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新西兰签证中文申请表 - 图文

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OFFICE USE ONLY Client no.: Date received: / / Application no.:INZ 1017Visitor’s Visa/Permit Application访问签证/许可证申请表for a temporary stay in New Zealand 在新西兰短期停留Use the guide to help you complete the application form请参考<访问签证/许可证指南>填写申请表Please read the Visitor’s Visa/Permit Guide (INZ 1018) before you complete this application form. The guide will help you decide which visa or permit you should apply for and contains helpful information about how to complete the application form. The guide also gives detailed information about the evidence and documents you need to send.请在填写申请表前阅读<访问签证/许可证指南>(INZ1018)。该指南可以指导你选择正确的签证或许可证类别, 向你提供所需递交证明材料的详细信息, 并且指导你如何填写申请表。When you have completed the form, please use the checklist at the end to make sure you have sent all the documents and information we need.申请表填写完整后, 请核对最后的材料清单, 以确保你提供了审理所需的全部信息和材料。We will process your application only when we receive all the information and documents we need. If you do not send all the required information, we will return your application.只有申请材料齐全时,我们才能够审理你的申请。如果申请材料不齐全, 我们将不予受理,并退还申请。You can use this form to apply for a visa/permit for a single applicant or for a family. A family may include a principal applicant, partner, and dependent children under 20.此申请表适用于个人申请或一个家庭的共同申请, 一个家庭包括一个主申请人, 主申请人的配偶和二十岁以下的未成年子女。Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007《2007年移民顾问许可证法》Under the Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007, anyone giving immigration advice will have have to be licensed (unless they are exempt). From 4 May 2009, all immigration advisers working in New Zealand must be licensed. From 4 May 2010, all immigration advisers, whether working onshore or offshore, must be licensed. It is an offence to pro-vide immigration advice without holding a licence from these dates. If your immigration adviser is not licensed when they should be, Immigration New Zealand will return your application.根据《2007年移民顾问许可证法》的规定, 任何提供移民信息咨询的个人必须持有许可证(豁免的除外)。自2009年5月4日起, 所有在新西兰境内工作的移民顾问必须持有许可证。自2010年5月4日起, 所有移民顾问, 无论在新西兰境内工作还是境外工作,都必须持有许可证。自上述相关日期起, 在无许可证的情况下提供移民信息咨询是违法行为。如果你的移民顾问未持有许可证, 新西兰移民局将退还你的申请材料。For more information and to view the Register of licensed advisers, go to the Immigration Advisers Authority website www.iaa.govt.nz, email info@iaa.govt.nz, or write to them at PO Box 6222, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141, New Zealand.如需了解更多信息或查询持有许可证的移民顾问注册信息, 请登陆移民顾问管理局网站:www.iaa.govt.nz, 电子邮件:info@iaa.govt.nz, 或写信给他们, 地址: PO Box 6222, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141, New Zealand。When filling in this form, please print clearly in English using CAPITAL LETTERS.请用清晰的英文(大写)填写此表。For further information on immigrationvisit www.immigration.govt.nz

When filling in this form, please print clearly in English using CAPITAL LETTERS. 请用清晰的英文(大写)填写此表。

Section APrincipal applicant’s personal details 主申请人个人信息All principal applicants must complete this section.所有主申请人必须完成此项内容。

Attach one passport-size photograph of yourself here. The photograph must be less than six months old. Write your full name on the back of the photograph.请在此附上你最近六个月内拍摄的护照照片一张, 并在照片背面注明姓名。 A1Name as shown in passport 护照上的姓名 Family/last name 姓

Given/first name(s) 名3.5cm4.5cm A2Preferred title Mr Mrs Ms Miss Dr other (please specify) 选用的称谓 先生 夫人 女士 小姐 博士 其他(请注明) A3Other names you are known by or have ever been known by 曾用名 For more information about this question, see ‘Completing Sections A, C, and D: Personal details’ in the Visitor’s Visa/Permit Guide. 关于此问题,请参考<访问签证/许可证指南>中的“填写A,C,D部分”。

A4Your name in ethnic script 请用你的本国文字书写你的姓名

For more information about this question, see ‘Completing Sections A, C, and D: Personal details’ in the Visitor’s Visa/Permit Guide.关于此问题,请参考<访问签证/许可证指南>中的“填写A,C,D部分”。

A5Gender 性别 Male 男 Female 女 A7Town/city of birth 出生城/镇

Country of birth 出生国家

A6Date of birth 出生日期 (日月年)

A8Passport details 护照内容

Number 号码Country 国家

Expiry date 有效期(日月年) For more information about this question, see ‘Completing Sections A, C, and D: Personal details’ in the Visitor’s Visa/Permit Guide.关于此问题,请参考<访问签证/许可证指南>中的“填写A,C,D部分”。

A9Country of citizenship 国籍

A10Other citizenships you hold 目前持有的其他国籍 A11

Partnership status Married/in civil union 婚姻状况 已婚/民事结合 Separated 分居 Never married/never in civil union 未婚/从未民事结合 Engaged Widowed 订婚 鳏寡 Partner 同居关系 Divorced 离婚

For more information about this question, see ‘Completing Sections A, C, and D: Personal details’ in the Visitor’s Visa/Permit Guide.关于此问题,请参考<访问签证/许可证指南>中的“填写A,C,D部分”。

Are you applying for a visa/permit on the basis of a partnership? 你是否基于配偶关系申请签证/许可证? Yes No 是 否

2 – Visitor’s Visa/Permit Application 访问签证/许可证申请表

Section BContact details 联系方式All principal applicants must complete this section.所有主申请人必须完成此项内容。

B1Your residential address and telephone number in your home country 你在本国(中国)的住址和电话号码

Address 住址

Telephone (daytime) 电话(白天) Fax 传真

Telephone (evening) 电话(夜晚)Email 电子邮件

B2Your New Zealand residential address and telephone number (if you are already in New Zealand) 你在新西兰的住址和电话号码(如你已在新西兰境内)

Address 住址

Telephone (daytime) 电话(白天) Fax 传真

Telephone (evening) 电话(夜晚)Email 电子邮件

B3Name and address for communication about this application


Same as address at B1 , or Same as address at B2 , or Other 地址同B1, Family/last name 姓

地址同B2, 或 其它

Given/first name(s) 名

Company name (if applicable) and address 公司名称(如适用)及地址

Telephone (daytime) 电话(白天) Fax 传真

Telephone (evening) 电话(夜晚)

Email 电子邮件

Yes 是

No 否

B4Do you authorise the person stated at B3 to act on your behalf? 如果你在B3中提供的是代理人的信息,你是否已向其授权代表你行事?

B5Have you received immigration advice on this application? 你是否得到指定联系人提供的移民信息指导? Yes Please make sure that your immigration adviser completes Section N: Immigration adviser’s details. Go to B6 是 请确保你的移民顾问填写第N项: 移民顾问详细信息. 请转到 B6 No Go to B7 . 否 请转到 B7 B6Immigration adviser reference code for online enquiries (if known). This is not the advis-er’s licence number. 用于网上咨询的移民顾问代码(如适用) 。这不是移民顾问的许可证号。 B7Would you like us to email you instructions for registering to check online how your application is progressing? 你是否希望我们通过电子邮件指导你如何注册并在网上查询自己的申请进展? Yes 是 No 否 B8Names and addresses of any friends, relatives, or contacts you have in New Zealand (if applicable)


Name 姓名

Visitor’s Visa/Permit Application 访问签证/许可证申请表 – 3

When filling in this form, please print clearly in English using CAPITAL LETTERS. 请用清晰的英文(大写)填写此表。

Address 地址

Relationship 关系Name 姓名Address 地址Relationship 关系

B9List all periods of employment, including self-employment

请提供所有职业信息, 包括自谋职业。 Date from (dd/mm/yy )起(日/月/年)/ // // // // // // // // // // /Date to (dd/mm/yy )止(日/月/年)/ // // // // // // // // // // /Name of employer雇主名称Location地址Type of work/occupation/job title工作性质/职务Section CPartner’s personal details 配偶的个人信息All principal applicants who have ticked ‘Married/in civil union’, ‘Partner’ or ‘Engaged’ at A11 must complete this section with their partner’s personal details, whether or not the partner is included in this application. Attach a photograph of your partner only if they are included in this application.


If applicable, attach one passport-size photograph of your partner here. The photograph must be less than six months old. Write your partner’s full name on the back of the photograph.如适用,请在此附上你配偶的最近六个月内拍摄的护照照片一张, 并在照片背面注明你配偶的姓名。 C1Partner’s name as shown in passport 配偶护照上的姓名 Family/last name 姓4.5cm Given/first name(s) 名3.5cm C2Partner’s preferred title Mr Mrs Ms Miss Dr other (please specify)配偶选用的称谓 先生 夫人 女士 小姐 博士 其他(请注明) C3Other names your partner is known by or has ever been known by 配偶的曾用名4 – Visitor’s Visa/Permit Application 访问签证/许可证申请表

For more information about this question, see ‘Completing Sections A, C, and D: Personal details’ in the Visitor’s Visa/Permit Guide.关于此问题,请参考<访问签证/许可证指南>中的“填写A,C,D部分”。

C4Partner’s name in ethnic script 请用你的本国文字书写你配偶的姓名

For more information about this question, see ‘Completing Sections A, C, and D: Personal details’ in the Visitor’s Visa/Permit Guide.关于此问题,请参考<访问签证/许可证指南>中的“填写A,C,D部分”。

C5Partner’s gender Male 男 Female 女

配偶的性别 C7Partner’s town/city of birth 配偶的出生城/镇

Partner’s country of birth 配偶出生国家

Partner’s date of birth C6 配偶的出生日期 (日月年)

C8Partner’s passport details 配偶的护照内容

Number 号码Country 国家

Expiry date 有效期 (日月年) For more information about this question, see ‘Completing Sections A, C, and D: Personal details’ in the Visitor’s Visa/Permit Guide.关于此问题,请参考<访问签证/许可证指南>中的“填写A,C,D部分”。

C9Partner’s country of citizenship 配偶的国籍

C10Other citizenships your partner holds 配偶目前持有的其他国籍

C11Is your partner included in this application? 你的配偶是否被包含在此申请中? Yes 是 No 否

Section DDependent children’s personal details 未成年子女个人信息You must complete this section with the details of each dependent child included in this application.主申请人必须填写包含在本次申请中的所有未成年子女个人信息。

Dependent child one 未成年子女1Attach one recent passport-size photograph of the child here. The photograph must be less than six months old. Write the child’s full name on the back of the photograph.请在此附上该子女的最近六个月内拍摄的护照照片一张, 并在照片背面注明其姓名。4.5cm D1Child’s name as shown in passport 子女护照上的姓名 Family/last name 姓

Given/first name(s) 名3.5cmD3 D2Child’s gender Male 男 Female 女 Child’s date of birth 子女的性别 子女的出生日期 (日月年)

D4Child’s country of birth 子女的出生国家 D5Child’s passport details 子女的护照内容

Number 号码Visitor’s Visa/Permit Application 访问签证/许可证申请表 – 5

新西兰签证中文申请表 - 图文


