2. Introductory remarks:
1) What do you think life depends on? Money, love, or something else? 2) where does energy come from? Food, spirit, God, or what?
3)what happens to life there is no food , or source of energy? if life useless after it comes to an end? 4) Life is energy, isn’t it? What do you think?
The planet we live on is made up of 2 major components: living organisms and inorganic substances. As far as living things are concerned, life spans vary. Some may live for thousands of years, while others live only a few seconds. Regardless of the this difference, every life develops from a lower stage to a higher stage until its death, and every species develops in this way, too. But what makes life perform in this way? What happens after life? Our earth has been functioning for billions of years. What has made it work for so long? Let’s have a careful study of the text 3. New words and phrases study Study of the words and phrases New words and old words
Teacher students
(old words or expressions) (new ones) tendency turn of mind money currency change into convert into autumn fall something stored reserves rare scarce
to satisfy the demands to meet the needs area region plentiful ample possessions resource
store deposit spend expend sleepy drowsy become liquid melt at the same time meanwhile basic fundamental therefore hence collect accumulate inside internal small wooden house cabin
English and Chinese Phrases
Teacher(Chinese) students(English) 注重/有……的 倾向 a … turn of mind 生态系统 an ecological system 倚赖 to depend on 年复一年 from year to year 尽可能多 as much as one can 旺季 times of plenty
储存的脂肪 reserves of fat/stored fat 不甚出名,鲜为人知 less well known 能说明问题的例子 a good case in point 营养食品 nutritious food 生理成熟 physically mature 生育 to give birth to
食物资源 food resources 熬过冬天 to survive the winter
/to pull through the winter
大雪 deep snow 小雪 light snow
基本规律 a fundamental rule
II. While-reading Activities 1.Text and questions for discussion . Lines 1-6
1. what does “love makes the world go round” mean?
People with a romantic turn of mind think that love, romantic love, is what makes life worth living..
2. why does the author say that energy is the “currency” of the ecological system? An ecological system is all the plants, animals and people, and their surroundings, considered as a whole, In the commercial world, money is the currency , or means of survival. For life, the most important support is food, the source of energy for life, which allows growth, reproduction, and survival. Lines 7-12
1. what do wild animals do with the food in different seasons? Why do they do so? Wild animals seem to know when there will be plenty of food and when there won’t. so they eat as much as they can when there is plenty of food so that they can become fat and strong and grow well. In winter, they have little to eat. But they do not starve because the fat they have stored in their bodies brings them through this hard time. Lines 13-22
1. what does “ this is good timing” mean?
This means that the female deer uses the most suitable seasons, i.e.summer and fall, for the birth of fawns and the production of milk because both the conception and production cost the female deer much energy and in both seasons there is plenty of food, which meet the deer’s physical needs. Lines 23-31
1. to what does the author compare the process of fat reserving?
A bank savings account, from which one can draw when he needs the money. Lines 32-44
1. what is the phenomenon of lowering metabolism?
The heart rate slows. The animal becomes slow and drowsy. Therefore, the use of and need for energy is reduced.
2. what protects the deer from cold winter? How does it work?
They undergo physical and internal physiological changes, i.e. the hair growth and the slow metabolism. The thick hair keeps the deer warm and the slow metabolism makes the deer consume less energy, which is stored in the form of fat for use when they need it for growth. Lines 45-56
1. what decreases as winter progresses? The deer’s activities.
2. why were people advised to behave like that?
To use less oil and electricity for conserving energy to pull through the crisis. 3. what does the author imply by “watched the deer”?
He implies that men can learn from the deer to reduce unnecessary cost of energy. Lines 57-64
1. “…to pull them through”. Can you say it in other words? …to help them survive the winter. 2. what is the fundamental rule of life?
The more fat the deer reserve, the more chance there is for them to survive the crises. Only the largest and strongest are likely to survive. 3. Is the fundamental rule of life applicable to human beings?
Yes. If we human beings do not protect nature and ourselves by saving energy, we will be punished by nature and will eventually be wiped out from this planet. Lines 65-68
1. what is the life cycle?
Food-energy-life-survival-reproduction-death-food-energy-other life… . Food –energy-seek more food-new energy-food…..
Energy is vital to our world. But energy is not always plentiful. The supply can vary, either seasonally or for other reasons. Some animals, the white-tailed deer, for instance, have developed natural ways or varying their own use of energy with the variations of the supply. Human beings can and should learn this lesson for their own survival.
2. Teacher explains the key points in details
turn of mind
1. what is your turn of mind?
I have a logical turn of mind, or literary/critical/philosophic/humorous/optimistic turn of mind.
2. what kind of person is likely to create things?
A person of a creative turn of mind is likely to create things. 3. what words can you use to describe people of different turns of mind? Down-to-earth, poetic, business-like, humorous, etc. Depend on
1. How do crops grow?
They depend on the sunlight,water, and fertilizer for growth. 2. How are the prices of commodities set?
They mainly depend on the relation between demand and supply. A case in point
1. can you give an example of a successful person? Yes. A case in point is Thomas Edison, a great inventor. 2. can anything heavier than air stay in the sky?