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一 教材内容分析

这节课是中等职业学校英语第四册第三单元的 reading Passage A:Bathtub Effect。


二 学习对象分析


三 Teaching objectives

【Knowledge goals】

1. Students will be able to learn some useful new words and expressions in this part.

2. Students will be able to read passage A.

3. Students will be able to know about memory rules. 【Ability goals】

1. Guide students to learn how to use different reading skills such as skimming, scanning, guessing the meaning in the context, predicting and so on.

2. Students will be able to know the phenomenon of “Bathtub Effect” 3. Students will be able to deal with some reading problems. 【Emotion goals】

1. Students will learn to know how to improve their memory.

2. Develop students’ sense of group cooperation and teamwork. 【Teaching Focuses】

1. Guide students to guess the meaning of the passage before reading.

2. Students will be able to get information while reading.

3. Students will be able to learn to get the main idea of the passage. 【Teaching Difficulties】

1. Enable students to learn to use reading strategies such as skimming, scanning and so on.

2. Enable students to improve their memory. 四 Teaching Approaches

Task-Based Teaching Method 五 Teaching Aids

Textbook, multimedia,workbooks

六 Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Revision

1. Revise the important words and phrases we learnt last period.

2. Ask some pairs of students to come to the front and act out their dialogues to review and practice the expressions for admitting and correcting mistakes.

Step 2 Reading (Passage A:Bathtub Effect)

1. Pre-reading

Get the Ss to talk about the pictures and the title of Passage A, and then ask them the question: Do you know what “Bathtub Effect” is?

2. While-reading

Activity 1. Read passage A and tick (√)true or false.


① The middles of words are usually more noticeable and hence easier

引人注目的 因此 to remember. ② The bathtub effect is a phenomenon about the memorization of words,

names, numbers, etc. 现象 ③ When you try to remember a word, the beginning is often better

remembered than the end. ④ When you’re caught by the bathtub effect ,you cannot recall


Key: True ②③ False ①④


3. Post reading

Activity 2.The following is the dictation of a passage. Caught by the bathtub effect, the

writer missed some words. Choose the correct words to complete it.

There is a misconception that a person who is good at talking to others always has ① stories to tell and is full of jokes. In fact , most people want a two-way dialogue with interaction ,not just one person talking the whole time. A good way of creating good dialogues is by asking questions in a. amazing b. annoying a② way. For example, questions like “Do you live in London?” can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no”, which is not good for breeding conversations. But if a person asks “Where do you a. helpfully live?”, there is scope for a longer and , ③ ,more b. hopefully interesting reply. This is what is called an open-ended question. a. spastic b. specific

Key : ① a ② b ③b

Notes: misconception 误解,不对的构思和设想; full of jokes 充满玩笑 full adj.

interaction ,互动,配合,合作

For example, = for instance 举例,例如 such as 列举,诸如之类 is not good for 对、、、、有益 called an open-ended question 叫开放式问题



