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Unit 1 My day

Section A Let’s learn Ask and write(第1课时)


1、能听、说、读、写do morning exercises, eat breakfast, have…class, play sports, eat dinner。 2、会说句型:“When do you do morning exercises/…?”并能回答“At…o’clock.”。


1、掌握Let’s learn中的动词短语并能用于回答问询作息时间。 2、掌握单词exercises的正确发音。


Step1 : 预习温故

1)T: Hello , boys and girls! Welcome back to school! Ss: Hello, Miss.... Nice to see you again. T: Nice to see you ,too.

2)T: What time is it? (可以课前在黑板上画一个钟面,张开手臂演示一个时间) Ss:It’s 9/10/11 o’clock.(注意给学生强调整点时间后面要用o’clock)反复操练。

3)Go over these phrases : wash my clothes, watch TV, do homework, read books, play football. Let’s do homework/read books/play football/… .

I often wash my clothes/watch TV/do homework/ read books/… . Step 2:新课内容展示

1. Use the cards to learn new phrases.

T: do morning exercises, do morning exercises, follow me to read.

用同样的方式教读其他词组:eat breakfast, have…class, play sports, eat dinner(重点强调exercises、breakfast的发音)。

2. T: do morning exercises, do morning exercises, Let’s/I often do morning exercises. T: eat dinner, eat dinner Let’s/ I often eat dinner. 3. Read these sentences.

T: I can swim/play football/play sports….. T: Can you do morning exercises/…?

Ss: Yes, I can./No, I can’t.

T: When do you do morning exercises /play football/play sports?” Ss: At… o’clock.(跟学生强调整点前要用介词at) 反复操练。 4. 学生听录音,分角色读Let’s learn 。 Step 3:合作交流,师生共建 Role- play:

1) Answers the questions.

T: What time is it? Ss: It’s six/nine o’clock.

T: I get up at six o’clock. When do you get up/go to school? Ss: I get up at 7.a.m/ 7:30. 2) Ask and write.

教师引导学生完成填空,并分小组运用句型进行对话练习: T: When do you get up/do morning exercises? Ss: I get up at….a.m/p.m. Step 4:当堂作业 1.书写并背诵四会词组。 2.读背Let’s learn的对话。

Unit 1 My day

Section A let's try let's talk(第2课时)


1. 能听懂Let’s try部分的内容,并勾选出正确的图片。

2. 听、读Let’s talk部分,运用核心句子“When do you finish your class in the morning?”“We finish class at 1 o’clock.”来谈论时间,并变换单词,分角色练习对话。


1. 掌握句型“When do you finish your class in the morning?”并能做出正确回答。

2. 能灵活运用“When do you usually eat dinner/…”“Usually at…o’clock.”问答作息时间。


Step1 : 预习温故

1. Review “Times”(板书时间,让学生用英语说一说):10:00/6:00/9:00/… 2. Review the phrases.

do morning exercises —I do morning exercises at 6:00 a.m.

用同样方法复习:eat breakfast、play sports、have Chinese/English class、eat dinner 3. Guess the phrase(看动作),complete the dialogue: T: When do you do morning exercises/…? (板书) Ss: At … o’clock. 反复操练此句型。 Step 2:新课内容展示 1. Let’s talk.

1) 让学生勾出生词::finish class,go back to school,classes start,too late(板书并讲解其意思,并反复教读)

2) 学生自读课文,理解意思,并回答提问: T: When do you finish class/… in the morning? Ss: We finish class/… at … o’clock.

T: When do you go back to school/… after lunch? Ss: At … .

T: When do you usually eat dinner/… in Spain? Ss: Usually at …o’clock.

替换并反复操练几个句型,让学生掌握。 3) Listen to the tape and repeat the dialogue again.

2. let’s try. When are Zhang Peng and Pedro? Listen and tick. Step 3:合作交流,师生共建 活动设计1:Act “Let’s talk”. 分小组操练。

活动设计2: Role play .

T: When do you get up? Ss: I get up at … o’clock .

T: When do you go to bed? Ss: At …in the morning. I work at night. 也可以分小组练习对话。 Teach the song “My weekend”. Step 4:布置当堂作业 1. 背诵Let’s talk。 2. 仿写Let’s talk。

Unit 1 My day

Section B Let’s learn Do a survey(第3课时)


1.能够听说读写clean my room, go for a walk, go shopping, take a dancing class。 2.掌握句型:“I often/usually/always/sometimes clean my room/… on Saturdays”。


1. 掌握四会动词短语,并用于句型“I often/usually/always/sometimes clean my room/… on Saturdays”谈论周末活动。

2. 能运用often/always/sometimes进行替换练习。 3. Do a survey.


Step1 : 预习温故

1. Sing a song“My weekend”. 2. Translate.

吃早饭_____ 上英语课______ 进行体育运动_____ 做早操_____ 吃晚饭______ when_________ after_________ usually_____ 3. Read and answer the questions.(板书,学生口头回答)

When do you usually get up on Mondays?

When do you usually go to bed on Fridays ?

Step 2:新课内容展示

1. Learn the new phrases:clean my room, go for a walk, go shopping,take a dancing class . T: clean my room,clean my room—Let’s clean my room.学生跟读 用同样的方法教读词组。

T: Do you usually clean your room/… on Saturdays? Ss: Yes,I usually clean my room/… on Saturdays. 2. Learn the new sentence:

I usually clean my room/… on Saturdays.


I often clean my room/… on Saturdays.反复操练该句型,让学生掌握。 3. Listen to the tape and read it again. Step 3:合作交流,师生共建

1. Substitution drills:用always /sometimes替换often进行句型练习。 2. Listen and read“Let’s learn”. 3. Do a survey:

T: What do you do on Saturdays /on Sundays /on the weekend? Ss: I often/always/sometimes go shopping /… with my mother/… on Saturdays/on Sundays/on the weekend.反复操练。 Step 4:布置当堂作业


Unit 1 My day

Section B Let’s try Let's talk(第4课时)




