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欧阳历创编 2021..02.09

Unit1 短语和句型

时间:2021.02.09 创作人:欧阳历 重

点1. 过去和现在past and present

2. 过去做某事 used to do

3. 对…很了解 know …very well 4. 在镇子的北边 in the north of town 5. 在镇子的北部 in the northern part of


6. 结婚(动作)get married (状态)be


7. 搬到两个街区外 move two blocks away 8. 自从那时 since then 9. 变化很大 change a lot 10. 在这几年里 over the years 11. 把…变成… turn …into

12. 把废料倒进河里 put the waste into the


13. 意识到这个问题 realize the problem 14. 改善现状 improve the situation 15. 更干净了 much cleaner 16. 在某些方面 in some ways 17. 和之前一样频繁 as often as before 18. 打牌 play cards

19. 下中国象棋 play Chinese chess 20. 感觉有点孤独 feel a bit lonely

欧阳历创编 2021..02.09

21. 有时 from time to time

22. 令人新奇的变化 the amazing changes 23. 他一生中 all his life

24. 搬到另外一个公寓 move to another flat 25. 在过去的世纪里 over the past century 26. 往返进入镇子 travel to and from the


27. 另外一个巨大的变化 another big change 28. 当地的人民 local people 29. 从…返回 return from 30. 出国 go abroad

31. 在小学 at primary school

32. 相互保持联系 keep in touch with each


33. 主要的交流 mainly communicate 34. 习惯于做某事 be/get used to doing/n. 35. 生活的变化the changes of life 36. 花费(时间)在某事上 spend …on 37. 一张…近照 a recent picture

38. 狭小的肮脏的街道 narrow and dirty


39. 大的开阔地 large open spaces 40. 在路的两边 on the side of the road

欧阳历创编 2021..02.09

41. 有自己的车 have one’s own car 42. 到处逛逛 go around

43. 享受舒适的生活enjoy a comfortable life 44. 家乡的变化 重点句子

1. 你也变了。你过去对我是如此的友善。 You have changed too . You used to be so kind to me. 2. 总是有太多的人在公共汽车上,并且要花很长一段时间等下一班。

There were always too many people on the bus , and it took a long time to wait for the next one. 3. 现在政府已经把镇中心变成了一个新公园。

Now the government has turned part of the town centre into a new park. 4. 之后,政府意识到这个问题并采取行动改善现状。

Later the government realized the problemand took action to improve the situation. 5. 要像以前一样频繁地见面已经变得不可能了。

It has become impossible for us to see each otheras often as before. 6. 我们过去一起打牌,下中国象棋。 We used to play cards and Chinese chess together. 7. 过去这个镇子是什么样子的? What was the town like in the past? 8. 我们主要通过电邮交流。 We mainly communicateby email. 9. 因特网使交流更简单了。

The Internet makes communication much easier. 10. 快速习惯生活的变化是不容易的。

It is not easy to get used to the changes of life quickly. 11. 我不得不花费比以前更多的时间在我的家庭作业上。 I have to spend more time on my homework than before. 12. 现在大街上干净了宽敞了,路两边有绿色的树木。

Now the streets are wide and clean ,with many green trees on both sides. 13. 他们过去在空余时间听收音机,但是现在大部分的家庭有电脑和因特网。

① the changes of my hometown ② the changes in my hometown ③ the changes in to hometown

欧阳历创编 2021..02.09

欧阳历创编 2021..02.09

They used to listen to the radio or watch TV in their free time, but now most families have computers and the Internet.

14. 在过去,人们步行或骑车逛镇子,但是现在他们乘公共汽车或打的到处逛逛。 In the past, people travelled around the town on foot or by bicycle , but now they can go around by bus or taxi.

牛津英语8下 Unit 2Travelling

Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 1. 去某地度假 go to sp for a holiday 在度假 be on holiday 2. 我以前去过那。 I have been there before. 你曾经去过北京吗? Have you ever been to Beijing? 去过某地(参见笔记) have been to sp 3. 加入某人去做某事 join sb in doing sth 4. 准备 get ready

准备(做)某事be/get ready for sth(名词) | be/get ready to do sth(动词) 5. 拿上包 take the bag

6. 我正在收拾东西。 I am getting all my things. 7. 我认为对我来说这不是一个假期了。 I don’t think it’ll be a holiday for me. 我认为这不是个好主意。 I don’t think it’s a good idea. 8. 来自某人写的一个故事 come from a story by sb 9. 这本书有什么特别的? What’s special about this book?

Reading 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

我是如此想念你。 I miss you so much.

我来香港已经两个月了。 I have been in Hongkong for two months. 玩得特开心 have a fantastic time=enjoy oneself 花了一整天 spend the whole day 一个室内过山车 an indoor roller coaster 高速运行 move at high speed 以……的速度 at the speed of… 加速(动词) speed- sped- sped

7. 全程都在尖叫大笑 scream and laugh through the ride 8. 匆忙去餐馆 hurry to a restaurant to

匆忙去某地 hurry to sp (动词)/ go to sp in a hurry(名词)

匆忙做某事 hurry to do sth=do sth in a hurry=do sth hurriedly 9. 吃了份快餐have a quick meal

10. 见到一些迪士尼卡通人物 meet some Disney cartoon characters 11. 比方说 such as

12. 迪士尼人物的游行 a parade of Disney characters 13. 变得兴奋 get excited 对…激动不已be excited about

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