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人教版高一英语必修二Unit 3课文翻译

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人教版高一英语必修二Unit 3课文翻译

Unit 3 Computers


WHO AM I? 我是谁?

Over time I have changed quite a lot. I began as a calculating machine in France in 1642.Although I was young I could simplify difficult sums.I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Baggage. After I was programmed by an operator who used cards with holes, I could“think” logically and produce an answer quicker than any person. At that time it was considered a technological revolution and the start of my “artificial intelligence”. In 1936 my real father, Alan Turing,wrote a book about how I could be made to work as a“universal machine” to solve any difficult mathematical problem. From then on, I grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower. By the 1940s I had grown as large as a room, and I wonders if I would grow any longer. However, this reality also worried my designers. As time went by, I was made smaller .First as a PC(personal computer)and then as a

laptop, I have been used in offices and homes since the 1970s.

随着时间的推移我被改变了很多。在1642年的法国,我是作为一个计算机器而开始的。虽然我很年轻,我可以简化一些计算题。我很慢的发展了将近两百年之后,我才被Charles Babbage改造成分析机器。之后我被一个使用带洞的卡的操作员编程可以有逻辑性地思考并且得出答案比任何人都快。那是一个被成为技术改革的时候并且开始了我的人造智能。在1936年我真正的父亲Alan Turing写了一本关于我如何像通用机器一样去解决任何困难的数学问题的书。从那起,我在体积和智能方面快速的发展。在1940年我变得像一个房间一样大,并且我想知道我是否还能变得更大。然而,事实也在困扰着我的设计者。随着时间的推移,我被制的更小。首先是个人电脑再到后来的手提电脑,在1970年我已经开始被用在办公室和家里。

These changes only became possible as my memory improved. First it was stored in tubes, then on transistors and later on very small chips. As a result I totally changed my shape. As I have grown older I have also grown smaller. Over time my memory has developed so much that, like an elephant, I never forget anything I have been told! And my memory became so large that even I couldn’t believe it! But I was always so lonely standing there by myself, until in the 1960s they gave me a

family connected by a network. I was able to share my knowledge with others through the World Wide Web.


Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me. I have become very important in communication, finance and trade. I have also been put into robots and used to make mobile phones as well as help with medical operations. I have even been put into space rockets and sent to explore the Moon and Mars. Anyhow, my goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality. I am now truly filled with happiness that I am a devoted friend and helper of the human race!



Using Language Reading,speaking and writing



I’m part of an android football team. 我是安迪足球队的一个成员。About once a year we are allowed to get together to play a game of football. 每年大约有一次,我们可以获准在一起进行一次足球赛。I’m as big as a human. It fact, I look like one too. 我同真人一样大小。事实上我看上去也很像人。 On the football team I’m a striker so I have to be able to run very fast. 我在球队中是前锋,所以我需要跑得非常快。My computer ships help me to move and think like a human. 我的电脑芯片帮助我像真人一样运动和思考。For example, I have learned to signal to my teammates in computer language to give me the ball when I am open and have a good for a goal. 例如,当我前面没人防守有机会射一个好球的时候,我已经学会了用计算机语言向队友示意把球传给我。 My first football competition was in Nagoya, Japan several years ago. 我第一次足球比赛是几年前在日本的名古屋。 Last year our team went to Seattle, Washington in the USA. We won second place.去年,我们队去了美国华盛顿州的西雅图比赛,获得了第二名。Personally, I think the team that won first place cheated. 我个人认为得冠军的那个

队作弊了。They had developed a new type of program just before the competition. 他们恰好在比赛前研制了一种新程序。So we need to encourage our programmer to improve our intelligence too. 因此我们也需要鼓励我们的程序编制员来提高我们的智能。We are determined to create an even better system. 我们决心创造一个更好的系统。 In a way our programmer is like our coach. 从某种程度上看,我们的程序员就像是我们的教练。She programs us with all the possible moves she has seen while watching human games. 她把观看人类比赛时所看到的一切可能动作编入我们的程序。Then she prepares reliable moves to use if a new situation arises.然后她把我在新情况下能用得上的可靠动作准备好。 In this way I can make up new moves using my “artificial intelligence”. 这样,我就可以用“人工智能”编制出新的动作。I could like to play against a human team, for I have been programmed to act just like them. 我真的特别喜欢和人类球队比赛,因为我经过程序编制,行动起来和他们一样。After all, with the help of my electronic brain which never forgets anything, using my intelligence is what I’m all about!不管怎样,在我过目不忘的电子脑的帮助下,运用智能就是我的一切。 (一)重点短语

1. in common 共同的in common with 和…一样

We have much/a lot /nothing /little /something in common. 我们有很多/没有/几乎没有/有一些相似之处。 2.put… in order把…排序in order按顺序; 整齐

人教版高一英语必修二Unit 3课文翻译


