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He lay on his side and looked out of the window of the attic. 他侧身躺着,望着顶楼的窗外。

Many of them are privately on his side but cannot support him in public. 他们中间许多人私下站在他的一边,但却不能公开支持他。


biography n. 传记;档案;个人简介 fantasy n. 幻想;想象;白日梦 horror n. 惊恐,恐惧

victim n. 受害者;受骗者;牺牲

criteria n. 标注;尺度;准则(名词criterion的复数形式) volcanic eruption 火山爆发 preserve vt. 保护,保存;维护 capsule n.太空舱;胶囊;小容器 witness v.目击;见证;为…作证 tremble v. 颤抖,发抖;忧虑

particularly adv. 特定地;特别地,尤其 loss n. 遗失,丢失;损失

awesome adj. 令人敬畏的;可怕的;了不起的,精彩的 rewind v. 倒回;转回;重绕

architecture n. 建筑;建筑学;建筑物 authentic adj. 原作的;真正的,真实的 characteristic n. 特点;特性;特色;特质

monument n. 纪念碑;纪念堂;历史遗物;不朽作品 gather v.(使)聚集;(使)集中;搜集;收拾 sorrow n. 悲伤;懊悔;伤心事 sympathy n. 同情;同情心;赞同 specific adj.特定的;明确的;详细的; significance n. 重要性;意义

abnormal adj.反常的;不正常的;变态的 vivid adj. 生动的;鲜明的;栩栩如生的

hardship n.艰难;困苦

origin n. 起源,开端;起因;出身 admirable adj. 值得钦佩的;值得赞赏的 tease v.嘲笑;欺负;嘲弄 suspension bridge 吊桥;悬桥 superb adj. 极佳的;卓越的 severe adj. 严重的;严厉的 restriction n.限制;约束

unbearable adj. 难以忍受的,不能忍受的 stubborn adj. 顽固的;倔强的;难对付的 former adj. 前任的;前者的;以前的

troublesome adj.令人烦恼的;讨厌的;困难的 straightforward adj.直接的;坦率的;易懂的;笔直的 precise adj. 准确的;精确的;严格的 precious adj. 宝贵的

gradual adj. 逐渐的;逐步的;平缓的 expand v. 膨胀;张开;详述;伸展 complex adj.复杂的;合成的;复合的 apparent adj. 明显的;表面上的 sweetness n. 甜蜜;温柔;美味;芳香 warmth n. 温暖;热情,热心 breakthrough n. 突破;进展

uncertain adj. 不确定的;不稳定的;易变的 tiresome adj.令人厌倦的;讨厌的

awkward adj. 令人尴尬的,别扭的;笨拙的 tense adj. 紧张的

dizzy adj. 眩晕的;困惑的;极快的 applaud v. 拍手喝彩;称赞;鼓掌 clumsy adj.笨拙的;不得体的;笨重的 pay rise 薪水增长;加薪

once upon a time 从前


Pliny described a cloud coming down the mountain,blocking out the sun and burying everything in its path,including whole villages and towns.

解析:此句不是主从复合句,而是一个简单句;主干为:Pliny described a cloud。并列的现在分词短语coming

down…, blocking out…和 burying…作名词 cloud 的后置定语;句中including... 并非和前三个一样为现在分词,而是



However,much more than buildings and objects,it is the forms of the people who were caught in the disaster that have made the city a monument to human history.

解析:本句前半句much more than…是比较级用法;后半句为强调句型It is…that,强调 the forms of the people...,who were caught… 是定语从句,修饰先行词the people。

翻译:但是,与城里的建筑及物品相比,那些在那场灾难中遇难的人的轮廓形象更能使这个城市成为人类历史上 的一座纪念碑。

拓展:强调句的结构是:“It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+句子其余部分”。把构成强调句型结构的词It is

(was) … that(who)… 去掉,被强调部分归位后,能形成一个完整的句子(这也是判断是否是强调句型的方法)。

所以,此句可以还原为:the forms of the people who were caught in the disaster have made the city a monument to human history.

As you walk,you will pass people gathered together for protection in their last hours of life.

解析:此句为主从复合句,as you walk 是时间状语从句;gathered together 是过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰名

词people。过去分词短语用作定语时,一般置于所修饰的名词之后,与被修饰词之间是被动关系。 翻译:当你走过时,你会看到在生命的最后时刻紧紧拥抱在一起寻求保护的人们。

Another man,lying on his side,looks as if he is trying to get up.

解析:这是一个主从复合句。Another man looks...是主句,as if 在本句中引导表语从句;现在分词短语 lying on his side 作 another man 的后置定语。

翻译:躺在他身旁的另一个人看上去好像是在设法站起来。 拓展:as if 引导的从句中的时态问题:

1. 当说话者认为所述的是真实的或极有可能发生或存在的事实时,从句用陈述语气。 It looks as if it is going to rain. 看起来要下雨了。

2. 当说话者认为句子所述的是不真实的、极少有可能发生或存在的情况时,从句用虚拟语气: (1) 与现在事实相反的假设:从句用主语+过去式(be动词一般用were) (2) 与将来事实相反的假设:从句用主语+ could/would/might+动词原形 (3) 表与过去事实相反的假设:从句用主语+had+过去分词 She treats him as if he were a stranger. 她待他如陌生人。

He looked as if he had seen a ghost. 他好像见了鬼似的。

I thought it strange that my teacher could not show me love.

解析:本句为主从复合句,thought 为谓语动词,it 为形式宾语,that 引导的从句为真正的宾语。当宾语部分太长

时,常常用 it 作形式宾语,而将真正的宾语后置,以保持句子平衡。 翻译:我感到奇怪,为什么老师不能告诉我什么是爱。

拓展:it做形式宾语的句型归纳为:“动词+it+宾语补足语+不定式/动名词/从句”的结构,动词通常是:think, believe, make, find, consider, feel, take,宾补通常为形容词和名词。如: We think it important to learn a foreign language. 我们认为学外语很重要。

They found it difficult that they would finish their work in two days. 他们发现两天完成工作很难。

The word “think” was also a difficult one for Helen but she had a breakthrough while working on a simple task.

解析:句中while working 为 while she was working 的省略。


拓展:当状语从句(一般是让步,时间或条件状语从句)的主语和主句的主语一致,而从句谓语又包含 be 动

词,此时可省去从句的主语和 b e动词,保留 be 之后的部分,即:连词+分词/不定式/介宾短语/名词/副词/形容 词。如:

He fell asleep while (he was) doing his homework. 他做着功课就睡着了。

You should stay where you are,unless (you are) asked to leave. 待在你现在所在的地方别动,除非有人让你离开。

She was making necklaces with the help of Miss Sullivan when she noticed that she had made some mistakes.

解析:本句中的核心句式是:was doing...when...。when 做连词,表示“当…的时候,突然…”(=and then; at

that time),不能用 while 替代。

翻译:海伦正在沙利文小姐的帮助下制作项链,她注意到自己出了一些错。 拓展:“when\表示 “突然...,就在那时...” 常用于以下句型中: 1. Sb. was/were doing sth. when... :正在做某事,突然… 2. Sb. was/were about to do sth. when...:将要做某事,突然… 3. Sb. had (just) done sth. when...:刚做完某事,突然… I was cooking when I heard her knocking at the door. 我正在做饭,突然听到她敲门的声音。 We were about to start when it began to rain. 我们刚要动身天就开始下起雨来了。

I had hardly opened the door when he hit me. 我刚一开门他就撞到我身上了。

It was the first time Helen had understood such a complex word.

解析:句型It was the first time (that)...表示“这是某人第一次做某事”,that从句中常用过去完成时,此句型中it

可以用 this 或 that 代替。如:

It was the first time that Sun Yang had won two gold medals at the Olympic Games. 这是孙杨第一次在奥运会上赢得两枚金牌。 翻译:这是海伦第一次理解这样复杂的一个词。



