Effective Pyroelectric Coefficient and Polarization Offset of Compositionally Step-like Gr
Effective Pyroelectric Coefficient and Polarization
Offset of Compositionally Step-like Graded
Ferroelectric Structures
CAO Hai-Xia; WU Yin-Zhong; LI Zhen-Ya
【期刊名称】《《理论物理通讯(英文版)》》 【年(卷),期】2005(043)005
【摘要】In this paper, the effective pyroelectric coefficient and polarization offset of the compositionally step-like graded multilayer ferroelectric structures have been studied by use of the first-principles approach. It is exhibited that the dielectric gradient has a nontrivial influence on the effective pyroelectric coefficient, but has a little influence on the polarization offset; and the polarization gradient plays an important role in the abnormal hysteresis loop phenomenon of the co.mpositionally step-like graded ferroelectric structures. Moreover, the origin of the polarization offset is explored,which can be attributed to the polarization gradient in the compositionally step-like graded structure.
【关键词】effective pyroelectric coefficient; polarization offset; step-like graded ferroelectric structures
【作者】CAO Hai-Xia; WU Yin-Zhong; LI Zhen-Ya
【作者单位】Department of Physics Suzhou University Suzhou 215006
Effective Pyroelectric Coefficient and Polarization Offset of Compositionally Step-like Gr