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Unit 1 Topic 1短语听写 play basketball 打篮球 cheer sb on 为某人打气 quite a bit 相当多 of course 当然 grow up 长大 arrive in 到达

play against 与……比赛 for long 长时间

the day after tomorrow 后天 leave for 动身往…… twice a week 每周再次 be good at 擅长于

break the record 打破纪录 half an hour 半小时 take part in 参加 go hiking 远足

all over the world 全世界 be good for 对……有好处 keep healthy 保持健康

prepare for sth 为某事做准备 in the future 在未来

win the first place 获得第一名 write back soon 尽快回信 keep fit 保持健康 pretty well 相当好

Unit 2 Topic 2短语听写

do sb a favor 帮某人一个忙 fall ill 生病

throw about 乱扔东西 right away 立刻 be far from 远离

make one’s bed 铺床

be angry with sb 生某人的气 do one’s best 尽力

say sorry to sb 向某人道歉

miss a good chance 错失一个好机会 be sorry for sth 为某事感到难过、遗憾 be sure to do sth 确信做某事

with the help of sb 在某人的帮助下 in a minute 立刻 be late for 迟到

be important to sth 对某事是重要的 take a seat 就座;坐下 as well 也

follow the rules 遵守规则 in the beginning 在开头 get tired 累了 instead of 代替

build sb up 强壮某人的体魄 do well in 在……做的好 shout at sb 朝某人喊叫

Unit 1 Topic 3短语听写

talk about sth 谈论某事

make friends with sb 与某人交朋友 be/get ready for sth 为某事做准备 take photos 照相

be able to 能够,有能力

do badly in sth 在某方面做的差 for the first time 初次

every four years 每四年;每隔三年 stand for 代表 at least 至少 take part in 参加 at once 立刻

pass sth to sb 把某物传给某人 enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事

improve the environment 改善环境 make it six o’clock 定在六点钟 at the school gate 在校门口 on the right side of 在右侧 take place 发生 pick apples 摘苹果

place of interest 名胜古迹 in history 在历史上

do morning exercises 做早操 be fond of 喜欢 next time 下一次

Unit 2 Topic 1短语听写 take a rest 休息一会 see a doctor 看医生 have a cold 感冒

at night 在晚上 stay in bed 卧床

have a good sleep 睡个好觉 have a fever 发烧

day and night 日日夜夜

feel like doing sth 想要做某事 have a good rest 好好休息 take some medicine 服药 brush teeth 刷牙

hot tea with honey 加蜜的热茶 too much 太多

on the Internet 在网上

take good care of 好好照顾 lie down 躺下

check over 仔细检查 take some pills 服些药片 have an accident 发生事故 ask for a leave 请假 after that 然后 worry about 担心 had better 最好 plenty of 大量

Unit 2 Topic 2短语听写

stay up 熬夜

play sports 做运动 in the sun 在阳光下

be bad for 对……是有坏处的 give up 放弃

walk on the lawn 践踏草坪

be necessary for 对……是必要的 during the day 在白天 work hard 努力工作

exercise on an empty stomach 空腹锻炼 get into 进入

in public 在公共场合 as we all know 众所周知 in the same day 在同一天 more than 超过 less than 少于

need to do sth 需要做某事 what else 其它的什么 tidy the room 整理房间 sweep the floor 扫地

Unit 2 Topic 3短语听写

hurry up 快点

go ahead 开始吧;前进

take one’s advice 听从某人的建议 all the time 一直 keep away from 远离 right now 立刻

ring sb up 打电话给某人 get through 接通某人的电话 leave a message 留个口信 call sb back 回打电话给某人

give sb a message 给某人一个口信 take a message 捎个口信 come back 回来 have a party 开晚会 care for 关心;照顾 teach oneself 自学

long time no see 好久不见 by oneself 独自

change clothes often 勤换衣服 enjoy oneself 玩得开心

do some cleaning 清洁;做卫生 a kind of 一种

take an active part in 积极参与 next time 下一次

think of 考虑;认为;想起

Unit 3 Topic 1短语听写

by mistake 错误地

in the old days 在旧时候 get lost 迷路

see sb off 给某人送行 put sth away 把……收好 must be 一定是 used to 过去常常

be interested in 对……感兴趣 listen to music 听音乐

in one’s spare time 在某人空闲时 in the past 在过去

in front of 在……的前面 keep pets 养宠物 get well 恢复健康 take a bath 洗澡

be of great value 有极大价值 play soccer 踢足球 go shopping 购物 collect stamps 集邮

do some outdoor activities 做些户外活动 Unit 3 Topic 2短语听写

go on 继续

set up 建立,创立 come on 来吧,赶快

give a concert 举办音乐会

in one’s free time 在某人空闲时 at last 最后

be famous for 以……而闻名 look for 寻找

all over the world 全世界 on the Internet 在网络上 everyday life 日常生活 according to 依据

at the concert 在音乐会上 come with sb. 跟着某人

take English lessons 上英语课 listen to music 听音乐 hate to do sth. 讨厌做某事 make music 创作音乐

teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事 continue to do sth. 继续做某事

Unit 3 Topic 3短语听写

knock at the door 敲门 stop doing sth 停止做某事 the day before yesterday 前天 make a face 做鬼脸

answer the phone 接电话 take a shower 淋浴 hold the line 别挂断 at this time 在这一刻

agree with sb. 同意某人(意见) give sb. a lesson 给某人上课 be angry with 生某人的气 come back 回来 do the dishes 洗盘子

in different ways 以不同的方式 speak to sb. 对某人说

do some washing 洗衣物 do some cleaning 做卫生 have fun 获得乐趣 all day 整天

climb a mountain 爬山

Unit 4 Topic 1短语听写

think about 思考

on the farm 在农场上

share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物 talk about 谈论

play with sb. 和某人一起玩 as we know 众所周知 thousands of 成千上万

be important to 对……是重要的 control the climate 控制气候 and so on 等等,诸如此类 on the ground 在地面 feed on 以…..为食 in danger 处于危险中 in fact 事实上

make up 组成;化妆

plenty of 大量的,充足的

be necessary for 对……是有必要的save water 节约用水

in the south of 在……的南部 think of 想起;想出

Unit 4 Topic 2短语听写

take the place of 取代 of course 当然 instead of 代替

lose one’s job 失业 be sure of sth. 确信某事 call for help 求救 wake up 苏醒,醒来 for example 举个例子 find a job 找工作

mistake…for… 误认……为…… such as 比如,例如 look like 看起来像 come out of 出来 be late for 迟到

say to 对某人说,告诉

get up 起床

try to do sth. 尽力做某事 be good for 对……有好处 look up 查找;向上看 pay attention to 注意 give it a try 试一试 begin with 以……开始 plug in 接通电源 write to 写信给

in alphabetical order 按字母表顺序 with the help of 在……的帮助下

Unit 4 Topic 3短语听写

worn out 破旧的;磨损的 pull down 推倒,拆毁 be made up of 由……组成 from then on 从那以后

regard…as… 把……当作…… at the same time 同时

do one’s best 尽某人最大力量 order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 on earth 在地球上;究竟 long ago 很久以前

join…together 把……连接起来 in the future 在未来

have a good time 过得愉快 pass by 经过

think of 想起;想出 bad luck 倒霉 more than 超过

in the 1960s 在20世纪60年代 learn from 学习

begin to do sth. 开始做某事



