本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为(完整)“翻译学导论”期末考试题型及课程复习提纲的全部内容。
I。 Match the following translation theorists with their representative works。 [10 points, 1 point each]
II. Interpret the following terms。 [20 points, 5 points each]
III。 Interpret the following concepts。 [40 points, 20 points each]
IV。 Analyze and comment on the following translated version(s) by applying any translation theory you are familiar with。 [30 points]
1. Roman Jakobson On Linguistic Aspects of Translation (1959) 2。 E。A. Nida Toward a Science of Translating (1964)
3。 E.A。 Nida & Taber The Theory and Practice of Translation (1969) 4。 James Holmes The Name and Nature of Translation Studies (1972) 5。 George Steiner After Babel (1975)
6. Susan Bassnett Translation Studies (1980)
7。 Peter Newmark Approaches to Translation (1981) 8。 Wolfram Wilss The Science of Translation (1982) 9. Theo Hermans The Manipulation of Literature (1985) 10。 Peter Newmark A Textbook of Translation (1988)
11. Mary Snell—Hornby Translation Studies: An Integrated Approach (1988)
12. Christiane Nord Text Analysis in Translation (1989)
13。 Susan Bassnett & AndréLefevere Translation, History and Culture (1990) 14。 Andre Lefevere Translation, Rewriting, and the Manipulation of Literary Fame (1992)
15. Edwin Gentzler Contemporary Translation Theories (1993) 16. Gideon Toury Descriptive Translation Studies (1995) 17。 Lawrence Venuti The Translator’s Invisibility (1995/2008) 18. Christiane Nord Translating as a Purposeful Activity (1997) 19。 Luise Von Flotow Translation and Gender (1997)
20. Maria Tymoczko Translation in a Postcolonial Context (1999)
1。 word—for-word/literal translation and sense—for—sense/free translation 2. metaphrase, paraphrase, imitation
3. Formal equivalence and dynamic/functional equivlence 4. Semantic Translation and Communicative Translation 5。 documentary translation and instrumental translation 6。 translational action 7。 skopo theory 8. polysystem theory 9。 norms 10. equivalence
11。 foreignization and domestication 12。 translation/translating