基于 NSG A-II 算法的单点过饱和交叉口信号控制
【期刊名称】《武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版)》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)004
【摘要】为了提升单点过饱和交叉口的通行效率,解决过饱和交叉口排队车辆溢出导致的上游交叉口严重拥堵,提出了一种基于NSGA‐II算法的单点过饱和交叉口信号配时方法,对多目标优化模型进行求解。为预防交叉口排队溢流,提出了溢流排队长度指标 Ccri 。选取排队长度、延误时间和溢流排队长度指标为优化目标,对信号相位配时进行优化。使用VISSIM 仿真软件对一个实际交叉口进行算例分析。结果表明,文中提出的算法与传统的F‐B方法得出的信号配时方案相比,能有效减少过饱和交叉口的排队长度和延误时间,并能降低溢流发生率。%In order to enhance the efficiency of single point over‐saturated intersection and solve traffic serious congestion of upstream intersection caused by the vehicle queue length overflow ,a traffic sig‐nal timing control optimization algorithm based on NSGA‐II for single point over‐saturated intersec‐tion is proposed ,w hich is used to solve multi‐objective optimization model .In order to avoid the vehi‐cle queue length overflow of intersection ,a queue length overflow index Ccri is proposed .The queue length ,delay and queue length overflow index are selected as the optimization goals to optimize the signal timing .Finally ,the paper using the VISSIM simulation software for a real intersection conduct calculations and analysis .The results
showed that :signal timing plans of the proposed algorithm compared with the traditional F‐B method can more effectively reduce the queue length ,delay and o‐verflow incidence of oversaturated intersection . 【总页数】6页(801-806)
【作者单位】昆明理工大学交通工程学院1 昆明 650500;昆明理工大学交通工程学院1 昆明 650500;昆明市公安局交通警察支队2 昆明 650000 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】U491.51 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_journal-wuhan-university-technology-transportation-science-engineering_thesis/0201210828820.html 【相关文献】
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