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2014 AASRI Conference on Circuit and Signal Processing (CSP 2014)

Three-Dimensional Reconstruction from Projections Based On

Incidence Matrices of Patterns

Zakharov Alexei, Zhiznyakov Arkady*

Murom Institut, Vladimir State University, Murom, 602264, Russian Federation


Task of automatic reconstruction of three-dimensional objects by drawing views presented. The algorithm based on a

boundary representation of three-dimensional models. The algorithm consists of the following steps: automatic separation

of the drawing per the views, determination of three-dimensional coordinates of vertices, definition and marking of wire

model primitives, reconstruction of model faces and model elements. The fundamental concept of the algorithm is to find

the structural elements of three-dimensional model with usage of pre-specified patterns. The templates are described by

means of matrices. Matching algorithm uses invariants: the number of vertices, type of edges.

2014 Zakharov A.A., Zhiznyakov A.L. Published by Elsevier B.V.

Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of American Applied Science Research Institute

Keywords: three-dimensional reconstruction, CAD-system, incidence matrix.

1. Introduction

For the moment, a large number of the technical drawings, submitted in both paper and electronic form are

accumulated in the archives of the enterprises. An additional point is that the development of many objects

often begins with the drawing instead of three-dimensional model usage. Two-dimensional

drawings are oftendifficult to understand, they are inconvenient to update and the ones can not serve as a basis for further

developments with computer systems usage.

The three-dimensional computer model of the object, which can be used for development of supervisor

programs, engineering analysis, visualization, etc., is one of the components of electronic model of product.

The modern CAD-systems have the following bevy of tools to generate the three-dimensional models “with a

clean slate”: Boolean operations, the operations of object-oriented modeling, 2.5D-operations, modification

operations of vertices, edges and faces. Practically all CAD-systems allow the generation of drawings with

usage of three-dimensional model. However, generation of three-dimensional model per drawing causes the

designers difficulties, related to the lack of software.

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Fandi Meng, Li Liu, Wenliang Tian, Hang Wu, Ying Li, Tao Zhang, Fuhui Wang, The influence of the chemically bonded interface between fillers and binder on the failure behaviour of an epoxy coating under marine alternating hydrostatic pressure, Corrosion Science, Volume 101, December 2015, Pages 139-154, ISSN 0010-938X, . ()

Abstract: Abstract

The failure behaviour of epoxy resin-based modified mica (MM) coating has been investigated under marine alternating hydrostatic pressure (AHP). The results indicate that the chemically bonded interface forms between MM fillers and epoxy binder, which significantly enhances the compactness and the mechanical properties of coating by promoting the dispersion of fillers and reducing the defects of coating. The improvement of the fillers/binder interface weakens the permeation of water and the deterioration of coating structure which are caused by the drawing force of AHP. Hence, the performance of epoxy coating is promoted under AHP environment.

Keywords: A. Organic coatings; B. EIS; B. SEM; C. Interfaces

Wanlu Zhang, Zhuqi Tang, Xiaohui Zhu, Nana Xia, Yun Zhao, Suxin Wang, Shiwei Cui, Cuifang Wang, TRAF1 knockdown alleviates palmitate-induced insulin resistance in HepG2 cells through NF-κB pathway, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Volume 467, Issue 3, 20 November 2015, Pages 527-533, ISSN 0006-291X, . ()

Abstract: Abstract

High-fat diet (HFD) and inflammation are key contributors to insulin resistance (IR) and Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). With HFD, plasma free fatty acids (FFAs) can activate the nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) in target tissues, then initiate negative crosstalk between FFAs and insulin signaling. However, the molecular link between IR and inflammation remains to be identified. We here reported that tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 1 (TRAF1), an adapter in signal transduction, was involved in the onset of IR in hepatocytes. TRAF1 was significantly up-regulated in insulin-resistant liver tissues and palmitate (PA)-treated HepG2 cells. In addition, we showed that depletion of TRAF1 led to inhibition of the activity of NF-κB. Given the fact that the activation of NF-κB played a facilitating role in IR, the phosphorylation of Akt and GSK3β was also analyzed. We found that depletion of TRAF1 markedly reversed PA-induced attenuation of the phosphorylation of Akt and GSK3β in the cells. The accumulation of lipid droplets in hepatocyte and expression of two key gluconeogenic enzymes, PEPCK and G6Pase,

were also determined and found to display a similar tendency with the phosphorylation of Akt and GSK3β. Glucose uptake assay indicated that knocking down TRAF1 blocked the effect of PA on the suppression of glucose uptake. These data implicated that TRAF1 knockdown might alleviate PA-induced IR in HepG2 cells through NF-κB pathway.

Keywords: TRAF1; NF-κB; Inflammation; Insulin resistance; Type 2 diabetes

Yange Yang, Tao Zhang, Reply to comment on “New understanding of the effect of hydrostatic pressure on the corrosion of Ni-Cr-Mo-V high strength steel”, Corrosion Science, Volume 100, November 2015, Pages 674-676, ISSN 0010-938X, . ()

Abstract: Abstract

This paper is a response to the comments by Y.G. Pronina on our article entitled “New understanding of the effect of hydrostatic pressure on the corrosion of Ni-Cr-Mo-V high strength steel”. It offers us an opportunity to exchange science matters on material corrosion in deep sea environment from the point of view of solid mechanics and electrochemical corrosion. Corrosion process and corrosion model of the Ni-Cr-Mo-V high strength steel under the effect of hydrostatic pressure are further clarified. Keywords: A. Low alloy steel; B. Modeling studies; C. Stress corrosion; Anodic dissolution

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课题名称:automatic control 相关文献数:357371

Lectures Of The 1956 Short Course On Unit Processes In The Fatty Oil, Soap, And Detergent Industries Part II

Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society November 1956, Volume 33, Issue 11, pp 604-608 First online: Automatic control

John W. Tierney



