Part I: Vocabulary and Structure
Section A: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.
1. Dogs share many of the same _______ as humans and can easily show emotion.
A. attributes B. distributes C. tributes D. reattributes
2. Compared to my pet frog, that horse seemed like a _______ animal.
A. miniature B. typical C. giant D. short
3. It might be hard to believe but some ants are _______ of carrying more than ten times their body
A. capable B. capability C. able D. ability
4. Over millions of years, animals on Earth _______ and adapted to many different environments.
A. grew B. involved C. developed D. evolved
5. Polar bears are able to stay warm in such cold places because they have a thick _______ of fat
beneath their fur.
A. layer B. coat C. sheet D. stack
6. Many animals, like chipmunks, live underground in vast networks of _______ that they dig.
A. holes B. tunnels C. openings D. caves
7. Elephants are often called _______ animals because of their size, beauty, and elegance.
A. enormous
B. magnificent C. interesting D. compelling
8. Scientists have been studying DNA for years but they've only _______ a fraction of the
information it contains.
A. covered B. recovered C. discovered
D. uncovered
9. Charles Darwin suggested that humans and apes, such as chimpanzees, shared a similar
_______ from a common ancestor.
A. descent B. ascent C. descendent D. descendant
10. There is a famous story about a lion that had a thorn stuck in its _______.
A. hand B. paw
C. hoof D. flipper
11. When he wants to go outside, my dog will _______ bark at the front door until someone opens it.
A. unreliably B. previously C. distractedly D. repeatedly
12. Penguins may look a little silly walking on land, but they _______ through water beautifully.
A. leap B. glide C. squirm D. drape
13. When a tiger shows its teeth, that's an _______ that it is about to attack.
A. indicate B. indicative C. indication D. indicating
14. Many fish swim with a gentle side-to-side _______ of the fins and tail.
A. motion B. motive C. motor D. motel
15. I could see a subtle _______ of sadness on the face of my cat when I left for work this morning.
A. clue B. motion
C. hint D. gust
16. Parrots have the ability to _______ the sounds they hear around them.
A. produce B. reproduce C. pronounce D. mispronounce
17. Some species of birds can fly for miles simply by gliding on a _______ of wind.
A. breeze
新标准大学英语综合教程2-unit test7答案