【期刊名称】《兰州教育学院学报》 【年(卷),期】2012(028)005
【摘要】Constructing meaning world related to various domains is the aim of Wang Yangming' s philosophy. Yangming' s heart - mind includes "noumenon heart" and "subject heart". The former may be open to the inside and the outside and the the latter is the integration of individual mind and human' s mind. Yangming' s things are objective things but more often refer to "intentional objects" that include things and events. Connection is the third dimension of Yangming' s meaning world. Heart - mind, things and their connection make the unity of heart - mind and things in various domains, which means the construction of meaning world in various dimensions.%王阳明哲学构建了一个意义世界,此意义世界涵涉多个领域。阳明之"心"具有本体之心和主体之心两个层面的含义,作为本体之心,它可以向内,向外两个方向展开,作为主体之心则含有个体之心和类心两方面的意义;阳明之"物"指客观事物,但更多指向"意向客体",二者属于不同的范畴,后者包含事物和事实两个层面的含义;阳明之意义世界的第三向度是关系——心物关系,具体呈现为意向性。心、物及二者关系的特点决定了心物在不同向度的合一,即意义世界的多向度构建。 【总页数】4页(8-10,29)