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Part 1 Listening

I. Listening Comprehension

A. Listen and choose the right picture

1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear 7.A. Egypt. B. Asia. C. Africa. D. A geography lesson. 8.A. Ben’s. B. Billy’s. C. Tom’s. D. Tim’s 9.A. Tuesday. B. Wednesday. C. Thursday. D. Friday. 10.A. 125 yuan. B. 145 yuan. C. 115 yuan. D. 135 yuan. 11.A. Alice. B. Jill. C. William. D. Joe. 12.A. In a nearby shop. B. In a fast food restaurant. C. In the woman’s car. D. At a friend’s home. 13.A. Monkeys. B. Pandas. C. Cats. D. Elephants. 14.A. He didn’t sleep well. B. He went to bed too late. C. He got up too late. D. He had a cold.

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false 15.People who spend holidays in France can only stay in a tree house. 16.Travelers don’t have to pay much to stay in a tree house. 17.Living in a tree house takes people back to their childhood.

18.To stay in a “star cube”(立方体)is just as comfortable as in a hotel. 19.In a “star cube”, people can look at the stars through its roof.

20.People like tree houses because they want to become the forest kings.

D. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks

21. Ernest Hemingway’s(海明威)________ ________ with nature made him interested in

outdoor adventures(冒险)--hunting and fishing.

22. ________ ________ from high school in 1917, Hemingway worked as a reporter for a

newspaper named the Kansas City Star.

23. Hemingway ________ ________ in a battle and was sent to a hospital in Milan.

24. Four years later, he wrote A Farewell to Arms(永别了,武器), a sad love story of an

________ ________ and a British nurse.

25. In 1952, his last novel, The Old Man and the Sea ________ ________ and it made

Hemingway famous and gained him the Pulitzer Prize(普利策奖)in 1952 and the Nobel Prize in literature in 1954.

Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary

II. Choose the best answer

26. Mother told Tom to behave himself. Which of the following is correct for the underlined

word in the sentence? A. / b?’hev / B. /be’ he?v / C. / b?’he?v / D. / b?’h?:v / 27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others? A. Do you know the gentleman in black? B. Tom and Jack are in different regions. C. Mike is asked to go and fetch the box. D. I expect you will win the match. 28. There is ________ ‘h’ in the word ‘hour’ A. / B. the C. a D. an 29. The ________ teacher wondered if the _______ students were in trouble. A. woman…boy B. women…boy C. woman…boys D. women…boys 30. Mike is such a kind teacher that he always gives us ________ advice. A. many B. a number of C. lots of D. a few 31. I can’t find ________ in the cardboard box. It’s empty. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. some things 32. Mobile phones are very popular now and they are ________ than before. A. cheap B. more cheaper C. much cheaper D. the cheapest 33. Tom gets up early every day except Saturday or Sunday, because he ________ go to school. A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. shouldn’t D. can’t 34. His father ______ from England in three days. A. returns B. has returned C. will return D. returned 35. The national flag ________ in our school before morning exercises every day. A. rise B. is raised C. is risen D. raises 36. Mary asked, “Would you mind my ________ the window?” A. open B. to open C. opened D. opening 37. We are very delighted ________ you here in Shanghai. A. to meet B. met C. meet D. meeting 38. There will be a wonderful lecture tomorrow. Would you like to ______ it? A. join B. join in C. enter for D. attend 39. Fresh water is ______ precious ______ it is sometimes called liquid gold.

A. such…that B. too…to C. as…as D. so…that 40. A large group of students are waiting ______ the bus stop for the school bus. A. for B. at C. to D. on 41. He didn’t tell us _______. A. if he will give us a lecture B. whether he would go with you C. when would he start D. when he will arrive 42. ______ bad news it was that there was something harmful in some fishes! A. What a B. How a C. What D. How 43. How long ______ in China? A. have Mrs. Williams stayed B. did Mrs. Williams stayed C. will Mrs. Williams be stayed D. was Mrs. Williams 44. A: Would you please buy some stamps for me on your way to work? B: _______ A. No, I have no time. B. Don’t give it up! C. With pleasure. D. My pleasure. 45. Which of the following separates England from France? _______. A. The Red Sea B. The Mediterranean C. The Atlantic Ocean D. The English Channel

III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each one can only

be used once A. without B. useful C. attention D. followed E. difficult

Hedy Lamarr was born in 1914. When she was still a teenager, she fell in love with acting. Soon she was discovered by an American director. At the age of 18, she appeared in her first film and began to get tons of __46__. Years later, she became a famous Hollywood actress successfully. She was so popular that her hairstyle was even widely __47__ by the fans. At that time she was honored as “the most beautiful woman in the world”. Many people pay more attention to her beauty than her acting skills. This brought her sadness and pain, so she gave up acting and started a new life. Then she decided to invent something __48__. You must be very surprised. What could an actress invent? But we’d like to say anybody who has used a mobile phone should thank her. Because __49__ her technology of FHSS(跳频扩频), today we won’t have GPS, Bluetooth, mobile phones or Wi-Fi networks. So she was called “Wireless Goddess”. Now, Hedy is remembered not only as one of the most talented actresses but also a great inventor.

A. date B. taken C. hardly D. protection E. actually The big red double-decker bus could certainly be the best-known symbol of London. The idea of the “double-decker” is __50__ much older than the motor bus. The earliest double-deckers were drawn(拖)by horses. There were steps at the back, so that people could climb up to the roof. But in those days, there was no __51__ for the people traveling on top. If it rained, they could pull a sort of oil-cloth cover out from the back of the seat in front of them, and pull it over them. But they still got wet. The most famous London buses are the Routemasters(路霸, 伦敦巴士历史上最经典的车



