Key Words:red, yellow, green, purple, orange, blue, brown, gold, silver
Key Grammar: I like painting. I use (red).
Teaching tools: 瓶子、颜料、油画棒、颜色卡片、各种颜色的物品若干、炸弹卡、金牌、银
T:Hi, everyone! I?m your English teacher. My name is Lily.
Nice to meet you. Let me call your names. You say,“Here”.(点名,并对每名学生说Nice to meet you.)All right, let?s begin our class. At first, let?s do warm up. Follow me. Show me your hands. Clap,clap,clap your hands, as slowly as you can. Clap,clap,clap your hands, as quickly as you can. T: very good. Let?s go on.
Shake,shake,shake your hands, as slowly as you can. Shake,shake,shake your hands,as quickly as you can. Roll,roll,roll your hands, as slowly as you can. Roll,roll,roll your hands, as quickly as you can T: Good job. Now show me your fingers.
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your fingers, as slowly as you can. Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your finger, as quickly as you can. Pound,pound,pound your fists, as slowly as you can. Pound,pound,pound your fists, as quickly as you can.
T: Ok, now everybody, let?s listen to this song.(在线播放主题曲,一起听一遍。) I like painting, I use many colors. I use red
I use orange. I use yellow. I use green. I use blue. I use pink. I use purple. I use brown. I even use gold and silver.
T:well,everybody stand up, let?s dance together.(老师带动作唱跳。)T: Look at the screen and listen to the audios.(注:当出现red、yellow等重点单词时,老师应指向课件相应的图片并跟读词汇,如听到I use red时,red为重点单词,老师应指向课件red图片,跟读red,让学生预知授课内容。)
T: Today, we will learn something about colors. Look,I have a bottle and there is some water in it.(瓶子里装有一定量的水,瓶盖上涂有颜料,晃动水以魔术的形式呈现颜色。)T:Does water have colors? S:No. T:Yeah, water has no colors. Now I am a magician. Show me your hands, let?s say the magic words, Abracadabra.(说完咒语,开始晃动瓶子。)T:Wow,what color is it? It?s red.(拿出单词卡。)T:Follow me, red .S: red.(带读三遍)T:When I say red you should touch it and say red. From you. T: The first letter of red is R, let?s do it and say red.(带领学生做R字母操,并读red)T:very good. When I say R R R, you should say r r r. Ok? S:Ok. T: R R R. S:r r r.(反复练几次)T: r r r red, S:r r r red. T: when I say r r r ,you should say R R R,OK? S: OK! T: r r r S;R R R . T: great! What?s this? S:red. T: Follow me, r --e --d red.(出示单词卡) S: r --e --d red.(每个学生拼读一遍) T:Now I write down ?red? on the blackboard.(要求全体一起拼) T:well, everybody, close your eyes,please.(随机擦掉一个字母)T:which letter is missing?S:r(多练几次)T:Ok, can you point and say red?(让学生应用,找出周围的红色事物) T:Now I use red to paint. I like painting. I use red. (黑板上准备一张大白纸,纸上画有未涂色的彩虹,学完后找学生用红色油画棒涂色并输出句型:I like painting,I use red,并带上涂颜色的肢体动作。)
Learn “yellow”. 导入:T:Look at water, what color is it now? Is it red? No. T:Now who wants to be a magician?(找学生上来变魔术---晃动瓶子,变出颜色)。
T:Wow,look. It?s “yellow”.(接下来的教授步骤同red)T:How to read?(出示red,yellow单词卡一起)T:What?s in my right hand? Red or yellow?(闪卡游戏,让学生猜测左右手的是red还是yellow) T:I like painting, I use yellow. (教授方法同red,学完黄色后学生用黄色油画棒涂彩虹并输出句型) T:Learn “blue,pink,brown”:(教授形式同yellow相同,用瓶子变魔术,并用油画棒涂彩虹学习blue,pink,brown及句型I like panting,I use blue等。注:每学一个新词汇及句型,将前面学过的单词及句型进行带读巩固学习,加深学习效果。)
T: Let?s play a game.(Review the five colors).
(转卡:老师将5张卡放在手里,快速转卡一圈)。Then ask: What color is it? S: It?s…..(说的快并对的学生,老师击掌鼓励)。
T:Now,let?s blend two colors(red and yellow)together,do you know what will happen?(混合后) T:Wow,what color is it now?It?s orange. (教授方法同上,并带读前5种颜色)T: Good job! I like painting, I use orange.(找学生用橙色油画棒画彩虹并输出句型) (同orange教授方式相同,混合两色,并用油画棒涂色学习purple 和green及句型I like painting,I use purple和I like painting, I use green).
T: Look, here are eight colors. Follow me. r r ,red.S: r r red. T: Very good. j j yellow. S: j j yellow.(以首字母发音的形式带读8个颜色单词)
T:Everybody. It?s time to play a game .Look at this, this is a bomb card. Let?s read these words, when you see the bomb first, you should keep silent、clap your hands twice and stand up. When you see the bomb card again, you should keep silent、clap your hands twice and sit down. Ok? S:Ok. T: Look at me,everyone,Do you know what?s in the box?Open it.(找一个学生打开)T:Wow,they?re gold medal and silver medal, now follow me,gold…silver…(把颜色卡给一个孩子,玩passing down游戏)T:Passing down,passing down,passing,passing,passing down(当老师说stop时,拿卡片的学生要读该卡片单词)
(gold 和silver的教授方式同上)
T: I like painting, I use gold and silver. (传两个颜色卡片并操练句型)T:Let?s play a game . I take out two cards. Let?s read the other cards one by one. After reading,you please tell me the missing words. (最后以首字母发音带读10个单词)