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课 题:Unit1 My family

教材类型: 所属学科:英语>>2A 主备教师:秦红梅 备课时间:3 浏览人数:1 教案内容: 教学目标:


2、能用This is my …来介绍自己的家庭成员。 教学重点 目标1、2 教学准备:

手指套、全家福照片、图片、一副眼镜、领带 教学时间:三课时 教学过程: 第一课时 一、warm up

1、greetingT: Good morning. How are you?

2、listen and do. Raise your hand. Wave your hand. Put it down.二、presentation

T show the family photo: now, boys and girls, look,what is this? This is my family photo. Look, my father, my mother and me . This is my family.用手圈一下。教my family.由慢到快。 Ss read one by one

Ss say : my family, your family. teach: father, mother, me

(1)老师出示自己的全家照自问自答:look, guess who is he? S: Father. (给予学生适当的奖励) T: Yes. This is my father。

T show the card :father 贴于Bb, 领读几遍,注意th 的发音。

Ss read : father, father ,my father

T : look, this is my father. 出示句型卡片This is my …… 学生跟读遍。

T:Who can follow me ?introduce your father学生手指着照片练说。

(2)教师指着自己父亲的照片问:This is my father. Is this my father?

S: No.(若学生能说出mother, 则给予奖励)

T: This is my mother. 出示卡片mother 贴于Bb上,领读。 Ss read : mother, mother, my mother.

T: now, please introduce your mother 教师手指黑板上的句型This is my …让学生明白用此句型说。

再让学生手指照片练说: This is my mother, that’s your mother.三、consolidation Work in groups

Ss introuduce ,抽几个小组表演。

第二课时 一、warm up

1、greetingT: Good morning. How are you?

2、listen and do. Raise your hand. Wave your hand. Put it down.二、presentation

(1) T: now, let’s play a game. OK? Please do an action, and you guess this is a father or a mother? 请小朋友上来模仿爸爸或**的一个动作,但不能说话,其他小朋友猜猜他模仿的是father or mother? (2) 教师指着黑板说:

T: look, this is me ,Miss Jin.(做手势,让学生理解me 的意思)

Ss follow me: This is me.卡片出示. 让学生指照片说:This is me.

T: my father, my mother and me .This is my family.手指板书。

now, please work in pairs,this is my father,this is my mother,this is me. 同桌小朋友互相介绍。


T: is this your father? Is this your mother? Teach: brother, 这个单词发音较难,let’s play a game “louder and lower”.

T:Is this your brother? S: No.

Teach : sister.

Ss introduce their brother and sister.

三、consolidation Work in groups

Ss introuduce ,抽几个小组表演。

第三课时 一、warm up

1、greetingT: Good morning. How are you?

2、listen and do. Raise your hand. Wave your hand. Put it down.二、presentation (1)复习黑板上的句子。 (2)read after the teacher

(3)have a rest: sing a song : the finger family 带上手指套


三、consolidation1.T: Take it out, put them on your .Work in groups .

Ss introuduce ,抽几个小组表演。

3、T:please open your book.,turn to page4、 Draw your family ☆教学调整☆ 教学反思:


