一、基础知识 1.十二个月份单词
January 一月 February 二月 March三月 April四月 May 五月 June六月 July 七月 August八月 September九月 October十月 November十一月 December十二月 2. 方位介词
beside 在…旁边 behind 在…的后面 near 在…的附近 outside 在…的外面 inside 在…的里面 above 在…的上方 on 在…的上面 in 在…的里面 left 左边 right 右边
under 在…的下面 in front of 在…的前面
主语: I you he she we they (句首) 我 你 他 她 我们 他们
名词所有格:my your his her our their 句首、句中) - 我的 你的 他的 她的 我们的 他们的
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4.常用动词的过去式 ( 特殊记 )
Is → was am → was are → were do → did have→had tell→told take→took see→saw say→said sing→song can→could begin→began take→took go→e→came
run→ran think→thought read→read 直接加-d
like→liked dance→danced love→loved
When 什么时间?(用在问时间和问生日的句子) What 什么?(what用于问做什么?) Where 什么地方?(问地点、地方)
How 怎样? (问怎么做风筝和生日礼物的句子) who 谁? (问是谁?) whose 谁的?
One 一 first 第一 two二 second第二 three三 third第三 four四 ourth 第四 five五 fifth第五 six六 sixth第六 seven七 seventh第七 eight八 eighth 第八 nine九 ninth第九 ten十 tenth第十
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Unit 1词组:
Listen to music read a story put on a play Write a play sing songs play basketball 句型:
1 --We are going to read stories. 2 --Are we going to write? --Yes, we are. --No, we aren’t.
Unit 2词组:
do some research read books collect pictures find information study and think write a report 句型:
1 --What are we going to do? --we are going to read some books. --we’re going to read some books. Unit 3动词
cut draw paint glue tie show to class need (需要)
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1 --Do you know how to make a kite? --First ,cut the bamboo.
And then , cut the paper.
Next to, draw a picture and paint it with a brush.
Lastly, glue the paper on the bamboo and tie a to the kite.
Show to the class.
Unit 4词组:
in class in the library in the park on the road on the floor on the wall 句型:
1--Don’t talk in the library. 2--Don’t eat in class. 3--Don’t draw on the wall. 4--Don’t play football on the road. 5--Don’t pick flowers in the park.
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Internation Children’s Day 国际儿童节 语法:
某日前用on ,某月、某年、某星期前用 in 几月几日的英文表达:
the fourth of May 5月4日 the first of June 6月1日 the fifth of March 3月5日 句型:
1--When’s your birthday? --My birthday is in May.
--My birthday is on the fourth of May.
2--What do you usually do on your friend’s
--We cut the cake. --We sing and dance. --We give presents. --We tell stories.
--We blow out the candles. (切蛋糕)
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