英语励志演讲稿范文篇一: Inspirational speeh
1. Groth takes time. You onl ant to do is target sights, full of patiene, full of indomitable spirit to move forard, and this is our groth proess.
Wa of life of our people, there are to: the first one is like grass alive, ou though alive, still groing ever ear, but ou are, after all, is a grass, ou absorb the sun and rain, but gro up, people an step ou, but it ill not be beause of our pain and he produes pain, people do not e beause ou ere stepped pit ou, beause people do not see ou! So ever one of us should be tree-like groth, even if e do nothing, but as long as ou have the seeds of the tree, even if it as the middle of the man stepped on the soil, ou are still able to absorb soil nutrients, on groing up, mabe to in three ears, ou gro up, to deades but eight or ten ears, ou ill be able to gro into toering trees, hen ou gro into toering trees, the distant plae that people ill be able to see ou e near ou, ou an giving a green, a ool, an ou help others, even if people leave ou, a look bak, ou are still on the horizon a beautiful landsape, tree alive beautiful sener, dead still is a pillar
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of the living dead are used, this standard is the standard of life of eah and ever one of us and gro.
3. Those ho ant to all of a sudden, the thing dr into the idea, even if he did into this thing, he no foundation tantamount to build a house on the beah, the ill definitel ollapse, onl slol things step b step as dr as, ever step gave himself has laid a solid foundation, eah step gave a good explanation, and then again to the next higher go step he is able to make things reall do suessful .
You in the end hat is most like hat e should do hen ou deide life doing, ou must unservingl to sta here, Do not hange, ou an be like a river, flo more broad, but Do not ant to go into another river, or into a high mountain.
5. Our future life one of the most important abilit, the abilit alled bite the bullet, and a lot of elebrities ill enounter a lot of things ou an not stand, but ou have to live ith, rather than endure an not sueed, and h? Beause ou do not bite the bullet, ou do not have the time, ou do not have the spae, not toard future spae, if ou ant to last into the future, bee stronger and more prosperous, ou have to do to give mself enough time and spae , turn to our on lives in order to strive for a great goal hen ou exlude, to have must exlude all trivial interferene in our life, so ou have to bite the bullet! Personal, ou ant to have a great development,
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ou have to fight for their on time, to fight for spae, fight for the future, and to gain time to fight for spae to fight for the future of one of the most important prerequisite is that ou have the ideal! But ou dare to endure life appear unfair to ou, or ou think ou an not stand the things!
I have a metaphor, ever river has its on different life urve, the urve of the Yangtze River and the Yello River is definitel not the same, but ever river has its on dream, that is, toards the sea! Therefore, regardless of the Yello River is ho the tists and turns, bpassing the obstales Yangtze River Shui bend as good as the Yello River, but she broke through the liffs, the a is not the same, but to finall e to the sea. When e enounter diffiulties, hether it is rush to go around, as long as e ould in the past, I hope everone an make their on life to the dream stream past, the same as the Yangtze and Yello Rivers flo to the end of their dreams, into a broad oean, so that their lives bee open broadened on areer, but not to sa that ou ant the stream ill be able to stream past, in fat, there have a spirit, no doubt, this is the ater spirit! Our life sometimes sediment, although ou an also follo the ater ith forard flo, but beause of our personalit defet, in the fae of a diffiult step bakard or timid, ou might slol ill be the same as the sediment preipitated don , one ou preipitation don, ou ma no longer need to move forard
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efforts, but ou never see the sun, ou preipitate it, above the sediment ill ontinue to suppress ou, and finall ou ill be dark, So I suggest that everone, regardless of our life is ho kind, must have the spirit of ater, even if it is ontaminated, ash their on strength as ater ontinues to savings, to break through the obstales, hen ou find timing not to the thikness of the aumulated, hen one da hen the time es, ou ll be able to gallop into the sea, the ahievements of their lives!
7 .Everone kno Western mtholog, there is a stor alled Sisphus, due Zeus punishment must push don from the foot of a stone pushed to the top of the hill, hen the big rok pushed him to the top of the hill, the stone ill automatiall rolled don to the foot of the mountain, he had to start from srath to push up, so orried! Little think about our dail life and ork is not suh a proess, and hen he pushed the stone, hen to treat it as a form of punishment, his mind ill be ver hard to aept dail ith grievanes resentment in pushing the stone like man of us ork ith grievanes and resentment at ork, our ork ill alas do ell, but hen he later realized this, and push through the seasons, push lightning eathered, hen he pushed to the top of the hill to see higher and more beautiful blue sk, he felt that push the stone is also a beautiful time of life, life in fat has been sublimated. Our lives hat passes ost-effetive, hen e look bak e have in the past das, e have
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some das to make our on as moved to tears, hat let ou in tears the da, ou make some let ou feel an not do, but ou do things.
8. of m on personal experiene is ho business is more suessful a fe ke points: the first point, and ho, as far as possible, to bine their long-term goals and short-term goals, e must first distinguish hat things e ant to life doing things, hih things are suddenl finish the things e an not dr. China e have a saing hurr slo to do, the more anxious ou things, ou are done more arefull and more seriousl, the more e an do a good job, and the more anxious ou do things the faster, but more to do to piees. I hurr to all it a major event, for example, ou ant to be a lifetime to master a high level of English, ou sa three months, learn telve hours a da, ou are absolutel impossible, three months, and ou English level ill be greatl improved, but three months later, ou do not learn that in another three months, forget our English level. The seond element is to determine their on life to do, then I think ver important is usuall to do things hen the time plan, a person is ver dnami, and I do more than ten ears ago, the Ne Oriental I feel that the time is not enough, I m too bus hands and feet the air, finall found something to finish, I tent-four hours to do things, out of things to do ith more than a dozen ears ago m tent-four hours running
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