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At a day care centre in Texas, Jessica McClure was playing outside. Jessica’s mother, who worked at the day care centre, was watching her. Suddenly Jessica__1__ and disappeared. Jessica’s mother cried and ran to her.

The well in the yard was only eight inches across, and a rock always__2__it. But children had moved the rock. When Jessica fell, she fell right into the well.

Jessica’s mother ran to a phone and called 911 for help. Men from the fire department arrived. They __3__that Jessica was about 20 feet down in the well. Then they told Jessica’a parents their__4__. “We can’t go down into the well” they said,” It’s so small. So we are going to dig a hole ___5___well. We’ll dig down about 20 feet. Then we’ll dig a tunnel(通道) across to Jessica. When we reach her, we’ll bring her through the tunnel. Then we’ll bring her up through our__6__.”

The men began to dig the hole on a Wednesday morning. Two days later, on Friday morning, they were__7__digging. And Jessica McClure was still in the well.

All over the world people waited for news of Jessica. They read about her in newspapers and watched her rescue(营救)on TV. Everyone__8__ the little girl in the well.

At 8:00 p.m. On Friday, the men finally reached Jessica and brought her up from the well. Then doctors rushed her to the hospital. Jessica was badly injured but she was still__9__. A doctor at the hospital said, “Jessica is lucky, she is very young. She’s not going to remember this very well.”

Maybe Jessica will not remember her days in the well. But her parents, her rescuers, and many other people around the world will not forget__10__.

After Jessica’s rescue, one of the rescuers made a metal cover for the well. On the cover he wrote, “To Jessica, with love from all of us.” 1. A.fell B.slept C.stooped D.rose 2. A.broke B.hid C.covered D.opened 3. A.promised B.discovered C.hoped D.agreed 4. A.dream B.study C.lesson D.plan 5. A.next to B.along with C.far from D.out of 6. A.well B.tunnel C.hole D.yard 7. A.still B.already C.always D.almost 8. A.looked after B.worried about C.made friends with D.stayed away from 9. A.alone B.asleep C.alive D.afraid 10. A.it B.them C.him D.us 【阅读理解】

Hermelin the Detective MoHse

Hermelin is a special little mouse.He was born in a box of cheese and lives in a building at 33 Offley Street.He can read books and type notes on his typewriter.Most importantly,Hermelin can solve mysteries.And the people of Offley Street are in need of a detective! Again and again.Hermelin is on the case—the anonymous hero.But when his neighbours invite him to a thank—you party in his honor and find out who Hermelin really is—a MOUSE!一

will he still be welcome in Offley Street? Product Details

Age Range(范围):5—8 years Hardcover:32 pages

Publishing Date:5 August 2020 Language:English

Product Dimensions(尺寸):10.9×9.6×0.5 inches

Detective Dinosaur

First,Detective Dinosaur solves the mystery of the missing hat.Then he solves the case of the shoe which always makes a sound.Then he goes on night patrol(巡逻),and finds out a terrible shadow in a dark street.Can it be a monster(怪物)?Help Detective Dinosaur follow the clues and find out! Product Details Age Range:4—8 years Paperback:48 pages

Publishing Date:17 January 1998 Language:English

Product Dimensions:8.5×5.5×0.2 inches

1.From the passage,we can know that the two books_______. A.are for adults B.have the same pages C.are published in the same year D.don’t have the same size

2.According to the information above,the two detectives are________. A.animals B.human beings C.young D.old 3.Which of the following about Hermelin is TRUE? A.He was born in a box of chocolate.

B.He lives in a small building at 33 Offley Street. C.He can sing songs and type notes on his typewriter. D.Hermelin can solve mysteries.

4.The underlined word“anonymous”means“__________”

A.有名的 B.匿名的 C.臭名昭著的 D.有钱的 5.The right order of what Detective Dinosaur has done is__________. ①He solves the case of the shoe. ②He goes on night patr01.

③He solves the mystery of the missing hat. ④He finds out a terrible shadow in a dark street.

A.②④③① B.③④①② C.③①②④ D.④③①② 【阅读表达】

Recently, Chongqing Three Gorges University has held an activity named “Cell Phone

Ninja” (手机忍者). They would like their students not to use cell phones for 21 days. It is really a challenge (挑战) for most students.

The activity started on April 12. Each student who volunteered to take part in this activity got a bracelet (手环). If the students did not use their cell phones, there would be a photo on the screen of the bracelet to show that. If they used their cell phones, a different photo would appear on the screen of the bracelet. After the last class of each day, the students sent the photos to the school’s public WeChat.

More than 800 students wished to take part in this test, and 400 were chosen. After seven days, only 103 students remained. The test was set for 21 days because some scientists believe that 21 days is long enough to help form (形成) a habit.

According to the teachers in the university, the activity was not a competition. It depended on students themselves to make the decision. The teachers hoped their students could form better study habits through activities like this one.

1. When did the activity “Cell Phone Ninja” start?

___________________________________________________________________ 2. Were 400 students chosen to take part in this test?

___________________________________________________________________ 3. Why was the test set for 21 days?

___________________________________________________________________ 4. What was the bracelet used for in this test?

___________________________________________________________________ 【书面表达】

在英语课上,老师组织了“A trip to the countryside or to the city”的话题讨论。请根据小组讨论结果,写一篇英语短文,介绍两者的不同特点,并写出你的选择与理由。 注意:

1)短文必须包含记录表中的信息,并作适当发挥; 2)文中不能出现真实的校名、姓名等信息;


In the English class, we had a discussion on the topic of having a trip to the countryside or to the city. __________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Countryside relaxing, fresh air … exciting … City not easy to take public transportation … crowded, expensive …



