国际货运代理专业英语 Unit 11 Marine Cargo Insurance
一、Principles of Marine Cargo Insurance 海上货物保险的原则 (考试重点)
1-1 课文: The marine cargo insurance is based on the principles of insurable interest, utmost good faith, and indemnity. 注释:be based on: 基于 principle: 原则 insurable interest: 保险利益(interest: 一般意义是“兴趣,爱好”,在这里是“利益,权益”之意,在银行业务中我们常用“利息”这个词意) utmost good faith: 最大(高)诚信(utmost: 最大的,最高的;faith: 信任,信用,good faith: 真诚,善意) indemnity: 赔偿,补偿 这句话的大致意思是:海上货物保险是基于保险利益的原则, 最大诚信原则和赔偿原则 1-2 课文:No contract of marine insurance is valid unless the assured has an insurable interest in the subject matter insured at the time of loss.
注释:(the)assured: 确定的,保证的(在这里引申为“被保险人”)subject matter insured: 保险标的 at the time of : 在...时候
这句话的大致意思是:只有在被保险人的保险标的有损失时,海运保险合同才会生效。 1-3 课文:Cargo Insurance is a contract of indemnity, that is, to compensate for the loss of damage in terms of the value of the insured goods.
注释:that is:即,就是,换句话说 compensate: 赔偿,补偿 in terms of : 按照,根据,在...方面 value: 价值 这句话大致的意思是:货物保险是一种补偿合同,即按照被保险货物的价值对它的损失进行赔偿。
1-4 课文:The amount insured as agreed between the insurer and the assured forms the basis of indemnity. 注释:amount insured: 保险金额(amount: 总数,总额) agreed: 经过协商的,同意的 ( the ) insurer: 保险人(= underwriter) form: 在这里为动词“构成,形成” basis: 基础
这句话大致意思是:保险人和被保险人之间协商的保险金额构成了赔偿金的基本金额。 1-5 课文:The principle of utmost good faith is indispensable in any insurance contract.
注释:indispensable: 不可缺少的,绝对必要的(dispensable: 不重要的,可省的,“in-”前缀表否定或者相反意思)
1-6 课文:A contract of marine insurance is a contract based upon the utmost good faith, and, if the utmost good faith be not observed by either party, the contract may be avoided by the other party. 注释:based upon: = based on 根据,以...为基础 observe:遵守,奉行 either: 任一的(两方中的每一方) party: 条约的当事人,一方 avoid: 避免,撤销,使无效 这句话的意思是:海上保险合同是建立在最大诚信基础之上的合同,如果合同任何一方不遵守最大诚信,另一方可以使合同无效。 二、Insurance Premium 保险费 (考试重点)
2-1 课文:The premium is the consideration which the insurers receive from the assured in exchange for their undertaking to pay the sum insured in the event insured against. (这句话是保险费的定义,需要了解)
注释:premium: 费用(保险费)consideration: 体谅,考虑,报酬(在这里引申为“对价”) insurer: 保险人,保险公司 the assured: 被保险人 in exchange for: 交换 undertaking: 担保,保证 sum: 金额,款项 (sum insured: 保险金额,投保金额) event: 事件
2-2 课文:The general guiding rate of the insurance premium is 1% of the amount insured.
注释:general: 普通的,通常的 guiding: 导向,指导 rate: 比率 (rate of the insurance premium: 保险费率) amount insured: 保险金额(= sum insured )
2-3 课文:The premium rates may vary, for example, from 0.5% to 2.5% or more or less depending on factors such as: type of goods, the country and distance of destination, value of the goods, mode of transportation, the type of risks covered, container or bulk shipment and type o f packing. 注释:vary: 改变,变换(后面常跟from... to ..., vary from... to ...: 从...到...不等,在...之间变换);for example: 例如(这个短语在这里是插入语) more or less: 或多或少 depend on: 依靠,依赖(在这里我们可以引申为“取决于”) factor: 因素,要素 such as: 例如,像这样的 type: 类型,样式,风格 distance: 距离 value of goods: 货物的价值 container: 集装箱 bulk shipment: 整批装运
这句话大致是说出了通常的保险费率外,由于不同的情况,保险费率也会不同。具体意思就是:保险费率也会变化,例如在0.5% 到2.5%不等或多或少,这都要取决于各种因素,比如:货物的类型,国别和目的地的距离,货物的价值,运输的方式,投保风险的种类,是否用集装箱或者整批装运以及包装的类型。
2-4 课文:The minimum amount insured should be the CIF or the CIP value of the goods plus 10%.
注释:minimum: 最小的,最低的 plus: 加上,加,和
这句话的意思是:最低投保金额应该是货物的CIF 或者CIP价格再加10%。 三、Insurance Policy 保险单(考试重点)
3-1 课文:Insurance policy is an evidence of insurance contract issued by the insurer or underwriter to the assured. It stipulates each party’s rights and responsibilities.(这句话是保险单的定义,需要了解)
注释:insurance policy: 保险单 evidence: 证据,凭证 issue: 签发
underwriter: 保险人;保险商(=insurer) stipulate: 规定 party: 一方(签约的一方)rights and responsibilities: 权利和责任 这句话的意思是:保险单是由保险人或者保险商签发给被保险人的保险合同凭证,规定了合同每一方的权利和责任。
3-2 课文: The format of insurance policy forms varies from insurer to insurer. 注释:format: 版式,格式
3-3 课文:Insurance policy or certificate, and endorsement are the main ones used in daily business.
注释:insurance policy or certificate: 保险单或保险凭证 endorsement: 背书,认可(在这里是为“批单”的意思,是在保险单出立后,双方当事人同意对保险单内容进行增删而由保险人出具的一种凭证。) 这句话大致的意思是:保险单或保险凭证,以及批单是日常业务中主要使用的一组单据。 3-4 课文:The policy must be issued and signed by an insurance company or its agent.
3-5 课文:If more than one original is issued and is so indicated in the policy, all the originals must be presented to the bank, unless otherwise authorized in the letter of credit.
注释:more than one: 不止一个,很多 original: 正本 indicate: 显示,表明 otherwise: 否则,另外 (unless otherwise: 除非另有)authorize: 批准,授权 这句话大致的意思是:如果签发了不止一个正本并且在保险单上也是这么表明的,除非信用证中另有规定,所有的正本都必须呈给银行.
四、Type of Basic Coverage 基本险别的几种类型 (考试重点)
PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clause ( 中国人民保险公司海上货物运输保险条款 ) 中的三种基本险别:FPA (平安险)、WA/WPA (水渍险)、All Risks (一切险),下面是这三种险别的具体内容:
4-1 Free from Particular Average (FPA) 平安险
平安险的英文意思是:单独海损不陪,它是责任范围最小的一个险别(particular average: 单独海损;free from: 解除,没有...的) 平安险的承保范围:
1.The risks covered in FPA coverage basically means that only total or
constructive total loss of the whole consignment of cargo but no partial loss or damage is recoverable from the insurer resulting from natural calamities, such as heavy weather, lighting, tsunami, earthquake and flood. 平安险承包的风险范围指由自然灾害,比如恶劣的气候;雷电;海啸,地震和洪水造成的整批货物的全部损失或者推定全损(但不包括部分损失),这种情况下可以从保险商那里获得赔偿。 注释:basically: 基本上,主要地 total: 全部的,整个的 constructive total loss: 推定全损 (constructive: 推定的,解释性的,推定全损是指保险标的发生保险事故后,认为实际全损已不可避免,或者为避免发生实际全损所需支付的费用超过保险价值的,为推定全损。)
consignment:所托运的货物,交付,委托 cargo: 货物 partial loss: 部分损失 recoverable: 可重获的 result from: 由...产生 natural calamities: 自然灾害 heavy weather: 恶劣气候(heavy: 原意为“重的,沉重的”,在这里我们引申为“恶劣的”) lighting: 闪电 tsunami: 海啸 earthquake: 地震 flood: 洪水;水灾 平安险承包的风险范围指由自然灾害,比如恶劣的气候;雷电;海啸,地震和洪水造成的整批货物的全部损失或者推定全损(而不是部分损失) 2.Total loss or partial loss is recoverable from the insurer incurred as a result of specific casualties, e.g., collision, stranding, sinking of the vessel. 由特殊灾难,比如船只的互撞、搁浅、沉没等引起的全部损失或部分损失
注释:incur: 招致,招到 as a result of: 作为?的结果 specific: 特殊的,特定的 casualty: 严重的意外,事故,灾难 collision: 碰撞,冲突 stranding: 搁浅 sinking: 沉没
3. FPA also covers general average and salvage charges, reasonable costs incurred by the assured in salvaging the goods or averting or minimizing a loss recoverable under the policy.
平安险还负责共同海损和负责‘被保险人’对遭受承保责任内危险的货物采取抢救、防止或减少货损的措施而支付的合理费用 注释:general average: 共同海损 salvage charge: (海上)救助费用 reasonable: 合理的(reasonable costs: 合理费用) the assured: 被保险人 averting: 避免,防止 minimizing: 是minimize的名词形式,意为“减到最小;减少”。 4-2 With particular Average ( WA/WPA) 水渍险
水渍险的责任范围除平安险的各项责任外,还负责被保险货物由于恶劣气候、雷电、海啸、地震、洪水等自然灾害所造成的部分损失。 水渍险的承保范围:
WA/WPA provides larger cover than FPA since partial loss and damage is recoverable from the insurer resulting from natural calamities. 水渍险负责除了平安险以外的包括自然灾害引起的部分损失和损害
注释:provide: 提供;供应 lager: 更大的(lager than:比...更大的) 4-3 All Risks 一切险
1.All Risks is the most widely used in the transport of general cargo because it provides better coverage than WA/WPA type. 一切险在普通货物运输中最广泛使用的一个险别,因为它的承包范围更优于水渍险? 注释:widely: 广泛地,普遍地 general cargo: 普通货物,一般货物 better than: 更好的,比...更好
2.Aside from the risks covered under WA/WPA type, it also provides insurance against all risks of loss of or damage to the cargo insured arising from external causes in the course of transit. 一切险除了平安险和水渍险的责任外,还包括(保险标的)在运输途中由于外来原因所造成的所有损失(包括全部损失和部分损失)。
注释:aside from: 除了?以外 arise from: 起于,由?出身 external cause: 外部因素 transit: 运输,搬运
3.The All Risks does not cover risks of war, strike and other special additional risks such as failure to delivery, import duty, on deck, rejection, aflatoxin etc. 一切险不包括战争险,罢工险和其它附加的特殊险别,比如交货不到险,进口关税险,舱面险,拒收险,黄曲霉素险等等。
注释:strike: 罢工 additional: 附加的,额外的 failure to delivery: 交货不到险 (on) deck: 甲板,舱面 rejection: 拒收 aflatoxin: 黄曲霉素
4. The general additional risks such as theft, pilferage & non-delivery risks, fresh water and/or rain damage risks, shortage risks, intermixture and contamination risks, leakage risks, clash and breakage risks, taint of odour risks, sweat and heating risks, hook damage risks, breakage of packing risks and rust risks are
covered in All Risks coverage. 一切险包含一般附加险,比如说偷窃提货不着险,淡水雨淋险,短量险,混杂、玷污险,渗漏险,碰损破碎险,串味险,受潮受热险,钩损险,包装破损险,锈损险。
注释:general additional risk: 一般附加险 theft, pilferage & non-delivery risks: 偷窃提货不着险 fresh water and/or rain damage risks:淡水、雨淋险 shortage risks:短量险 intermixture and contamination risks:混杂、玷污险 leakage risks:渗漏险 clash and breakage risks:碰损、破碎险 taint of odour risks:串味险 sweat and heating risks:受潮受热险 hook damage risks:挂钩险 breakage of packing risks:包装破裂险 rust risks:锈损险.
五、Institute Cargo Clause 协会货物保险条款(考试重点)
5-1 课文:In January 1982, Lloyd’s and the marine insurance companies issued new cargo clauses.
注释:Lloyd’s: 英国伦敦保险人协会 marine insurance company: 海上保险公司 issue: 颁布 cargo clause: 货物(保险)条款
5-2 课文:The main coverage providing against risks to cargo are on the basis of Institute Cargo Clauses A, B and C.
注释:coverage: (保险)险别,(承保)范围 provide against: 预防 on the basis of: 以...为基础
这句话的意思是:新条款的主要险别是在旧的协会货物保险条款A, B 和 C基础上对货物的投保风险进行了修订。
5-3 Institute Cargo Clause C (简称ICC(C) )的风险责任范围:
课文:Institute Cargo Clause C is the most restricted coverage and subject to the listed exclusions, covers loss of or damage to the subject matter insured caused by 1) fire or explosions; 2) stranding, grounding, sinking or capsizing; 3)
overturning or derailment of land conveyance; collision or contact of vessel, 4) craft or conveyance with any external object other than water; 5)discharge of cargo at port of distress; 6)general average sacrifice; 7)jettison.
注释:restricted: 受限制的,有限的,范围窄的 subject to: 使服从,使遭受 (在这里我们引申为“遵循、采用”) listed: 列明的 exclusions: 不包含的项目 (免责的项目) fire: 火灾explosion: 爆炸 grounding: 坐浅 capsizing: (船、车的)倾覆
overturning: 翻船 derailment: (火车的)出轨 land conveyance : 陆运(conveyance: 运输,运输工具) collision: (车、船的)碰撞、互撞 contact: 接触,联系(在这里是指“(船的)碰触”craft:船舶、飞机 external object: 外界物体 other than: 除了,不同于 discharge:卸下(船上的货物) distress: 危难,遇难(port of distress: 避难港) general average sacrifice: 共同海损牺牲 (average: 海损 sacrifice: 牺牲) jettison: 抛货;(船或飞机遇难时)向外投弃(货物等)
国际货代英语完整讲义 Unit 11 Marine Cargo Insurance