7… 正确答案:D
因为 still, 所以答案为 d.
如果选择 a) before we had ,则应去掉 still to. 即:before we had covered half the distance.
8… 正确答案:C
十分有礼貌的表达方式,且与 asked 形式呼应。 Vocabulary 词汇 9… 正确答案:D
held up = delay halt 停止 retard 防止 slow up 减慢
10… 正确答案:D
as soon as I arrived = immediately on arrival 11... 正确答案:B 注意:主句中 I 做主语
a 选项,则 noting 与主句中的主语 I 不相符合。 b 选项,sounding 是现在分词做状语说明修辞 I 的情况 12… 正确答案:A
take another look 再看一眼 review 复习
overlook 忽视,宽恕,检查,监督
Lesson 38 The first calendar 第一本日历
Multiple choice questions 多项选择
1… 正确答案:B 根据课文内容选择 2… 正确答案:D 同上 3… 正确答案:A 同上 Structure
4… 正确答案:D
用将来时态才与原文相符合 5… 正确答案:C
原句中缺少主语,由 what 引导一个简单句做主语从句 6… 正确答案:B
code 指 the markings ;现在分词做状语 7… 正确答案:C
强调二者之间有联系,故排除 A,而 C 选项表示有可能联系,语气不肯定,符合题目要求。 Vocabulary
8… 正确答案:B
puzzle out:to find answer by thinking hard 9… 正确答案:A 同义词
10… 正确答案:A
令人费解的:puzzling ;符号 signs 代替了 code,而不是 singal,singal 表示信号。
11… 正确答案:C
A 选项,come to 必须接动词原形,如 come to record / come to exist C 选项 ,come into existence(existence n.) 12… 正确答案:A
nomands:move from place to place
Lesson 39 Nothing to worry about 不必担心
Multiple choice questions 多项选择
Comprehension 1 C
It seemed less likely that…… Meet with disaster 2 A
In response to renewed pleadings, Bruce stopped.
3 A He was not the sort of person to be perturbed by anything. 4 D
Believe sb./sth./that/in 5 A
What 感叹句的主题词是名词 How 感叹句的主题词是形容词 6 D
7 B Run out of 旧版笔记
bumpy /washboard +road
I’m a rough diamond. 内秀 问路
Where is the hospital? Can you direct me to ..? How do I get to .. What is the closest way to..? Bear left, when you came across the fork.
run across
I run across an old friend in the street. 碰巧遇到
get sb to do = persuade sb to do sth get sth done (get foot spiked) get sth dong = begin to do sth
I need you professional advice. Any suggestions?
We are hungry fo ideas. Why not try this way? No point in trying. No.8 C
No.9 A
Hinder = obstacle 10 C 11 B 12 C
Lesson 40 Who's who 真假难辨
1 A 2 C 3 C 4 D 5 A 6D 7 B 8 C 9 A 10 A 11 C 12 A
Lesson 41 Illusions of Pastoral peace 宁静田园生活的
1. D (该选项背熟)
think sb. hypocritical: 认为某人很虚伪
maintain a preference for sth: 坚持一种想法
2. B(题目背熟) in terms of/regarding
have advantage over sb/sth: 比…更具有优势 within easy reach of sb. 方便,容易达到
3. A
allude to: mean
前 3 道题的题干和答案需要掌握 4. C 5. A
tire of:厌倦
eg: I am tired of doing so.
never: 表一般状态,用一般现在时 6. C
on only short bus right away 只有几站路的路程 7. 重点 B
many of the… 许多物品中的许多 You can take as many as you like.
You can take as many books as you can. 8. B
It has been a mystery to me. be mystified by: 被…所困扰 be freighted by: 被…所吓着 9. A
altogether: 总共,完全 virtually:几乎 certainly:肯定的,当然的 in particular: particularly 特别,尤其是 pretty well:相当不错,相当好(AE),= almost (BE) 10.B
do without, go without, manage without 11.B
near its end 接近尾声 = draw to its close reach its climax: 12.A
imposition : n.强人所难 impose: v.
Do not impose your idea on me. 不要把你的想法强加给我 imprint: 印记,印痕
give sb a (deep) impression: 给某人印象 have impact
eg: what he said give me a deep impression what he said has a deeply impact. 注意动词搭配
Lesson 42
1 D 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 C 6 B 7 D 8 B 9 C 10 A 11 D 12 B
Lesson 43 Fully Insured 全保险
1 B 2 C 3 C 4 B
达到高潮 -`
5 B 6 A 7 D 8 C 9 C 10 A 11 D 12 B
Lesson 44 Speed and comfort 速度和舒适
Multiple choice questions 多项选择
1、 d
the great disadvantage that shared by train and car travel alike is alike : as well 2、c
D. was adored by the rich and poor alike. distraction : 转移注意力 such… as 比如…
He can speak such languages as English, Japanese, Chinese. 3、c
No forms of transport can be more comfortable and faster than aeroplanes. 4、d 5、b 6、a
如果内心的期望和事实没有关系,表达‘如果’采用的结构形式不是 if,不是 suppose,而
是 providing or provided.
I’ll take all the shirts if/provided you reduce the price to $1 each. 7、c
in addition 表示承上启下,除此外还有
如果用 apart from , besides, in addition to , 必须和宾语进行搭配。 It 是形式主语
It is no use crying. 哭没有用。
It is no use pretending that I didn’t see him.. 假装没看见他是没有用的。 8、d
if it is not = if it is not calm
be prone to sth. To 在这是介词,相当于 be likely to do 表示极有可能。 During cold winter, we are likely to catch cold. During cold winter, we are prone to cold. 9、b 10、a
sit up 不睡觉 = stay up install 安装,固定 let’s install a television set on the wall..