3. 学校将延长图书馆和教室的开放时间,尽量满足学生的需要。
The university will extend the opening hours of its library and the classrooms to meet the students. 4. 信息技术的发展已经开始对社会的各个方面产生深远的影响。
The development of information technology has begun to have profound effects on all aspects of social life. 5. 凭他的英语水平,在这次校级英语演讲将比赛中他将有上佳的表现,对此我们没有疑问。
We have no doubt that, with his high level of English, he will surely have an excellent performance in the university-wide English speech contest.
Unit 3 leisure activity
Passage A Think about it
1. What do you usually do in your leisure time on campus?
Eg: It depends on the whether and my mood. Generally I抎 like listen to music for relax in my spare time. I enjoy some outdoor activities, such as mountain-climbing and jogging in the afternoon of a sunny day. But I enjoy nothing while being in a bad mood.
2. How do the students at Oxford spend their spare time?
Eg: There are parties, drinking, eating, relaxing, working and other activities in clubs and societies. 3. Can you name some clubs and societies at Oxford?
Eg: Yes. There are over 300 registered societies at Oxford. Apart from the obvious political parties and sports clubs there are groups for all the main religions, societies interested in the society and culture of countries or regions, charities, literature, music, drama and sci-fi; and a fair number of strange groups such as the LMH Pudding Society, the Oxford Stunt Factory and the Pooh Sticks Society. Language Focus Read and complete 4
1. The sort of music he listens to varies, but it tends to be popular music.
→译文: 他听不同的音乐,但都趋向于流行音乐。
2. Language is the medium of culture and when we learn a foreign language, we are exposed to a culture quite
different from ours.
→译文: 语言是文化的载体,因此当我们学习外语时,会接触到与我们的文化有着相当差异的文化。 3. Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial processes.
→译文: 科学发现常常被应用于工业生产工程。 4. I hope you are not getting bored listening to me.
→译文: 我希望在听我讲话时你不会感到乏味。 5. Can you secure me two good seats for the concert?
→译文: 你能保证为我留两个音乐会的好座位吗? 6. This is a highly amusing film. You’ll regret if you miss it.
→译文: 这是一部非常搞笑的电影,错过了你会后悔的。
7. He gave me negative answer to my request. I felt quite confused and disappointed.
→译文: 对我的要求,他给出了否定的回答。我感到困惑和失望。 8. She was annoyed by the young man’s impolite behavior.
→译文: 她被这个年轻人不礼貌的行为惹恼了。
9. Ever since that unhappy incident, I have tried to avoid any further conflict with him.
→译文: 自从那次不愉快的事件之后,我尽量避免与他发生更多的冲突。 10. The driver ignored the traffic light, and as a result, he ran into another car.
→译文: 司机无视交通灯,结果与另一部车相撞。 5
1. They normally hang out in the pub to kill time.
→译文: 他们通常在酒吧闲坐,以消磨时光。
2. I’ve been trying to check out the restaurants in my new neighborhood to find the best one.
→译文: 我一直在我所居住的新街区里试各家餐馆,试图找出一家最好的。 3. Bob took a part-time job giving out handbills for a cosmetic company.
→译文: 鲍勃找了份兼职工作,为一家化妆品公司派发传单。
4. Back from the holiday, she eagerly threw herself into the production of a new film.
→译文: 假期结束后,她渴望投身于新电影的制作。 5. I immersed myself in work so as to stop thinking about her.
→译文: 我全身心地投入工作,不去想她。 Read and translate 6
1. 这钢琴有些不对劲,但是我无法说清楚。
Something is wrong with the piano, but I cannot put my finger on it. 2. 这条裤子不但太大,而且与我的夹克也不配。
Apart from being too large, the trousers don抰 match my jacket, either. 3. 不论理由是什么,反正我喜欢流行音乐。
Whatever the reason is, I like the pop music.
4. 他对外国文化有浓厚的兴趣,经常博览群书以寻找有用的信息。
He has strong interest in the foreign cultures and often browses through books for useful information. 5. 在是否要创办一个新社团的问题上,我们意见很不一致。
Our opinions vary a great deal on whether we should start a new society. Passage B Think about it
1. In your opinion, what is more important, study and work, or leisure-time activities?
Eg: In my opinion, they are both important. Without study and work, we can抰 attain our career goals. And if we don’t have leisure time to relax, we will feel stressful and unhealthy which may negatively affect or even ruin our study and work.
2. What is a well-balanced life according to the author?
Have you ever read an entire page or more only to discover that you remembered little or nothing of what you hand read? Do you have any idea why it happens and how you can improve this? To have a well-balance between work and relaxation. Language Focus Read and complete 12
1. She is very busy; she doesn’t have much leisure time.
→译文: 她很忙,没有很多闲暇时间。
2. He is under a lot of stress bcause his wife is very ill.
→译文: 他现在面临很多压力,因为他的妻子病得很重。
3. He has adjusted himself very quickly to changes in culture when he came to the country.
→译文: 当他来到这个国家后,很快调整自己适应文化的差异。 4. What about going to the concert with me? The music will help you relax.
→译文: 和我一起去音乐会怎么样?音乐会帮你放松自己。 5. Your support is vital to the success of my plan.
→译文: 你的支持对于我的计划的成功至关重要。
6. The thought of having to take the examination again depressed me.
→译文: 再次参加考试的想法使我很郁闷。
7. A little social drinking does no harm; but don’t drink too much.
→译文: 一点点社交性的饮酒是无害的,但不要喝太多。 8. The drug relieved my toothache. It was really effective.
→译文: 药物非常有效,缓解了我的牙痛。
9. It was difficult situation but he handled it very well.
→译文: 处于困境,他处理得相当好。
10. To maintain a happy mood is very important in one’s study and work.
→译文: 保持愉快的心情对一个人的学习和工作都非常重要。 13
1. The country went through too many wars, causing great suffering and poverty.
→译文: 这个国家经历了太多的战争,导致巨大的灾难和贫穷。 2. I lost my job, and the rise in power costs added to our difficulties.
→译文: 我失业了,电费的提高增加了我们的困难。
3. The scandal led to the resignation of the President. →译文: 丑闻导致总统辞职。 4. I can’t get by on such a small salary. →译文: 薪水太少,我无法维持生计。 5. I can’t figure out why she said she no longer loved me.
→译文: 我想不出她为什么说不再爱我了。 Read and translate 14
1. 要去那座岛,出了搭船以外,别无他法。
You can’t get to the island other than by boat.
2. 有些学生疯狂的迷恋流行音乐,而另外一些人则更喜欢古典音乐。
Some students are crazy about pop music while others prefer classical music. 3. 传媒在引领时尚方面正起着越来越重要的作用。
The media are playing an increasingly important role in leading fashions. 4. 我千方百计想弄到一张他新发行的唱片,却未能如愿。
I tried every means to get a copy of his newly issued album, but in vain. 5. 要是没有朋友的鼓励和帮助,我可能已经辍学了。
Without the encouragement and help of my friends, I would have quit school.
Unit 4 living on your own
Read and Explore Passage A Think about it
1. Do you have any work experience? What kind of work do you think you would enjoy?
Eg1: Yes. I need worked as a part-time bookstore clerk. My responsibility was to keep an eye on the books and charged every book the customer wanted. I worked five hours a day after class and earned some money for living expenses on campus. I was quiet and serious, so I enjoyed the job.
Eg2: No, but I want to have one. Maybe one day I may take a part-time job as a tutor because I like teaching and the salary is comparatively higher than other part-time jobs.
2. Where did the author go? What did the author do and how did she enjoy her work experience there?
Eg: She went to England and worked there for Merrill Lynch International Bank. The office she worked at was in a beautiful, old building located two blocks from Buckingham Palace. The people were nice and the work interesting.
3. What lessons did the author learn from her time abroad?
Eg: She got to know and learn the British culture through a huge aspect of a British person’s daily life. And she gained valuable work experience and internationalized her resume. Language Focus Read and complete 4
1. The Channel Tunnel is one of the biggest engineering projects ever undertaken.
→译文: 英吉利海峡隧道是(我们所)承担的最大的工程项目之一。 2. He took it as an insult which wasn’t at all what I had intended.
→译文: 他将它当成侮辱,可这并非我的本意。
3. As a freshman, you should get to know campus resources as soon as possible and make good use of them. →译文: 作为一名新生,你应该尽快熟悉校园资源,并利用好它们。
4. He had made many inquiries into the quality of the computer before buying one. →译文: 买计算机以前,他询问了许多关于计算机质量方面的问题。
5. Te police investigated many cases by following the footprints left at the scene of the crime. →译文: 警察通过跟踪犯罪现场的脚印侦破了多宗案件。
6. I’m thinking of buying a car. Can you recommend a good make to me? →译文: 我正在考虑买汽车,你能推荐一个好的品牌给我吗?
7. Not only does Mary attend class regularly, but she also participates in extracurricular activities frequently. →译文: 玛丽不但按时去上课,她还经常参加课外活动。
8. With the rapid development of the economy, all aspects of our life have changed a great deal. →译文: 随着经济的快速发展,我们生活的方方面面都发生了极大的变化。
9. Tom is such a nice guy. He will not hesitate a moment to offer help when you are in trouble. →译文: 汤姆是个好人,你有困难时他会毫不犹豫地帮助你。
10. This system is extremely economical because it runs on half-price electricity. →译文: 这套系统非常经济,因为它能节省一半电费。 5
1. My CD player is beeping, for the battery is running low.
→译文: 我的CD唱机在嘟嘟地响,电池的电量不足了。
2. It turned out that the kids had spent the whole day playing video games.
→译文: 实际上,孩子们花了一整天时间玩电脑游戏。
3. She was the only woman to participate in the experiment and was among the few volunteers who died from it. →译文:她是参加试验的惟一的女性,也是死于该实验的少数志愿者之一。
4. People teach the computer to think and as a result, developand sharpen their own reasoning abilities. →译文: 人类教计算机思维,结果计算机发展了推理能力并使之敏锐。
5. This kind of digital TV is considered the best that has been made so far in our country. →译文: 这种数字电视被认为是我国迄今为止最好的产品。 Read and translate 7
1. 我已经把我的简历和附函传真给了那家公司,但尚未收到回复。
I have faxed my cover letter along with my resume to that company, but no reply yet. 2. 当别人遇到困难时,约翰会毫不犹豫的提供帮助。
John will not hesitate for a second to help anyone who is in trouble.
3. 我得承认我很想到国外工作和学习一段时间,但我知道要拿到签证不容易。
I have to admit that I desire to work or study abroad for some time, but I know the visa is not easy to get. 4. 他到伦敦2年后才在一家国际银行找到一份工作。
It was not until 2 days after he arrived in London that he got a job in an international bank.
5. 汤姆完成他的教学工作后,在中国周游了2个月才回到美国的家。After finishing his teaching, Tom
traveled throughout China for 2 months before returning home to the USA. Passage B Think about it
1. When do you think you can live on your own?
Eg: I hoped to live on my own as soon as I went to the college.
2. What does the author think about living on his own? How often do you review your lessons?
Eg: He thinks it is a totally different experience for three main reasons: being more responsible, more decisive and more creative. And to be more creative to him is a good experience. Language Focus Read and complete 12
1. After they had arrived campus, a girl was assigned to take them on a tour of the halls.
→译文: 他们到达校园后,一个女孩被分配给他们,带着他们参观各个会堂。 2. IN conclusion, we all hoped that more activities like this could be organized.
→译文: 总得来说,我们都希望多组织像这样的活动。
3. He was a well-known author who had created many unforgettable characters in his novels.
→译文: 他是个著名的作家,他在他的小说中创造了许多难忘的人物。 4. The injury of their key player could be a(n) decisive factor in the game.
→译文: 他们的主要球员受伤,这可能是比赛中的一个决定性因素。
5. Don’t you think that the Oxford English Dictionary is an authority on English words?
→译文: 难道你不认为牛津英语辞典是英语词汇方面的权威吗?
6. To be a top student, you need diligence and persistence in addition to intelligence.
→译文: 要做顶尖的学生,除了智力以外还需要勤奋和坚持。 7. As he has been in America for 3 years now, he is homesick for China.
→译文: 他在美国已经三年了,非常想念中国,想家。
8. Don’t be too dressy. Plain, simple clothes are appropriate for school wear. →译文: 不要穿着过于讲究,朴实简约的服装适合在学校穿着。
9. There were not many people who dared predict the outcome of the World Cup 2002.
→译文: 没有很多人敢预测2002年世界杯的结果。
10. You are not supposed to carve your name on a tree in the park.
→译文: 你不应该在公园的树上刻上自己的名字。 13
1. Later they decided that they should make full use of their natural resources.
→译文: 后来,他们决定充分利用他们的自然资源。
2. I was told that he was good-tempered and easy to get along with.
→译文: 听说他脾气很好,而且容易相处。
3. His parents receive letters from him every week; he never fails to write.
→译文: 他的父母每周收到他的信,他一直在写。
4. They have given us a lot of help in keeping up with what’s going on around us.
→译文: 他们帮了我们许多,使我们跟上周围的发展。
5. The hotel itself can accommodate 80 guests and, in addition, there are several apartments with kitchens. →译文: 这家酒店可以住下80位客人,除此之外,还有一些带厨房的公寓住宅。 Read and translate 14
1. 这是大学一年级新生第一次听美国教授的讲座,他们在头20分钟里听不太懂他在说什么。It was the first
time for the freshmen to attend an American professor’s lecture, and they hardly understood what he was talking about for the first 20 minutes.
2. 还剩10分钟,既然你已经做完考题,也可以现在交卷。
There are 10 minutes left. Now that you have finished your test you may hand it in now. 3. 为了不伤害任何人的感情,他们花了近3个月的时间才做出最后决定。It took them nearly 3 months before
they made their final decisions without hurting anybody’s feelings.