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They can have academic credit, earn money and obtain experience. They can receive intensive study and expand the mind. They can improve their independent thinking and strengthen their intellectual confidence. They can prepare for their future careers. Language Focus Read and complete 4

1. The first-aid instructor demonstrated the correct way to bandage a wound.

→译文: 急救指导员示范正确的包扎伤口的方法。

2. How can you accept the defeat so passively? Why don’t you try again?

→译文: 你怎么能这么消极地接受失败呢?为什么不再试一次?

3. Although she has a wealthy background, she would like to earn enough money to be financially independent. →译文: 虽然家境优越,她想自己挣钱,经济上独立。

4. You should plug rubbers in your ears when you swim. →译文:游泳时要用胶塞塞住耳朵。

5. Twelve people constitute the jury in a law court to listen to the facts about a crime and to decide whether the person accused is guilty.

→译文: 法庭上由十二人组成的陪审团聆听犯罪举证后决定被告是否有罪。 5. It’s the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey.

→译文: 渔民们在钱的驱动下冒险长途远航。

6. A good teacher should stimulate students to come up with original ideas and inventions.

→译文: 一名好老师应该激励学生有创见和发明。

8. With the rapid development of the economy, our mode of life has changed greatly these years. →译文: 随着经济的快速发展,我们的生活模式这些年也发生了巨变。

9. She studied almost constantly for the big test, more than 12 hours per day for nearly a month. →译文:为了这次重要的考试她一直在学习,差不多一个月里每天学习12个多小时。 10. Mr. Selby is seriously ill and has been transferred to intensive care. →译文: 赛尔比先生病情严重,已经被转到加护病房。 5

1. Our English class is conducted on a a twice-a-week basis.→译文:我们每周上两次英语课。 2. The farmers have transformed the bare hills into rich farmlands. →译文: 农民把秃山变成了肥沃的耕地。

3. Scientists have long pointed out that lung cancer is associated with smoking.

→译文: 科学家早就指出肺癌和抽烟有关。

4. Although vitamins are beneficial to health, you cannot skip the traditional health measures like exercising and

having a low-fat diet. →译文: 尽管维他命对健康有好处,但你也不能忽视传统的健康措施,如锻炼和吃低脂食物。

5. I work best on my own, while he can get nothing finished without help from others.

→译文: 我能很好地独立工作,而他离开别人的帮助就一事无成。 Read and translate 6

1. 这次贸易谈判非常成功,它对双方都有着特别打的好处。

The trade negotiation is very successful. It can be uniquely beneficial to both parties.

2. 我们班的同学都或多或少地参加过学生会组织的活动。 Our classmates have been involved, one way or another, in the activities organized by the Student Union. 3. 对一个没有受过高等教育的人来说,这是他能得到的最理想的工作之一。 For a person who has never received any higher education, it is one of the most desirable jobs available. 4. 从事科研工作能激发人大学生的独立思考和有效学习的能力。


Research work can spur undergraduate students independent thinking and effective learning. 5. 学费每年都在上涨,这一成为贫困家庭学生很重要的负担。 Tuition keeps going up every year, which has constituted a heavy burden upon students from poverty-stricken families. Passage B Think about it

1. In what main way (or ways) do you usually learn? Do you learn a language the same way you learn a sport, a

skill or a scientific theory?

Eg1: I usually learn best by attending a class, taking notes, doing exercises and practicing what I have been taught. These are the common methods a student uses.

Eg2: I don’t think one can learn a language the same way he learns a sport, a skill or a scientific theory because language-learning needs a large vocabulary, grammar rules and regular practice. We do a sport mainly with our body, but we learn a language with both our body and brain. Memory is also very important. Communicative abilities, too.

2. When learning something new, what benefits can be found in other people’s successes?

When you write a passage, you should give some details to support your main idea. How about in reading? Can you identify the major supporting details in the following passage?

Eg: By observing other people’s successes, we avoid making mistakes and save much time and energy. Successful people always inspire us to do our best, overcome difficulties in life and have a hope for the future. Most of their feasible methods are open to the public, which help the whole society to move quickly forward. Language Focus Read and complete 12

1. The foreign Affairs Minister spokesman said that high-level contacts and visits by leaders of the two countries

have had a significant effect on the restoration of relations between the two countries. →译文:外交部发言人说两国领导人之间的高层接触和互访对恢复两国关系起到了重大的作用。 2. After years of repeated effort, he attained the position of senior manager in the company.

→译文: 经过几年的不断努力他成为了公司的高层经理。

3. Credit-card purchases via the Internet are getting popular as the IT(information technology)industry

mushrooms. →译文: 随着信息产业的繁荣,网上信用卡购物变得流行起来。

4. Millions of people visit websites daily, utilizing the cyberspace to communicate.

→译文: 几百万人日访网站,通过网上空间进行交流。 5. The love of wicked friends converted to fear, that fear, to hate.

→译文: 坏朋友的爱变成了怕,怕又变成了恨。

6. The detective’s final explanation of the criminal’s motives was quite complex.

→译文: 侦探对罪犯的犯罪动机的最后解释非常复杂。

7. The flight of birds might furnish a valuable clue to the problem of blind flying.

→译文: 鸟类的飞行也许能给盲目飞行提供有价值的线索。

8. Bicycle theft may be considered a minor crime, but bicycle owners feel it should not go unpunished.

→译文:偷盗自行车也许只是小小的罪行,但自行车车主们认为一定要对此实施处罚。 9. If you approach your problem more creatively you’ll find a better solution.

→译文: 如果你能更带创见地去处理你的问题,你就能找到更好的解决办法。

10. The quiet thoughtful person sitting in the back of the room shared some interesting observations during the

discussion. →译文: 坐在教室后面的那个沉思的人在讨论中提出了很多有趣的观察。 13

1. It’s better to observe a successful footballer in person than just to watch him play on television. →译文:


亲自去观察一名成功的足球运动员踢球好过在电视上看他踢球。 2. A good meal usually consists of several tasty dishes, not just a sandwich. →译文: 一顿不错的饭通常有好几道好吃的菜,而不是仅仅吃三明治。 2. He hoped their calf-love would bloom over the years into a more mature relationship.

→译文: 他希望随着年岁渐长他们的初恋能越来越成熟。

3. The frequent transitions from cold to warm weather this spring have caused many illnesses.

→译文: 春天里天气由冷变暖的不断交替使很多人生病。

4. The coach decided to play the tape of the competition back to the players so they could improve their

performance. →译文: 教练决定给运动员们重播比赛的录影以使他们提高技术。 Read and translate 14

1. 新时代要求劳动者要有创造性,而不是一位忠诚于雇主。

The new times requires the work force to have creativity rather than just loyalty to the employers. 2. 这家海运公司于1952年白手起家,经过蓬勃发展,已经成了穿云也得重点企业。

The shipping company started with nothing in 1952. Now it has bloomed into a major enterprise in the shipping industry.

3. 海尔成功的关键之一在于他有一套为全球所羡慕和防效的管理体系。

The success of Haier lies in its management system which is envied and emulated globally. 4. 这家合资企业制定了今年的目标,要讲销售额提高50%。

The joint venture has established its goal of increasing its sales by 50% this year. 5. 我曾多次尝试戒烟,但要彻底戒掉去很难。

I have tried quitting smoking several times, but it’s terribly difficult to stop smoking for good.

Unit 8 love and friendship

Read and Explore Passage A Think about it

1. Why was it hard for the four girls to say goodbye at the end of the freshman year?

Eg: In the first freshman year, they got to know each other and became acquainted. They value their friendship very much and hate to be separated.

2. How strong are your college friendships likely to remain in your adult life? Are the stronger than your

childhood friendships or your relationships with future colleagues?

Eg: I have several food friends in the college. I believe true friendship will go with me all my life. Since we are young and share the same experience. Our friendship is stronger than my childhood one because I couldn't remember much of the past. I'm not sure whether it'll be stronger than the relationship with future colleagues or not because life is changeable and my career life is still years away from me. 3. Which kinds of friendships do you usually keep the longest? Language Focus Read and complete 4

1. Friends visit him occasionally at the weekends. →译文: 朋友们偶尔在周末拜访他。 2. She encountered an old friend unexpectedly in the theatre. →译文: 她在剧院和一位老朋友不期而遇。

3. Motioning to the best students to come forward, the teacher introduced them to the dean.

→译文: 老师指着走向前的优秀学生,把他们介绍给系主任。 4. I incline to take the opposite point of view. You may disagree if you wish.

→译文: 我倾向于反方的观点,你愿意的话可以持不同意见。 5. Our principle Problem was lack of time to review the details of our plan.


→译文: 我们的主要问题是没时间检查计划中的细节。 6. I can’t recall the exact details of the report. It was much too long.

→译文: 我想不起报告中的细节了,它太长了。

7. Can anything replace a mother’s love and care? →译文:有什么可以替代母亲的关爱吗? 8. The class was not in my major so I had only a few acquaintances in the room.

→译文: 这不是我的专业课,所以教室里没有几个是我的熟人。 9. He was barely old enough to drive a car at the time of the accident.

→译文: 这次事故中,他几乎不到驾车年龄。

10. She was most upset that you couldn’t come to her birthday pary.

→译文: 你不能去她的生日聚会令她非常沮丧。 5

1. The first day in the small town was a nightmare, but it was far from a total disaster.

→译文: 在小镇度过的第一天是一场恶梦,但远远还算不上是一场灾难。 2. They had been married for a long time but gradually drifted apart until they separated.

→译文: 他们结婚多年,但渐渐疏远,最后分手。

3. The prince and princess got married and lived happily ever after.

→译文: 王子和公主结婚了,从此过着幸福的生活。

4. Before the football game the teammates joined hands to wish each other success.

→译文: 足球赛开始前队员们手拉手互祝成功。

5. Did he eventually succeed in finding a new apartment closer to the campus?

→译文: 他最终找到了一间校园附近的公寓吗? Read and translate 6

1. 罗伯特·彭斯在诗中把他所钟情的女孩比作玫瑰花。

Robert Burns compares the girl he loves to a rose in his poem. 2. 无论你多忙,都应该抽时间回学校参加同学聚会。

No matter how busy you are, you should take some time for the class reunion.

3. 离婚后他需要一个能给她安慰的人。She needed a shoulder to cry on after her divorce. 4. 毕业20年以后,他几乎认不出他以前的同学了。

He could barely recognize his former classmates after he graduated from school 20 years ago. 6. 什么都无法替代亲密朋友之间的友谊。

Nothing can replace the friendship between close friends. Passage B Think about it

1. What kinds of gifts(such as flowers or chocolates or jewelry)best symbolize love?

Eg: There are cultural differences. In the western countries, flowers and jewelries are popular while in China a love letter together with a red rose may symbolize love best.

2. Can love last after death, as in the song from ”Titanic”? Can it last forever?

Eg: Yes, I need read countless stories about love after death and forever love. My grandmother still loves my grandpa though he died eight years ago.

3. How would you describe the husband’s love in the following story? Is it truly affectionate, or is it also cruel

and possessive? What other words may describe it?

Eg: After reading the unit, you will be moved by the affectionate husband. So just read it.

4. How do you know which facts support the main idea? Which facts are more or less important than the others? Language Focus Read and complete 12

1. This is the identical hotel room we stayed in last year.


→译文: 这是我们去年住过的酒店房间。

2. I like all her books, but this one is my favorite.→译文:她所有的书我都喜欢,尤其这本。 3. Please don’t enclose any payment with the application for the job this time. →译文: 这一次不要在工作申请书里面夹带任何付款条。 4. The students tried to provoke the teacher into losing her temper. →译文: 学生企图惹老师生气。

5. They have endured tremendous hardship on their journey to the South Pole.

→译文: 去北极的征途上他们历尽艰险。

6. He carefully inserted the key in the lock and opened the door.

→译文: 他把钥匙谨慎地插进门锁,将门打开。

7. The students stared blankly at the test questions and wondered what to do.

→译文: 学生们茫然地盯着考题,不知怎么做。 8. After the applause died down, the pianist proceeded to play.

→译文: 掌声平息下去后,钢琴家继续演奏。

9. He stared in astonishment at the divorce papers from his wife’s attorney.

→译文: 他吃惊地望着律师递过来的妻子写的离婚书。 10. The game will keep the children occupied for most of the evening.

→译文: 游戏将占据孩子们晚上的大半时间。 13

1. The situation may seem hopeless, but if we are patient I think things will work out favorably. →译文:形势看起来无望,但只要我们耐心,我认为事情会得到很好解决的。

2. You won’t get a seat in this restaurant unless you book a table in advance.

→译文: 在这家饭店吃饭除非事先定好桌位,否则没有座位。

3. Every one of us cheered up at the news that the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.→译文: 听到


4. In case I forget , please remind me of my promise to attend your graduation ceremony.

→译文: 以防忘记,请提醒我已答应参加你的毕业典礼的承诺。 5. Many years have gone by since we met on the campus.

→译文: 自从我们在校园里相识,很多年过去了。 Read and translate 14

1. 情人节之前,他在花店为自己的心上人提前预定了一束玫瑰花。

He ordered a bunch of roses in advance for his sweetheart from the florist for Valentine’s Day. 2. 丈夫去世后,他无法忍受孤独寂寞的日子。

She can’t endure the solitude and lonely days after her husband died. 3. 如果我弄清楚她的地址,我会马上转告你。

I will let you know her address at once should I ever find it out. 4. 如果你想让她高兴地话最好带上巧克力。

You’d better bring chocolates with you in case you want to cheer her up. 5. 这是一本非常有趣而浪漫的小说,他一定能引起你的兴趣。

This is such an amusing romantic novel, it should certainly provoke you interest..




