2020智慧树知到《主题英语》章节测试答案 第1章 单元测试
1、听力训练有精听和泛听之分。下面属于精听的是( ) 答案:B.听出文段所有细节,包括时态、单复数、第三人称 2、练好口语的第一步是( ) 答案:练好音标
3、英语学习离不开听说读写。其中,哪一部分是最难掌握和精进的一项,也是一个人英语综合能力的体现。 ( ) 答案:写
4、背单词有死背和活背之分。下面属于活背的是 ( )
答案:把复杂单词拆分,了解前缀、后缀含义,掌握搭配用法。 5、下面哪个自我介绍最让人印象深刻? ( )
答案:我叫小红,来自深圳,我很喜欢音乐,因为音乐能在我低落消沉之时让我如沐春风,透过音乐,还可以了解到不同国家的文化。 第2章 单元测试
1、Please choose the right answer which reflects the right meaning of the underlined words.It is not your aptitude, but your attitude that decides your altitude. 答案:对
2、How to express“use”in another English word?
最新资料欢迎阅读 答案:Apply
3、How to express“ think” in another English word? 答案:Ponder
4、Please choose the right answer which reflects the right meaning of the underlined word. University should, adjust the curriculum into a broad and balanced one. 答案:课程表
5、Please select a word to replace the underlined one. Doing homework is important, but it”s not always enough . 答案:Adequate 第3章 单元测试
1、Please choose the right description about the language of two.
答案:The language of Two is to divide the world. 2、What is the function of Language of Three? 答案:For completeness, wholeness, and roundness. 3、Please observe the following sentence and select the correct answer which reflects the numbers of language according to the sentence sequence. Many different types of self-help books advise the reader to develop the skills, goals, and attitudes that will both promote success and provide for a healthy life style.
最新资料欢迎阅读 答案:3,2
4、Please observe the following sentence and select the correct answer which reflects the numbers of language according to the sentence sequence. Hope is the essence of life. A man without hope is nothing but a dry river. 答案:1
5、Please observe the following sentence and select the correct answer which reflects the numbers of language according to the sentence sequence. The color of green always gives me the impression of being full of vitality and vigor. When somebody is called an“evergreen tree”, the appreciation and the admiration of others are showed from the words. The color green symbolized hope.
答案:2,2,1. 第4章 单元测试
1、What is the meaning of“You have to go cold turkey? 答案:你要立即放弃坏习惯
2、Please fill the blanks of the following sentence from Russel. Three , simple but overwhelmingly , have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for _, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.
最新资料欢迎阅读 答案:light
3、What”s the characteristic of the English sentence based on the left-to-right pattern? 答案:abstract to specific
4、What”s the different ways to start a topic?
答案:Subject +what、Subject +how、Subject+ why、Subject + example
5、Please fill the blanks of the following sentence from William Arthur Ward.The mediocre teacher . The good teacher . The superior teacher _. The great teacher _.
答案:This is At Your Service, Sakula speaking 、 How may I assist you 、 The people in the room next door are talking so loudly that I cannot sleep 、 I am so sorry and apologize for the noise 、 I have a really important meeting in Hangzhou International Business center tomorrow morning 、 I”m sorry to bother you, but I received a complaint about very loud talking in your room 、 you could lower your voice due to the late hour 、 May I reserve a table in our coffee shop for the meeting in the morning 、 Thank you again for your understanding 、 Is there anything else I can do for you 第5章 单元测试
1、What is the meaning of“aspire”?
最新资料欢迎阅读 答案:have an ambitious plan or lofty goal. 2、What is the meaning of“conspire”?
答案:act in agreement and in secret towards a deceitful purpose.
3、Who proposed that translation should be like imitating paintings. It should not pursue on the appearance but on spirit, which is so-called Spirit Resemblance. 答案:傅雷
4、Which one is the appropriate expression to replace“I think”?
答案:I”m convinced that…、I cling to a belief that…、I suppose that is rooted in my belief …、I hold the view that…
5、Which one is the merit of the computer?
答案:keep in touch with our friends and family members through video chat.、efficiently find the information through search engine、teachers can utilize online resources to make a supplement to their teaching contents、Dthe employees have more freedom, and more flexible work schedules.
第6章 单元测试
1、Which of the following is a prefix?