Beijingers Reluctant to Fritter Money on Physical
【期刊名称】《今日中国:英文版》 【年(卷),期】2005(054)001
【摘要】According to a recent survey, most Beijingers regard the fees charged at health clubs and gyms as excessive.An overwhelming 97.8 percent of respondents was of the opinion that government invested sports facilities should be free of charge to local residents. 【总页数】1页(8)
【关键词】北京;体育锻炼;健身俱乐部;体育设施 【作者】佚名 【作者单位】无 【正文语种】英文 【中图分类】G806 【相关文献】
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Beijingers Reluctant to Fritter Money on Physical Jerks