东北师范大学 东北师大奥鹏远程教育 英语视听(二)20秋在线作业2
参考答案 试读一页
1. 关于\保密\的表达法, Keep it a (). 【选项】: A secret B tale C story D way
【答案】:A secret |
2. Hard work can () for a lack of intelligence. 勤能补拙。 【选项】: A make up B make for C make D pay
【答案】:A make up |
3. \from(). 【选项】: A Beauty and Beast B Charlotte's Web C Polar Express D Monster House
【答案】:A Beauty and Beast |
4. You're gonna break a six-year (). 【选项】: A streak B term C plan D period
【答案】:A streak |
5. 他打破了学校的传统。He broke a() of the school. 【选项】: A streak B line C rule D condition
6. The lantern with the candle is called (). 【选项】: A jack-o'-lantern
B lantern of souls C lantern of ghosts D Halloween lantern
【答案】:A jack-o'-lantern |
7. baby geese are born from Gussy’s eggs, among which one egg is carried by the rat. This egg rolls out of control and nearly hurts (). 【选项】: A Wilbur B Charlotte C Fern D the rat
【答案】:B Charlotte |
8. I am the God of your (), Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 【选项】: A people B Mom C Dad D ancestors
【答案】:D ancestors |
9. Rameses is named()of Egypt by his father. 【选项】: A regent B heir
C prime minister D king
【答案】:A regent |