class has also played a role in promoting.In this paper,through the analysis of the interactive electronic whiteboard,which makes the important significance of interactive whiteboard in teaching application. 【总页数】2页(99-100)
【关键词】交互式电子白板;教学应用;研究分析 【作者】卢增龙
【作者单位】曲阜师范大学,山东日照,276826 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】 【相关文献】