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山东专升本英语 试卷30

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30.The bed has been in the family. It was my great-grandmother's originally. (分数:2.00) A.handed out B.handed over C.handed down √ D.handed round 解析:

二、 Reading Comprehension(总题数:5,分数:40.00)

On October 31st, dozens of children dressed in costumes(节日服装)knock on their neighbors' doors and yell Trick or Treat when the door opens. Pirates and princesses, ghosts and popular heroes of the day all hold bags open to catch the candy or other goodies that the neighbors drop in. As they give each child a treat the neighbors exclaim over the costumes and try to guess who is under the masks. October 31st was the eve of the(凯尔特人)new year. The Celts were the ancestors of the present-day Irish, Welsh and Scottish people. On this day ghosts walked and mingled with the living, or so the Celts thought. The townspeople baked food all that day and when night fell they dressed up and tried to resemble the souls of the dead, hoping that the ghosts would leave peacefully before midnight of the new year. Much later, when Christianity spread throughout Ireland and October 31st was no longer the last day of the year, Halloween became a celebration mostly for children. Ghosts went from door to door asking for treats, or else a trick would be played on the owners of the house. When millions of Irish people immigrated to the United States in the 1840s the tradition came with them. Today school dances and neighborhood parties called lock parties are popular among young and old alike. More and more adults celebrate Halloween. They dress up like historical or political figures and go to masquerade parties(化妆舞会). In larger cities, costumed children and their parents gather at shopping malls early in the evening. costume

enjoy Teenagers children. the for treats and games with parties give businesses and Stores dances at their schools and the more outrageous the costume the better! Certain pranks(恶作剧)such as soaping car windows and tipping over garbage cans are expected. But parties and pranks are not the only things that Halloweeners enjoy doing. Some collect money to buy food and medicine for needy children around the world.(分数:8.00) (1).Halloween is celebrated on______.(分数:2.00) A.November 1st B.October 31st √ C.March 21st D.October 30th

解析:解析:万圣节是10月31日,第一、二段的开头都出现了这个日期。第一段的开头提到On October31st,dozens of children dressed in costumes knock on their neighbors'door…(10月31日的时候,许多孩子身着节日盛装去敲他们邻居的门……)由此可知万圣节是存10月31日庆祝的。

(2).On what day is Trick or Treat often said by children?(分数:2.00) A.Halloween √ B.All Saints' Day C.St Valentine's Day D.Easter Day

解析:解析:引号中的词是信息词,在第一句话中可以找到。上一题的正确选择为完成本题提供了帮助。 (3).The Celts were the ancestors of the present-day______ .(分数:2.00) A.Irish B.Welsh C.Scottish

D.all of the above √


(4).According to the passage, Halloween is celebrated by______ today.(分数:2.00) A.children B.adults

C.young and old alike √ D.none of the above


Poverty in Different Countries In the United States during 1992, any family of four with an annual cash income of less than $ 14, 335(before taxes)was considered poor. The dollar amount was called the poverty line, an economic measuring rod devised in 1964. The line was set at three times the amount needed to provide the cheapest nutritionally balanced diet. The poverty line is adjusted annually for inflation. While the poverty line in the United States was more than $ 14, 000, the average annual per-person income in Bangladesh was $ 200, in Ethiopia $ 130, in Haiti $ 340, and in Mali $ 4, 265. Anyone in those nations with an income of $ 14, 000 would be considered wealthy. During the Great Depression in the United States, when half the population was considered poor, a family with an income at the 1992 poverty line could afford to buy a house, a car, clothing and food. The reality of poverty varies with location and social and political conditions. Poverty basically means a lack of, or an insufficient amount of, the three primary physical needs—food, clothing, and shelter. But for poverty to be recognized, it must exist alongside prosperity. Before the discovery of the New World, the American Indians would not have considered themselves poor, though they lived with only the bare necessities and a few handmade artifacts(人工制品). The severity of poverty varies, depending on the economic vitality of the nation in which it occurs. In the modern industrialized societies of Western Europe, North America, and Japan, there are including free medical care and subsidized —many government services provided to ease poverty

housing. The homeless of New York City and Los Angeles can usually find some shelter and a mission offering free meals.(分数:8.00)

(1).You would be considered poor in America if______.(分数:2.00) A.You are out of a job.

B.You earn less than three times the amount needed to provide the cheapest diet. C.You earn less than $ 14 , 335(before taxes)per year.

D.The amount of money you earn is below the current poverty line. √


(2).The purpose of the example of the American Indians given in the 3rd paragraph is to show that poverty is ______.(分数:2.00)

A.absolute B.non-existent C.relative √ D.never recognized


(3).Free medical care and subsidized housing most probably exist in______to relieve the poor and the needy.(分数:2.00) A.Bangladesh B.Haiti C.Canada √ D.India

解析:解析:根据文章最后一段中的In the modern industrialized societies of Western Europe,North America,and Japan,there are many government services provided to ease poverty—including free medical care andsubsidized housing.可知,只有Western Europe(西欧),North America(北美)和Japan(日本)才提供免费的医疗和补助住房,加拿大在北美,故答案为C。

(4).Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?(分数:2.00) A.From 1929 to 1933, 50% of the American population lived in poverty. B.Where there is prosperity, there is poverty.

C.Poverty basically refers to a lack of clothing, housing and food.

D.Anyone with an annual income around the 1992 American poverty line would be considered wealthy. √

解析:解析:从文章第二段中的During the Great Depression in the United States,when half the populationwas considered poor,a family with an income at the 1992 poverty line could afford to buy a house, a car,clothing and food.可以知道A不对。从文章第三段中的But for poverty to be recognized,it must existalongside prosperity.可以知道B不对,从文章第三段中的Poverty basically means a lack of,or an insuffi—cient amount of,the three primary physical needs一food,clothing,and shelter.可以知道C不对,故答案为D。

The key to any successful garage sale(家庭旧物出售)is to get the word out. The best means of advertising your sale is to place an ad in the local newspaper. If you have a city and neighborhood paper, make sure you advertise in both. The ad should be large enough that it stands out. It should also include information on where the sale is located with directions, the hot items you're selling and the time the sale will start and end. An ad should be placed at least two days before the sale and run until the day of your event. That way people can plan their route(路线)to the sale in advance. Signs are another great way to inform your community. Post them in places where people gather, such as stores and community centers. Some businesses have a central bulletin board(布告栏), which is the best place to advertise. Other places to post are at the local college or university campus. This is especially helpful if your sale is happening in August or early September when students have returned to school and are looking for cheap finds. Post signs around your neighborhood. You should also place both ads and direction signs, especially if you're located on a side street without a major presence. Signs will attract and direct people. Just make sure you print in bold letters and use large direction signs so people can read the information from the front seat of their car.(分数:8.00)

(1).The best way of getting out the news of your garage sale is to______.(分数:2.00)

A.publish the news online B.visit people door-to-door

C.advertise in the local newspaper √ D.make phone calls to your neighbors

解析:解析:事实细节题。本题询问“将你要举办家庭旧物销售会的消息告诉别人最好的方法是什么”。本题的解题关键在于理解题目中的getting out the news(把消息传出去)和原文第一句中的get the word

out及第二句中的advertising意思相同,这样,不难发现本题答案就是第二句is后的不定式部分,选项C(在地方报纸上做广告)与此同义,故为本题答案。选项A(通过网络公布消息)、选项B(挨家挨户宣传)和选项D(打电话给邻居们)都没有原文依据。只要抓准选项的关键词,如选项A中online,选项B中的door-to—door,选项C中的local newspaper和选项D中的phone calls,再到文章当中查找,就可以轻松地确定只有选项C的关键词在原文中提及。

(2).You should place an ad at least two days before the sale so that people can______.(分数:2.00) A.get enough cash for the sale B.compare prices of the items C.select the items they will buy D.decide on their route in advance √

解析:解析:事实细节题。本题询问在销售会至少两天前刊登广告的目的。第一段最后一句开头的Thatway(这样)表明该句构成一种因果关系,该句是结果,也可以视为目的,选项D(事先决定路线)与原文该句内容相同,故为本题答案。只要注意到第一段最后一句开头的That way所隐含的上下文的因果关系,再将选项与原文内容对比,不难将十扰项排除,干扰选项A(为参加销售会准备足够的现金)、选项B(对比货品的价格)和选项C(选好要买的货品)都与第一段最后两句提到的内容无关。

(3).Why should signs be posted in a community center?(分数:2.00) A.Schools are nearby. B.There are many stores. C.Students often meet there. D.More people gather there. √

解析:解析:事实细节题。本题询问“为什么要将告示牌放置在社区中心”。根据题干中的community center(社区中心)可先定位到第二段第二句,虽然原文并没有直接提到一种因果关系,但该句中的such

as...表明community center就属于前面提到的places where people gather(人流密集的地方)之一,由此可推断,将告示牌放在社区中心,是因为“那里人流密集”,由此可见,本题应选D,本题稍具于扰性的是选项A(附近有学校)和选项C(学生常约在那里见面),这两个选项中的school,students与第二段最后两句有关,但要注意的是,这两句与community center所在的那句话相隔很远,这几句话在原文中的位置足并列的,并列说明哪些地方用于放置告示牌最好,换句话说,这些句子各自的内容独立,不应互相掺杂在一起。

(4).The best title for the passage might be______.(分数:2.00) A.Advertising Garage Sales √ B.Advantages of Garage Sales C.Importance of Garage Sales D.Printing Ads for Garage Sales


项A将这两项主要内容都包括在内了,故本题应选A。原文并没有提及关于选项B(家庭旧物销售会的好处)中的advantages(好处)或选项C(家庭旧物销售会的重要性)中的importance(重要性),故这两个选项均不正确;选项D(为家庭旧物销售会印制广告)中的printing ads.(印刷广告)只是原文的部分内容,不足以概括全文。

A. To take a simple example, we assume that if we greet acquaintances in a friendly manner, they

will accept and return our greeting.B. Continuing their careful tests, the doctors checked the effect of drugs used against all the known subgroups of type A virus.C. We are sure this was just due to carelessness in quality control, and that you will send another shipment promptly to replace this faulty one.D. Some people think that the time to begin studying a foreign language is in childhood, and that the younger he is, the easier it is to learn another language.(分数:8.00) (1).有人认为开始学习外语的时间应该是童年时期,并且一个人越年轻,他学习另外一种语言就会越容易。(分数:2.00) A. B. C. D. √ 解析:

(2).我们相信这只是你们质量监控上的疏忽造成的,你们会及时发来一批新货,以替换这批存在问题的产品。(分数:2.00) A. B. C. √ D. 解析:

(3).举个简单的例子-假设我们友好地向熟人问好,他们会接受并向我们问好。(分数:2.00) A. √ B. C. D. 解析:

(4).在继续进行仔细检验的同时,医生们还检测了用以对抗A类病毒所有已知子群的药物的效用。(分数:2.00) A. B. √ C. D. 解析:

A. The result of this progress is an enormous population increase that threatens the quality of life, brought about by progress in the medical profession.B. You also need to prepare for different questions an interviewer may ask to test your readiness for the interview and the sincerity of your application.C. These usable parts of garbage are put through the cycle of going from a raw material to a finished product again.D. These experiments revealed that the new virus spread easily, but that it was not a killer.(分数:8.00)

(1).这些试验表明该新型病毒容易传播,但不致命。(分数:2.00) A. B. C. D. √ 解析:

(2).从垃圾中提取有用的材料,投入到新的从原料到产品的循环中去。(分数:2.00) A.

山东专升本英语 试卷30


