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v1.0 可编辑可修改 英文26个字母书写、学习巧记忆 字母书写歌

字母书写有规格, 左倾五度正适合。 大写一律上两格, 不顶线是原则。 头上有辫上两格, (b,d,h,k); 有尾下面两格托, (g,q,y);

无辫无尾中间格, (a,c,e,m,n,o,r,s,u,v,w,x,z); 唯有f三格点, j,p中下两格多,i,t中上一格半。 对照课本仔细看, 养成书写好习惯。



金字塔AAA,汉堡包BBB,小耳朵CCC,月饼切半DDD; 木头梳子EEE,金钥匙是F,抽水马桶GGG。 梯子是H,火腿肠是I,大钩 子JJJ,机关枪KKK; LL象锄头,MM是高山,NN滑滑梯。 大鸭蛋OOO,小旗子PPP,鸡蛋打破QQQ; P系围巾是R,半个“8”字是S,电线杆TTT。 小水杯UUU,胜利手势VVV,手拉手W; 小叉叉X,大弹弓是Y,小板凳ZZZ”

针对孩子易把“L、M、N”顺序弄混淆的情况,用顺口溜“拿着锄头(L)上高山(M),下了高山玩滑梯(N)” 巧记大小写字母

大A箭头指上方, 小a系辫好模样; 大B耳朵右边长, 小b食指指向上; 大C吃饭把嘴张, 小c大C一个样;


大D肚子圆又胖, 小d五线谱里藏; 大E将山竖着放, 小e像鱼肉真香; 大F像旗杆上绑, 小f像个小拐杖; 大G让C挂条棍, 小g大辫真正长; 大H工字放倒写, 小h椅子侧着放; 大I工字中间长, 小i像人跪地上; 大J长得多像“厂”, 小j子弹射出枪; 大K伸臂又踢腿, 小k稍息把事想; 大L指针三点过, 小l像根火腿肠; 大M山峰尖又尖, 小m鼻孔出气长; 大N闪电实在怕, 小n单门墙上装; 大O鸡蛋喷喷香, 小o蛋小人人抢; 大P圆旗高飘扬, 小p旗小英姿爽; 大Q西瓜连藤摘, 小q和9很相似; 大R和P右踢腿, 小r路灯明又亮; 大S弯弯溪流淌, 小s像8没合上; 大T铁锤当当响, 小t像个大写七; 大U陷阱在下方, 小u将n倒着放; 大V竖起两手指, 小v长个尖下巴; 大W是M朝天躺, 小w将v弄成双; 大X像叉画本上, 小x剪刀裁衣忙; 大Y弹弓没皮筋, 小y比v多尾巴; 大Z和2最相像, 小z呼噜声最响。

字母读音儿歌 A little ant

A, a, it's for ant. It's a little ant. Ant, ant, a little ant. It's working hard.2

v1.0 可编辑可修改 v1.0 可编辑可修改 A bottle of beer

B, b, it’s for beer. Here’s a bottle of beer. Beer, beer, a bottle of beer. Dad likes it very much. A big cinema

C, c, it’s for big cinema. Cinema, cinema, a big cinema. Let’s go to the cinema. My Dad

D, d, it’s for Dad. This is my Dad. Dad, dad, my dad. I love my dad very much. My eyes

E, e, it’s for eye. I have two eyes. Eyes, eyes, my eyes. The world is in my eyes. A nice fish

F, f, it's for fish. It's a nice fish. Fish, fish, a nice fish. It's swimming in the pool. A white goat

G, g, it's for goat. It's a white goat. Goat, goat, a white goat. It's eating grass in the field. A big hamburger

H, h, it’s for hamburger. It’s a big hamburger. Hamburger, hamburger, a big hamburger. I like eating the hamburger. A yummy ice-cream

I, i, it’s for ice-cream. It’s a yummy ice-cream. Ice-cream, ice-cream, a yummy ice-cream. We like the ice-cream. A new jacket

J, j, it’s for jacket. It’s a new jacket. Jacket, jacket, a new jacket. I’m wearing the new jacket. A beautiful kite

K, k, it's for kite. It's a beautiful kite. Kite, kite, a beautiful kite. It's flying in the sky 3

v1.0 可编辑可修改 Mummy loves me

L, l, it’s for love. Mummy loves me. Love, love, mummy loves me. I love my mummy too.

A bright moon

M, m, it's for moon. It's a bright moon. Moon, moon, a bright moon. I want to fly to the moon. A bowl of noodle

N, n, it’s for noodle. Here’s a bowl of noodle. Noodle, noodle, a bowl of noodle. I like eating the noodle. A big orange

O, o, it’s for orange. It’s a big orange. Orange, orange, a big orange. It’s sweet and juicy. My piano

P, p, it’s for piano. It’s my piano. Piano, piano, my piano. I can play the piano. A beautiful queen

Q, q, it’s for queen. It’s a beautiful queen. Queen, queen, a beautiful queen. I want to be the queen. A sitting-room

R, r, it’s for room. It’s a sitting-room. Room, room, a sitting-room. My daddy is in the sitting-room. Our new school

S, s, it’s for school. It’s our new school. School, school, our new school. Welcome to our school. A good teacher

T, t, it’s for teacher. This is a good teacher. Teacher, teacher, a good teacher. The teacher teaches us very well. My uncle 4

v1.0 可编辑可修改 U, u, it’s for uncle. This is my uncle. Uncle, uncle, my uncle. He’s very humor. A new violin

V, v, it’s for violin. It’s a new violin. Violin, violin, a new violin. Can you play the violin A magic window

W, w, it’s for window. It’s a magic window. Window, window, a magic window. It’s the magician’s window. A X-ray room

X, x, it’s for X-ray. Here’s an X-ray room. X-ray, X-ray, X-ray room. The doctor is in the X-ray room. A yellow banana

Y, y, it’s for yellow. It’s a yellow banana. Yellow, yellow, a yellow banana. I’m eating the yellow banana. A big zoo

Z, z, it’s for zoo. It’s a big zoo. Zoo, zoo, a big zoo. Let’s go to the zoo. 英语26个字母与谚语

A is for art. Art is long, life is short. A 代表“艺术”。艺术是永恒的,生命是短暂的。

B is for blood. Blood is thicker than water. B 代表“血”。血浓于水。

C is for children. Children and fools speak the truth. C 代表“孩子”。孩子和傻子都说真话。

D is for diligence. Diligence is the mother of success. D 代表“勤奋”。勤奋是成功之母。 5



