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2020高考英语 疫情相关高考时文阅读四篇{15题}

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B.能检测新冠病毒的口罩; C.疫情期间万事皆可云;

D. 2020全球首个公共交通免费的国家



People with Type A blood are significantly more likely to catch coronavirus than those with Type O, Chinese academics have found.

The study in Wuhan also found those with Type A blood are more likely to die from COVID-19. In the general population Type O blood (34%) is more common than A (32%). However, among COVID-19 patients, people with Type O accounted for just 25%, whereas Type A made up 41%.

People with Type O blood made up a quarter (25%) of deaths in the research. Normally, Type O people make up 32 percent of people in Wuhan.

The controversial correlation has yet to be scrutinised by other academics in peer review and the researchers are unable to explain why infection varies by blood type.

Researchers in China assessed 2,173 people who had been diagnosed with the coronavirus, including 206 people who died after contracting the virus, from three hospitals in Hubei.

Academics compared the data of the infected Wuhan patients with 3,694 non-infected people in the same region. Of the 206 patients in the study who died, 85 had type A blood, equivalent to 41 percent of all deaths.

In the healthy Wuhan population, a city of 11 million people, 34 percent of people are type A. People with Type A blood are significantly more likely to catch coronavirus than those with Type O, Chinese academics have found.

1 Which is the right percentage of people with type O blood in the general population?

A. 34% B.32% C. 25% D. 41%

2 According to the study in Wuhan, which group of people are more likely to infect COVID-19?

A. People with type O blood. B. People with type A blood. C. People with type AB blood. D. People with type B blood. 3 Which statement is wrong according to the passage?

A. Blood group O has a lower risk of death compared with non-O groups. B. Blood group A has a higher risk of death compared with non-A groups.

C. People of blood group A might need more careful protection to avoid the possibility of infection.

D. People of Blood group O should be more careful to protect himself from being infected

than those with type A blood.



Researchers hope to trial low-cost face masks that can detect whether someone has infectious coronavirus before they display any symptoms.

Experts at the University of Leicester said if successful, the method could simplify large-scale screening for the virus and curb the spread of Covid-19.

The sampling masks will be adapted using 3D printed strips and can trap exhaled microbes in a 30-minute period. About 80,000 people so far have been infected with the disease worldwide.

Scientists claim the adapted masks could allow large groups to be checked at once, which could help curb the spread of the virus and avoid long stays in quarantine.

Mike Barer, professor of clinical microbiology at the university, said: \is spread from the mouth, throat and respiration system of infected individuals. This new approach is exciting because it could help us determine whether a person is infectious or not, even before symptoms of the virus have appeared. \how much of the virus is breathed out by using the mask sampling approach will allow us to compare levels of the virus exhaled by different individuals, and could help us focus control efforts on preventing spread.\\

Adapted masks have previously been successfully used to screen patients for tuberculosis, researchers said.

Initially the sampling masks will be tested on patients with other respiratory infections and the results will then be compared to throat swab results.

If that trial validates the new approach, researchers will then move on to using the masks in trials with the new coronavirus. It is expected to take between two to three months to reach this stage.

The university said if the sampling masks were manufactured on an \scale\they could potentially cost \

4. What do the scientists hope to do in order to curb the spread of COVID-19? A. They hope to find a new kind of face mask made of special material. B. They hope to test the adapted masks to help curb the spread of the virus. C. They hope to compare the adapted masks with the sampling masks.

D. They hope to use the adapted masks to screen patients for all other disease.

5. What can we learn from what Mike Barer professor a clinical microbiology at the university said?

A. The masks can be easily made in any lab.

B. The masks have already been successfully used to curb the spread of COVID-19.

C. The masks could help us determine whether a person is infected or not before symptoms of the virus have appeared.

D. The sampling masks will be tested on patients infected by COVID-19 at the very beginning.

6. How long will it take to move the new approach on to masks in trials to curb the spread of COVID-19?

A. At least a year. B. Between two or three months. C. Only one month. D. More than half a year. 7. From the last paragraph,we know that_____.

A. The sampling masks could be very expensive. B. The sampling masks could be very cheap. C. The sampling masks could be in short. D. The sampling masks could cost a penny.



Gyms across China have been forced to close amid fears that they could help spread the virus. A number of gyms have started classes online so their customers can keep fit from home.

Lauren Hogan, General Manager for F45 in Shanghai, told the BBC that her gyms are offering workout sessions on WeChat, a popular messaging app in China.

\day my trainers have created a circuit-based workout depending on our programming. They've created a sheet of exercises and they are recording videos, but having fun with it too.\

Ms Hogan said there are groups in WeChat for customers where they can write in and tell other people they have completed the day's exercise. She said the videos have helped people talk and know that there is a resource for them, and customers have been appreciative.

\are happy and grateful that we're taking the time to do it and show that we care.\

Other chains are following suit including Gravity Plus in Beijing. Aside from running online classes, it has also rented out gym equipment as an extra way of bringing in income, Reuters news agency reports.

With nightclubs closed and music events cancelled for the foreseeable future, a number of DJs and clubs in China are turning to \watch live DJ sets and send in messages to give them the feeling that they're in a club. The cloud clubbing events usually take place on apps such as Douyin.

TAXX Shanghai is one club that has taken advantage on the demand for \sessions\

Ruan Liangliang, manager of TAXX Shanghai told Sixth Tone: \friends and customers have said they are bored with their indoor lives. So we planned a live broadcast to share pleasant music and ease their anxiety.\

He told the website he was surprised at the positive feedback from those who took part. However despite earning about $104,000 in tips, he says it is not enough to cover the rent.

2020高考英语 疫情相关高考时文阅读四篇{15题}


