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2021版新高考译林英语(江苏专版)一轮教师用书:板块2 第2讲 形容词、副词和比较级

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第2讲 形容词、副词和比较级


题型 典题试做 1. (2019·全国卷Ⅰ) Scientists have responded by noting that hungry bears may be congregating(聚集) around human settlements, leading to the illusion(错觉) that populations are higher (high) than they actually are. 2.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)It is difficult to figure out a 语 法 填 空 global population of polar bears as much of the range has been poorly_(poor) studied; however, biologists calculate that there are about 20,000-25,000 polar bears worldwide. 1.考查形容词或副词比较等级的用法; 命题解读 3.(2019·全国卷Ⅱ) Her years of hard work have 2.考查词finally(final)been acknowledged after a customer nominated(提名)her to be Cheshire's Woman Of The Year. 4.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)They also shared with us many traditional stories about Hawaii that were hugely (huge)popular with tourists. 类转换。

考点一 形容词和副词的基本用法 [题组试做] 单句语法填空

1.(2019·东北三省四市二模)Uber said its flying vehicles would be much ________(quiet),cost less to operate and produce less pollution than helicopters.

quieter [考查形容词的比较级。根据下文的than可知,此处用比较级。] 2.(2019·唐山第一次调研)Al's adult son, Ernie, however,is one of the ________(kind) men I have ever known.

kindest [考查形容词的最高级。句意:然而Al已成年的儿子Ernie是我认识的最有爱心的人之一。根据I have ever known可推知设空处需用形容词的最高级。]

3.(2019·广东七校联合体第二次联考)My dad was 90 years old.He could hardly see very well and walks with a stick.I was scanning the restaurant,waiting to sit at the first table that was ________(convenient) than others.

more convenient [考查形容词的比较级。根据该句中的than可知,空处用形容词的比较级。]

4.(2019·淮北模拟)The more you think about it, the ________ (hard) you will fall asleep.

harder [此题考查“the+比较级...the+比较级...”结构。] [要点解读]


(1)形容词在句中可作定语、表语、宾语补足语、主语补足语、状语等。 Although it doesn't taste of anything special,it's still worth a try. 尽管它尝起来没有任何特殊的地方,但是还是值得一试。

Conditions were so bad that it was impossible for him to find the trail again. 天气状况太差,他想找到雪橇的轨迹是不可能的。


Light-hearted and optimistic,she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her smile.


[易错提醒] 以-ly结尾的形容词,常见的有:friendly,lovely,lively,lonely,elderly,deadly 等。 2.副词的基本用法 (1)副词主要用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或修饰整个句子,表示时间、地点、程度、方式等。

They gave money to the old people's home either personally or through their companies.



The young man couldn't afford a new car.Instead,he bought a used one. 那个年轻人买不起新车,便买了一辆二手的。

The house was too expensive and too big.Besides,I'd grown fond of our little rented house.

这个房子太贵、太大了,而且,我已经越来越喜欢我们租的这间小屋了。 [易错提醒] 易用错的几类副词 (1)意义有别的同根副词。如:free(免费地)/freely(自由地),hard(努力地)/hardly(几乎不),late(晚,迟)/lately(最近),most(很,最)/mostly(主要地),fair(公平地)/fairly(相当地),near(临近)/nearly(几乎)等。 (2)有些副词有两种形式:以-ly结尾时表示抽象意义;与形容词同形的表示具体意义。如:close接近/closely密切地;wide宽地/widely广泛地;high高地/highly高度地;deep深地/deeply 深深地。 考点二 形容词和副词的比较等级 [题组试做] 单句语法填空

1.(2019·广州调研)Salesmen and waiters are two of the ________ (much) common jobs that students try to find during the summer months.

most [考查形容词的最高级。该处指“最常见的”,故用最高级。]

2.(2019·广东湛江调研)The more support you win from others, the ________ (fast) you will move toward your goal.

faster [句意:你赢得别人的支持越多,就会越快地接近你的目标。此处为“the+比较级,the+比较级”结构,意为“越……越……”。因此,设空处应用比较级。故填faster。]

3.(2019·湖北八校第一次联考)Whatever happens in China, the third ________ (large) country in the world with 20 percent of the world's population, will certainly shape the immediate and distant futures of us all.

largest [考查形容词最高级。由空前的the third可知,此处表示最高级的含义,故用形容词最高级修饰名词country。]


1.比较级和最高级的构成 (1)规则变化

变化规则 单音节的词一般在后 面加-er和-est 以“辅音字母+-e”结尾 的词,在后面加-r和-st 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的 词,将y改为i,再加-er和-est 以一个辅音字母结尾的重 读闭音节词,则双写这个 辅音字母,再加-er和-est 其他双音节和多音节的词 都在前面加more和most

[易错提醒] 有少数几个双音节以及-ow,-er,-le结尾的词,既可以加-er和-est,又可以加more和most构成比较级和最高级。常考的词:narrow,例词 tall→taller→tallest quick→quicker→quickest late→later→latest pale→paler→palest early→earlier→earliest heavy→heavier→heaviest thin→thinner→thinnest hot→hotter→hottest careful→more careful →most careful

common,clever,simple,quiet,stupid等。 (2)不规则变化 good/well→better→best;bad/ill→worse→worst;many/much→more→most;far→farther/further→farthest/furthest;old→older/elder→oldest/eldest;little→less→least

2.比较等级的用法 (1)同级比较

①as+adj./adv.(原形)+as...“和……一样”;not as/so+adj./adv.(原形)+as...“和……不一样”

Since people are fond of humor,it is as welcome in conversation as anywhere else.因为人们喜欢幽默,所以在谈话中或其他任何地方它都是受欢迎的。

②当as...as结构中有名词时,可用以下结构: as+形容词原级+a(n)+n.+as... as+many+可数名词复数+as... as+much+不可数名词+as...

I'm not a little tired today after giving the room a thorough cleaning and I have never had as tiring a day as today.今天对房间进行了大扫除之后我很累,我从来没有过比今天更累的一天了。



I know my sister better than anyone else.Once she has made up her mind,nothing can change it.

我比其他任何人更了解我姐姐。她一旦下定决心,没有什么能够改变。 [易错提醒] 修饰比较等级的副词:much,even,still,far,yet,a little,a lot,a bit,rather,any等。more,very等副词不可修饰比较级,这也是语法填空中常出现的错误之一。 (3)最高级 ①表示三者或三者以上的比较,常见的结构:“the+最高级+表示比较范围的短语或从句”,表示“……是……中最……的”。

2021版新高考译林英语(江苏专版)一轮教师用书:板块2 第2讲 形容词、副词和比较级


