Lesson 11 Highway Engineering
第11课 高速公路工程
Highway engineering includes highway planning, location, design, and maintenance.Before the design and construction of a new highway or highway improvement can beundertaken, there must be general planning and consideration of financing. As part ofgeneral planning, it is decided what the traffic needs of the area will be for a considerableperiod generally 20 years, and what construction will meet those needs. To assess trafficneeds the highway engineer collectsand analyzes information about the physical features ofexisting facilities, the volume, distribution, and character of present traffic and the changesto be expected in these factors. The highway engineer must determine the most suitablelocation, layout, and capacity of the new routes and structures. Frequently, a preliminary line,or location, and several alternate routes are studied. The detailed design is normally begunonly when the preferred location has been chosen.
In selecting the best route, careful consideration is given to the traffic requirements,terrain to be traversed, value of land needed for the right-of-way, and estimated cost ofconstruction for the various plans. The photogrammetric method, which makes use of aerialphotographs, is used extensively to indicate the character of the terrain on large projects,where it is most economical. On small projects, ground-mapping methods are preferred.
Financing considerations determine whether the project can be carried out at one timeor whether construction must be in stages, with each stage initiated as funds becomeavailable. In deciding the best method of financi
ng the work, the engineer makes an analysisof whom it will benefit. Important highways and streets benefit, in varying degrees, threegroups: users, owners of adjacent property, and the general public.
Users of improved highways benefit from decreased cost of transportation, greatertravel comfort, increased safety, and saving of time. They also obtain recreational andeducational benefits. Owners of abutting or adjacent property may benefit from better access,increased property value, more effective police and fire protection, improved street parking,greater pedestrian traffic safety, and the use of the street right-of-way for the location ofpublic utilities, such as water lines and sewers.
Evaluation of various benefits from highway construction is often difficult but is a mostphase of highway engineering. Some benefits can be measured with accuracy, but theevaluation of others is more speculative. As a result numerous methods are used to finance
construction, and much engineering work may be involved in selecting the best procedure
Environmental evaluation. The environmental impact of constructing highways hasreceived increased attention and importance. Many projects have been delayed andnumerous others canceled because of environmental problems. The environmental study orreport covers factors, including noise generation, air pollution, disturbance of areas traversed,destruction of existing housing, a nd possible alternate routes.
环境因素在高速公路建设中正被越来越重视,也突现出越来越高的重要性。由于环境问题导致工程被搁置甚至取消的事例,不胜枚举。环境方面的研究或调查涉及许多因素,包括噪声的产生,空气污染,对横贯地区的扰乱,对现有房屋以及可能的预备路线的破坏。 Right-of-way acquisition
Highway engineers must also assist in the acquisition of
right-of-way needed for new highway facilities. Acquisition of the land required forconstruction of expressways leading into the central business areas of cities has provedextremely difficult; the public is demanding that traffic engineers work closely with cityplanners, architects, sociologists, and all groups interested in beautification and improvementof cities to assure that expressways extending through metropolitan areas be built only aftercoordinated evaluation of all major questions, including the following: