旁白:黑 兔子:蓝 羊:绿 小豹子:红
(躲藏嬉戏于花草丛中) Fear,treachery,blood lust 恐惧 背叛和嗜血
Thousands of years ago these were the forces that rulled our world 数万年前支配着我们的世界
A world where prey were scared of predators 那时食草动物惧怕肉食动物
And predators han an uncontrollable... 而肉食动物无法遏制的本能
Biological urge to maim,and maul,and... 让他们捕猎 残杀 还有...
(ci viscous predator meek prey 举两个大牌子:凶残的食肉动物 温顺的食草动物) But over time,we evolved 但我们也随着时间进化
And moved beyond or primitive savage ways.
将这原始野蛮的生活方式抛在身后(一只羊上台跳舞) Now predator and prey live in harmony
现在肉食动物和食草动物和谐共处(牌子后面的小豹子和小兔子出现,拉手共舞) And every young mammal has multitudinous opportunities 每只哺乳动物的未来都有了无限可能
Yeah,i don’t have to cower in a herd anymore 我不用再缩在羊群里了(转个圈,跳出来)
Instead i can be an astronaut
我可以做宇航员(自豪骄傲地带上宇航员帽) I don’t have to be a lonely hunter anymore 我不用再孤单地追捕猎物了(在地上滚一圈,出来) Today i can hunt for tax exempyions 我可以追捕逃税的人(抬手) I’m gonna be an actuary 我要做精算师(拿出算盘)
And i can make the world a better place. 我可以让世界更美好(蹦出来) I an going to be 我要做(自行发挥) A police officer 警察 (转帽子,敬礼)