Section Ⅰ Use of EnglishDirections:
Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D onANSWER SHEET 1. ( 10 points )
Human beings are animals. We breathe, eat and digest, and reproduce the same life 1 common to allanimals. In a biological laboratory, rats, monkeys, and humans seem very much the same.
However, biological understanding is not enough: 2 itself, it can never tell us what human beings are.3 to our physical equipment—the naked human body—we are not an 4 animal. We are tropical creatures, 5hairless and sensitive to cold. We are not fast and have neither claws nor sharp teeth to defend
ourselves. We need a lot of food but have almost no physical equipment to help us get it. In the purelyphysical 6, our species seems a poor 7 for survival.
But we have survived—survived and multiplied and 8 the earth. Some day we will have a 9 living on themoon, a place with neither air nor water and with temperatures that turn gases into solids. How can wehave done all these things? Part of the answer is physical. 10 its limitations, our physical equipmenthas some important 11. We have excellent vision and hands that can 12 objects with a precision
unmatched by any other 13. Most importantly, we have a large brain with an almost 14 number of neural15.
We have used this physical equipment to create culture, the key to our survival and success. If we livein the Arctic, we supply the warmth our tropical bodies need 16 clothing, shelter, and 17 heat. If amillion people want to live in a desert that supplies natural food for only a few hundred, we findwater to grow food and 18 deficits by transporting supplies from distant places. Inhabitants of oureventual moon colony will bring their own food and oxygen and then create an artificial earthenvironment to supply necessities. With culture, we can overcome our natural limitations.
It was not always 19. Our distant ancestors were just animals, faced with the limits of their physicalequipment. They had no 20 and lacked the physical capacity to use it.1.
[0.5分]-----正确答案(C)AbarelyBhardlyCnearlyDscarcely [0.5分]-----正确答案(D)AmeaningBjudgement
10. [0.5分]-----正确答案(D)
AApart from
BWith regard to
CWith the exception ofDIn spite of
11. [0.5分]-----正确答案(B)
12. [0.5分]-----正确答案(C)
13. [0.5分]-----正确答案(A)
14. [0.5分]-----正确答案(A)
15. [0.5分]-----正确答案(A)
16. [0.5分]-----正确答案(D)
17. [0.5分]-----正确答案(A)
18. [0.5分]-----正确答案(C)
Aadd up
Bbreak upCmake upDcut up
19. [0.5分]-----正确答案(B)
20. [0.5分]-----正确答案(D)
Section Ⅱ Reading ComprehensionPart A
Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark youranswers on ANSWER SHEET 1??(40 points)
Text 1
Legends about King Arthur have existed since the 6th century. Stories of the man and his doings havegrown far beyond anything that could be regarded as factual history. Here are some of the highlights.Arthur was born as a result of the wizardry of Merlin, who arranged all adulterous liaison betweenArthur's father, King Uther Pendragon, and his lover, a married duchess. Merlin agreed to do this onlyif the lovers allowed him to bring up the child born of the affair. When Uther Pendragon died someyears later, there was confusion in the kingdom about who should inherit the throne. Merlin arranged apageant where many knights came to try their luck at pulling a sword out of a stone. Whoever
successfully extracted the blade was the rightful king. After many a brave knight had tried and failed,Merlin presented the young Arthur who, to everyone's surprise, easily pulled out the sword.
As king, Arthur established the knightly fellowship of the Round table at his castle of Camelot, soappear all the other chivalrous knights associated with the king. The knights of the Round Table spentmuch of their time on the quest for the Holy Grail .The Grail is the cup used by Jesus at the LastSupper, which was allegedly brought to Britain, then somehow lost. It is notoriously hard to get holdof, as finding it requires an almost superhuman degree of moral purity. At last it was the truegentleman Sir Galahad who eventually found it and set off to return it to its rightful place in theHoly Land.
Arthur's death is a matter of some debate. According to legend, one of Arthur's less intelligent moveswas his decision to marry the Lady Guinevere, who fell in love with Sir Lancelot, and their adulteryLed to war among the knights of the Round Table, culminating in the Battle of Camlan and Arthur'smortal word. After the Battle of Camlan the wounded king was taken to the mysterious isle of Avalonruled by his sinister Morgan Le Faye. She, being skilled in the arts of witchcraft and healing, wasapparently meant to cure him. But evidently Arthur thought he had little chance, because he gave hissword, Excalibur, to Sir Bedivere to return to the Lady of the Lake, an enigmatic character from whomArthur had originally received the blade. Bedivere hurled the sword over the water, where a spooky handappeared from the lake to catch it, waved it around for a while and then carried it down to the murkydepths where, who knows, perhaps it still lies. As for Arthur, we can only conclude that his sisterwasn't such a good doctor.
21.The passage is mainly about[2分]-----正确答案(C)
Aa brief history of King Arthur.
Bthe story of the Round Table Knights.Ca legendary life of King Arthur.Dthe death of King Arthur.
22.Arthur became the king because[2分]-----正确答案(D)
Ahe was the old king's only son.
Bhe was supported by many brave knights.
Che was the strongest man in the kingdom.Dhe pulled the sword from the stone.
23.found the Holy Grail and returned it to the Holy Land.[2分]-----正确答案(B)
AKing Arthur
The most morally respectable knight