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亢新刚, 陈光清, 刘建国. 2001. 芦芽山自然保护区森林旅游价值评估[J]. 北京林业大学学 报, (3), 60-63.
兰思仁. 2014. 中国森林公园和森林旅游的三十年[J]. 林业经济问题, 34(2), 97-106. 刘中艳, 王捷. 2007. 旅游规划综述[J]. 云南地理环境研究, (1), 131-134.
罗文标. 2013. 浅析东南亚养生旅游客源市场开拓措施[J]. 区域营销, (7), 63-64.
曲利娟, 傅桦. 2008. 我国森林旅游效益评价研究[J]. 首都师范大学学报(自然科学版), (4), 89-93.
王继庆. 2009. 中日韩森林旅游的养生主题设计及其产品开发[J]. 中国林业经济, (3), 25-28. 吴承照. 2009. 中国旅游规划30年回顾与展望[J]. 旅游学刊, 24(1), 13-18. 杨桂华, 工跃华. 2000. 生态旅游保护性开发新思路[J]. 经济地理, (1), 88-92. 周作明. 2010. 中国内地养生旅游初论[J]. 林业经济问题, (02), 141-145.
Ballesteros E. R. 2011. Social-ecological resilience and community-based tourism: An approach from Agua Blanca, Ecuador. Tourism Management, 32(3), 655-666.
Bostedt G., Mattsson L. 1995. The value of forests for tourism in Sweden. Annals of Tourism Research, 22(3), 671-680.
Cunha A. A. 2010. Negative effects of tourism in a Brazilian Atlantic forest National Park. Journal for Nature Conservation, 18(4), 291-295.
Edwards D., Jensen F. S., Marzano M., et al. 2011. A theoretical framework to assess the impacts of forest management on the recreational value of European forests. Ecological Indicators,
11(1), 81-89.
Haubenhofer D. K., Elings M., Hassink J., 2010. The development of green care in western European countries. The Journal of Science and Healing, 6(2), 106-111..
Jensen E. L., Ouis P. 2008. Contested construction of nature for city fringe outdoor recreation in southern Sweden: The Arrie case. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 7(3), 171-182.
Koppen G., Sang ?. O.,Tveit M. S. 2014. Managing the potential for outdoor recreation: Adequate mapping and measuring of accessibility to urban recreational landscapes. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 13(1), 71-83.
Roig E. M., Clavé S. A. 2015. Tourism analytics with massive user-generated content: A case study of Barcelona[J]. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 4(3), 162-172. Scarpa R., Chilton S. M., Hutchinson W. G., et al. 2000. Valuing the recreational benefits
from the creation of nature reserves in Irish forests. Ecological Economics, 33(2), 237-250. Supak S., Brothers G., Bohnenstiehl D., et al. 2015. Geospatial analytics for federally managed
tourism destinations and their demand markets. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 4(3), 173-186.