单元教学活动4 Look and find.
单元教学活动5 Say and cross.
第五部分实际上是造句练习。学生从不同的位置选择一个词,最后将这些词组在一起。如:“The park is opposite the library. The zoo is next to the park.”等。
单元教学活动7 Listen, read and find out.
在左边的有:China, America
在右边的有:Britain, Australia, Japan, HongKong, Ireland, Malta
单元教学活动8 Look, think and say.
第八部分是句型练习,重点练习句型,“How about having a cup of tea?”教师让学生两人一组依次进
单元教学活动9 Listen, draw and complete the picture.
This is my house. There is a garden in front of my house. Yes, draw a garden in front of my house. Behind my house, across the street, you see a park. Yes, draw a park there. It’s next to the supermarket. Can you see a bank there? Draw a school next to the bank. Now you see a school. Draw a zoo opposite the school on the other side of the road. Good. Draw two rabbits in the zoo. Finally, draw a shop between the cafe and the cinema.
单元教学活动6 Read, guess and write.
1 )supermarket 2 )farm 3 )market 4 )bank 5 )cafe 6 ) park 7 )library 8 )shop 9 )zoo 10 )cinema
Homework 知识扩展
List of left-driving countries and regions
The following is a list of some countries cities of the world whose inhabitants drive on the left-hand side of the road. Most of the drivers of these countries and regions use right-hand-drive vehicles(about 74). Australia, Fiji, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Jamaica, Japan, Macau, Malaysia,
Malta,Mozambique,Nepal,New,Zealand,Pakistan,Singapore,Solomon, Islands, South, Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, United, Kingdom, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Unit 6 He likes reading picture books.
教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands
通过学习本单元,学生能提高读书的兴趣 学生能学习和掌握一些动词短语词组
交际用语 Expressions in communication
He likes reading picture books.
It’s time to get up.
Come and play with us.
What does Bob like doing best? He likes drawing. I like playing football.
What kind of books do you like to read? I like to read picture books.
重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions
get up, picture book, reading a newspaper, washing up, cleaning the floor, cookery book, comic book, bouncings, riding a horse, doing maths, playing the piano
所需教具 Materials for teaching
一个学生的图片或玩具娃娃 不同类型的儿童书籍
常用动词及单数形式加“s”的单词,如works, plays
教师根据人数写出20-30个句子,然后将句子剪开,一个单词一个信封分别装起来 小奖品
教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up
复习一级学习过的动词短语,模拟动作或者听写。 Presentation
上课时,教师先拿出几本儿童书籍问学生:“Does anybody like reading books? Please raise your hands. Let’s see how many of you like reading book.”教师进行简单的统计,然后继续问:“Do you like reading picture books? Or do you like reading other books, such as maths books, Chinese books, music books? How many hours do you spend on reading books? Do you do other things besides reading the picture books?”
结束了几个问题这后,教师对学生说:“I have a nice friend. His name is Bob. He likes reading picture books very much. And he keeps reading all the time. Please look at the picture of this unit. Let’s look at the first picture. Where is Bob now? What is he doing? Let’s look at the second one. Where is Bob now? What’s he doing?”
教师依次问其他的图。问完之后,教师提出一个问题:“What does Bob like doing?(He likes reading picture books.) How do you know that? (Because he keeps reading all the time.)Is it good to read all the time? Where shouldn’t he read picture books?”
教师指着小孩的父母说:“Who are they?(They are Bob’s parents.)What are they talking about?(They are talking about whether they should buy some books for Bob.)
教师让学生合上教材,请大家听录音。录音之后,教师再提出几个问题:“Who is Bob? What does he like doing? What did his parents buy him for his birthday?” Practice
单元教学活动2 Let’s play.
第二部分是变换句型的练习。每个小组的同学在一起,第一个同学问第二个同学:“What do you like doing?”第二个同学说:“I like playing the piano.”第三个同学指着第二个人说:“What does she like doing?”第四个回答说:“She likes playing the piano.”问完一遍后,第一个同学到队伍的最后 ,由原来的第二个同学开始说:“What do you like doing?”等整个组的同学都说完一遍以后,再往下换一个人继续说,直到每个同学都有机会练习一遍。
单元教学活动3 Play in pairs.
第三部分是让学生用彩色笔将一个完整的句子涂成一种颜色。比如:Nancy likes reading picture books every day.学生可以把这些字母都涂成蓝色,然后继续组合第二句、第三句等。等组合好所有的句子之后,教师让同学相互说,看哪个同学句子组的多,正确的多。
其他的句子还有:Bob washes his socks and shoes in the evening. Linda reads English books and draws pictures every evening. Linda cleans her bedroom and shoes in the morning. Zhang Xin likes singing and dancing at school.
Tian Hua likes eating chicken, fish, meat, tomatoes, sausages and apples.
Li Ting helps his mum and dad clean the sitting-room.
单元教学活动4 Let’s chant and sing.
单元教学活动5 Look, tick, ask and answer.
第五部分是练习一般现在时动词单数第三人称的陈述句和否定句。下面的图画和短语是让学生做替换练习用。教师要学生两人一组进行练习。在练习的基础上,教师叫起某个学生问:“What does your mother like doing? What does your father like doing?”教师让学生尽量根据实际情况回答。教师也可以让某些同学到前面问班级的其他同学。
单元教学活动6 Look, read and write.
1 ) They often go to the school library in the morning. 2 ) Lily and Ann like eating ice creams and bananas. 3 ) Linda likes eating fish, beef, sausages and eggs. 4 ) Bob often cleans his bedroom and washes his socks.
5 ) Zhang Yu often read newspaper picture books in the evening. 6 ) Liu Li often plays the piano in the evening after eight.
单元教学活动8 Ask and answer in pairs.
第八部分仍然是问答练习,但问答练习里出现了许多新的词汇和词组。教师应该先拿出这些词组让学生分别地进行朗读,并理解其意思后再进行问答练习。在学生练习的基础上教师可以提问学生:“What kind of books do you like to read?”
单元教学活动9 Draw and show.
单元教学活动10 Pair work.
单元教学活动7 Listen, read and write.
并告诉大家,抄写错的不能得分,因此不能出错。等学生抄好以后,教师念出某个短语,最后看哪些同学能够猜中并喊出“Bingo!” 教师给做对了的同学发奖。
Unit 7 You mustn’t drop litter in the park!
教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands
通过学习本单元,学生能加强保护环境的意识 学生能了解一些公共场所里的规则
交际用语 Expressions in communication
You mustn’t drop litter in the park. I like this park.
There are not many people here.
There is swimming pool in the park. If it’s edible, clap your hands in front. There is a parrot standing on a book.
There are two cats sleeping in the big shoe.
重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions
litter, animals, throw, dolphin, river, behind, must, mustn’t, grass, really, missing, sky, edible, cover, try, pretty, shout, pick, ride, bounce, jump, kick, climb, shower,
所需教具 Materials for teaching
相关的食物、动物及物品图片(第四部分) 相关图片,如公园、图书馆、教室及家里客厅 任意一些实物(第九部分)
教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up
教师带领学生做指令练习,或者反口令练习。 目的在于温习肯定及否定的指令。
教师上课打完招呼后,突然注意到地上的废纸及垃圾等东西,马上就拿出塑料袋对大家说:“Oh, you mustn’t drop litter in the classroom. This is our classroom. You mustn’t drop litter in the classroom.”教师接着说:“Who can help me pick up the trash?”教师鼓励学生将垃圾及乱扔的东西拣起来。
a )学生拣完之后,教师说:“Now let me ask you something. Should we drop litter in the park? Should we drop litter in the library? Should we drop litter in the cinema?”教师列出许多的地点,学生都应回答:“No, we mustn’t.”
b )教师接着对说学生说:“Now let’s see who can make a sentence like this,‘You mustn’t drop litter in the zoo.’”教师鼓励学生造句。
c )教师引导大家看主图说:“Now let’s look at this picture. Where is it? Are there many children in the park? What are the boys doing? Look, some children are doing right things. But some children are doing wrong things. Please find out who is wrong or who are wrong.”
The boy mustn’t pick flowers. The boy mustn’t chase the ducks.
The boy mustn’t pick apples on the tree. The boy mustn’t swim in the river.
The children mustn’t drop litter in the park. The boy mustn’t stand in the boat and shout. The girl mustn’t fish into the river.
The girl mustn’t throw food in the river. The driver mustn’t drive in the park. This boy mustn’t kick the tree. They mustn’t sit on the grass.
总之,教师可以让学生相互找,相互说,给他们一个练习的机会,然后在全班范围内一起说。 d)最后,教师让大家一起听录音。
单元教学活动2 Look, check and match.
第二部分是让学生找本图中一些缺失的东西。比如缺一个风筝、房子缺一个大门、鱼竿上缺鱼线、缺伞的上部、缺足球、缺二棵树、缺一条海豚、缺一只鸭子等。学生可以说:“The soccer ball is missing.”等等。
单元教学活动3 Listen and say.
第三部分是句型练习。教师可以先让大家不看教材,直接用班级里的情景造句。比如:“There are two doors in the classroom. There is a blackboard in this room. There is a TV set in this room. There are
20 desks and 22 chairs in this classroom. There are four lamps in the room.”等学生基本明白该句型的意见后,教师让学生也试着造几个句子。教师可以先让大家造复数的句子,然后再造单数的句子。最后,教师再让大家打开书听录音并跟着大声朗读这些句子。
单元教学活动5 Listen, read, write and retell.
答案是:park, ducks, walk, cats, after, sheep, behind, cows, cows, happy
单元教学活动6 Brain work.
单元教学活动7 Listen, sing and act.
单元教学活动8 Brainstorm in pairs.
单元教学活动9 Look, read and say.
单元教学活动10 Look, circle, write and say.
第十部分是在所给的字母中找出尽可能多的单词,并把这些单词写在旁边的横线上。这些单词是:pool, dog, get, tree, egg, go, fly, boat, duck, door, to, flower, apple, cap, park, fish, bag, ball, boy, kite, geese, see, he, ten, net, girl, left, orange, five, eye, table, cat, dolphin, at, turtle, eight… Closure
单元教学活动4 Let’s play
第四部分是游戏部分。教师拿出一个香蕉的图片或单词问大家:“Is it edible?”如果学生说,“Yes, it is edible.”同时在身体的前面拍一下手。接着教师拿出一张桌子图问:“Is it edible?”大家要一起说,“No, it’s not edible.”然后在身体的背后拍一下手。教师继续给大家看后面的图片或单词,速度可以越来越快。
请同学们回家后用一张纸为班级里同学定几条规矩:You mustn’t…in the classroom.
Unit 8 Who is the winner?
教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands
通过学习本单元,学生能进一步提高学习英语的兴趣 通过本单元的活动,进一步巩固所学的句型和词汇 学生能进一步锻炼阅读英语的能力
交际用语 Expressions in communication
Let’s play the game. You start first.
I’ll do the odd numbers. You’ll do the even numbers. Whose turn is it? It’s your turn.
That’s not a problem.
What have you got in your bag? Which school do you like to go to?
重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions