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应届生优秀中英文简历模板 - 图文

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姓名 性别:男 出生地:上海 出生年月: 手机: 地址:上海交通大学东川路800号F0xxxxx邮编:200240 政治面貌: 电话: E-mail: 教育背景 2003.9至今 上海交通大学 电子信息与电气工程学院 自动化系 上海交通大学 法学院 知识产权法(第二专业) 所获奖励 2007.5 2006.10 2004.10 2005.12 2005.5 2004.10 上海市高等学校优秀毕业生 (1%学生获此奖励) 上海新时达电气专项奖学金 (1%学生获此奖励) 上海市高等学校优秀学生(索尼)奖学金 (上海高校仅100人获此奖励) 上海交通大学优秀党员 (5%党员获此奖励) 上海交通大学五四优秀共青团干部 (0.5%学生获此奖励) 上海交通大学三好学生干部 (0.5%学生获此奖励) 学生工作 2004.9-2006.6 上海交通大学第四届社团联合会(管理校内104个社团) 主席 创建五大中心,推翻陈旧组织结构,改善运作效率。 分析并重建组织定位,从传统的管理型转向服务型。 提出并创新“党建进社团”、“社团活动课程化”管理模式,为社团争取经费。 筹划“2004首届上海高校社团发展论坛”,任筹委会主席。(全国58所高校团委书记参加) 领导200位核心团队,统筹论坛全程,如宣传、会务、文件起草、媒体联系等。 2004.6-2006.1 上海交通大学野外生存协会(2004年上海市优秀社团) 会长 领导20位核心干部,多次成功策划户外活动,会员人数从原50人扩展到200人。 代表交大,参加2004中日韩大学生东北野外生存训练(交大学生六人)。 5天内,负重徒步80公里,提前完成既定目标,CCTV-5“体育人间”节目跟踪报道。 2005.5-2006.6 上海交通大学第二十届学生体育总会 副主席 提出“奥林匹克运动会”构想,打破常规校运会模式,参与人数翻三倍。 策划并主持体育总会成立20周年庆典晚会。 2004.5至今 上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院XX级党支部 书记 首创并主持全年级发展党员大会,获上海交通大学2005年党建创新一等奖。 实习经历 2006.8-2006.9 西门子(中国)有限公司 运动控制系统部 工程师助理 协助预调试振华港机起重机项目,如迪拜港,洋山深水港项目等。 成功选型所需电子器件,学习并掌握运用EPLAN和AUTOCAD绘制电路图的能力。 2006.7-2006.8 上海市杨浦区人民政府(优秀大学生暑期挂职锻炼) 团委部长助理 策划组织56名优秀大学生的挂职工作(复旦、交大、财大、香港大学等)。 编辑并出版挂职专刊《起点》。下基层接待上访,解决居民矛盾。 其他信息 英语 CET—4、CET—6 (516分),TOEFL 597,读写能力出色。 计算机 熟练掌握Office、Visual C++、Photoshop系列软件,具备计算机组装及维修能力。 特长 书法(全国书法比赛优秀作品),乒乓(交大附中乒乓球冠军)、网球、摄影、桥牌。 自我评价 一位勇于挑战的攀登者,敢于承担艰险,永不畏惧前路的崎岖与风雪! 一位不怕失败的探索者,乐于不断寻觅未知的山路,用脚步来丈量这神秘的世界! Name Gender: Male Birthplace: Shanghai Date of Birth: Mobile: Tel: E-mail: Address: F0xxxxx Shanghai Jiao tong University No 800 Dongchuan RD (200240) Education Background 2003-present Shanghai Jiaotong University, School of Electronics and Electric Engineering B.S. in Automation Engineering, Minor in Intellectual Property Law,expected July 2007 Scholarship/Awards Oct 2006 Nov 2004 May 2005 Nov 2004 Shanghai STEP Electric Special Scholarship (Top 1%) SONY Academic Scholarship in Shanghai Universities (100 Students in Shanghai) Excellent Cadre of Youth League Award of Shanghai Jiao tong University (Top 0.5%) Excellent Students Cadre of Shanghai Jiao tong University (Top 0.5%) Work Experience Sep2004-Jun2006 Association Union of SJTU (Managed 104 clubs in SJTU), President Constructed five departments to overthrow the old system and improved operational efficiency. Analysis and reconstruction of organization location from traditional management to service-oriented. Proposed and innovated \Planned successfully “the First Club Develop Forum, as chairman of organizing committee Leaded 200 core members to establish the entire process of the forum. Jun 2004-Jan 2006 Outdoor Club of SJTU (2004 TOP TEN Club in Shanghai), President Leaded 20 core cadres and planned a number of successful outdoor activities. Expanded membership from the original 50 to 200. Represented SJTU to participate in Outdoor Survive Practice Program (Japan, Korea and China). Walked through mountains for 80 kilometers in 5 days ahead of target,CCTV-5 reported. May2005-Jun2006 Sports Union elected by 20th League Committee of SJTU), Vice President Advised \ Planned and presided the ceremony the 20th anniversary show. 2004.5-present Party branch of School of Electronics and Electric Engineering, Party Branch secretary Created firstly and presided the Congress of development of CPC in the whole grade. Won the First Price of Innovational Party Construction. Intern Experience Aug2006- Sep2006 Siemens Ltd. China, Automation & Drives Group, Engineer Assistant Assisted engineer pre-commission crane for ZPMC, such as Dubai, Yangshan etc. Succeeded in selecting devices and mastered the ability to use EPLAN and AutoCAD drawing circuit. July2006-Aug2006 Summer 2006 Intern Program in Shanghai Government, Minister Assistant Planed and organized the work of 56 excellent university students. Received grassroots petitions, solve conflicts and improve the ability to handle emergencies. Others English CET-4, CET-6 (516), TOEFL 597, Fluent in English as working language. Computer Master user of Microsoft Office, Visual C++, Photoshop. Interests Calligraphy, Tennis, Bridge, Photography, Table-tennis. Personality A climber enjoying to conquer hardships, no fear of rocks or storms! An explorer constantly seeking the unknown, with paces to measure the mysterious world!

应届生优秀中英文简历模板 - 图文


