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Is It the Pig from Angry Birds?

An ancient clay pig statue has become ____56____ hot topic, for it looked exactly like Green Pig, a main character in Angry Birds, a popular mobile game. The artwork ____57____ (discover)under the ruins of an ancient settlement ____58____ (date)back nearly 5,000 years in south-western China.

Archaeologists(考古学家)found the tiny pig statue ____59____ (accident)while digging in the remains of a small ancient community outside Guanghan in Sichuan province.

The village was situated about eight kilometres outside Sanxingdui, a Bronze Age kingdom. ____60____ likely came into being around 5,000 years ago, and the pig statue is thought to be 3,200 years old. The pig statue has been described ____61____ “cute,vivid and delicate” by the researchers, who say it represents the advanced standards of the region’s prehistoric residents.

Chinese Internet users expressed their amazement. On Weibo, one person expressed his ____62____ (admire) excitedly: “It is the pig from Angry Birds!” Another commenter joked: “The pig in Angry Birds. You have infringed (侵犯) the copyright.”

The research team claimed ____63____ (find) tracks of continuous human activity on this site from 5,000 years ago to the____64____ (dynasty) of Ming and Qing. Officials plan to dig 7,000 square metres of the site, which is officially named Guanghan Joint Ruins. By the end of June, they ____65____ (dig) 4,500 square metres.


China's South — to — North Water Diversion (转移)Project, the world's 61 (large) , serves as the lifeline of water supply for the dry north.

The late chairman Mao Zedong first 62 ( develop) the idea of the diversion project in 1952, _____63 (intend) the ambitious program to deal with the growing water shortages in the cities of Beijing and Tianjin and the northern provinces of Hebei, Henan and Shandong.

Planned for completion in 2050, it will eventually divert 44.8 billion cubic metres of water 64 (annual) to the population centers of the drier north. When 65 (finish) , the work will link China's four main rivers-the Yangtze, Yellow River , Huaihe and Haihe by three diversion routes (线路),going south — to — north across the eastern, central and western 66 (part) of the country.

With 67 cost of 500 billion yuan or so, the project started with the construction of the eastern route in 2002 and the middle route in 2003, while the western route 68 (be)still in its pre-construction stage.

69 the project was operated, it has increasingly drawn public attention 70 its facilitation (促进)of economic growth, industrial upgrading and ecological improvement in water-stressed districts.


Goldfish may look small and cute in your home, but in the wild, it’s a different story. Releasing them into your local stream or lake is 1. ________ bad idea. Right now, Washington State 2. ________ (fight) off an invasion (入侵) of goldfish!

Thousands of goldfish are living in the West Medical Lake in large 3. ________ (number) and are crowding out the native fish population. How did this happen? The Department of Fish and Wildlife thinks a few irresponsible pet owners are 4. ________ (blame). And while the goldfish may have cost the owners a few dollars, this mess is going to cost the state about $150,000 to try to remove these harmful fish.

But this isn’t the only place 5. ________ this is happening. Goldfish are invading lakes and streams worldwide, and it’s all our fault.

6. ________ you think you’re doing the goldfish a favor by releasing it, you’re wrong! Instead, you’re setting the stage for a(n) 7. ________ (ecology) disaster, which could threaten hundreds of other species. It turns out that goldfish are one of the world’s 8. ________ (bad) invasive species. They introduce diseases that destroy the 9. ________ (delicate) balanced ecosystems wherever they go. And they aren’t happy to stay in one place and will travel across many bodies of water.

So 10. ________ (think) twice before throwing that goldfish away.


One morning,I was waiting at the bus stop,worried about being late for school. There were many people 1. (wait)at the bus stop,and some of them looked very anxious and 2. (disappoint).When the bus finally came,we all hurried on board. I got a place next 3. the window,so I had a good view of the sidewalk.A boy on a bike caught my attention.He 4. (ride) beside the bus and waving his arms. I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver,5. he refused to stop 6. we reached the next stop. Still,the boy kept riding.He was carrying something over his shoulder and shouting.Finally,when we came to the next stop,the boy came up to the door of the bus,and I heard an 7. (excite)conversation.Then the driver stood up and asked,“Did anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop? A woman on the bus shouted,“Oh dear! It's 8. (I)?She pushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase thankfully.Everyone on the bus began talking about what the boy 9. (do),and the crowd of strangers 10. (sudden)became friendly to one another.


Mike:I just read 1.________interesting article.Do you know that people who spend less than ten minutes in a store are five times 2.________(likely) to buy things than those 3.________spend half an hour there?

Joan:I read that article,too.But I think,if someone 4.________ (be)in a store for ten minutes,he usually has something special 5.________(buy).

Mike:And someone who 6.________(spend) more time there may be “just looking”. Joan:Exactly.Haven't you ever gone into a store,7.________ (think) you'd buy something,and then talked yourself out of it?

Mike:Yes,I have,8.________(especial) when I thought I could get it for 9.________(little) money elsewhere,or I really didn't need it at all.

Joan:Exactly.But if you want to buy something specific and have very little time,you pick it up,pay 10.________it immediately,and then leave.

Mike:That's true.Maybe we should learn a lesson from that.Take your time and you'll spend less money.



