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will soon come up with my own novel. I really love my family. They are completely 55 of my dream.

36. A. impossible B. natural C. important D. unreal 37. A. able B. glad C. proud D. afraid 38. A. mistake B. dream C. chance D. doubt 39. A. actor B. singer C. writer D. teacher 40. A. good B. different C. stupid D. helpful 41. A. smart B. impatient C. surprised D. impolite 42. A. offer B. forget C. choose D. ask 43. A. although B. as C. unless D. if 44. A. However B. Besides C. Finally D. Luckily 45. A. shout out B. give up C. break down D. show off 46. A. accepted B. wondered C. found D. imagined 47. A. ideas B. concerns C. opinions D. feelings 48. A. considered B. began C. remembered D. finished 49. A. communicate B. hurt C. understand D. hide 50. A. crazy B. nervous C. painful D. easy 51. A. life B. education C. escape D. success 52. A. awake B. busy C. happy D. safe 53. A. refuse B. want C. afford D. fail 54. A. stop B. suggest C. miss D. love 55. A. uncertain B. free C. supportive D. tired


第三部分 语言运用(共两节)


阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 There are many different ways of explaining a hand shake. In politics, for example, this gesture has a 56. ________(deep) meaning than just greeting someone. Different 57. ________(method) of giving a hand shake exist. It can be fast such as in France or much longer such as in China or in some Arabic countries. The strength put into the gesture is another important aspect(方面). A “firm(强有力的) hand shake” bans a 58. ________(tradition) handshakes showing confidence. A “bone

crusher(粉碎机)” means that the person tries to crush the hand of the other person. A “finger hand shake” means the person catches only the fingers of the other person's hand. Lastly a “dead fish” means 59. ________ indifferent handshake.

People and 60. ________(they) culture explain all these ways to give a hand shake in different ways. In Japan a “firm hand shake” 61. ________(consider) as a “bone crusher” while in the United States it’s polite.

In France, 62. ________ is possible to give a quick hand shake in every professional and

private situation. However, if you know the person, people will 63. ________(usual) give a kiss on both cheeks. While in the United States, handshakes are more common in professional situations. In personal situations, most of people will just say hello to the other person.

In most Asian countries, avoid 64. ________(look) at people in the eyes while you give a hand shake, as it is seen 65. ________ impolite.

第四部分 写作(共两节)

第一节 应用文写作

假定你是李华,是你校英语角的负责人。校英语角打算下周举办一个主题为“Ways of Communication”的活动。请你给你校美籍教师Eric写一封邮件,内容包括:

1. 邀请他做主讲嘉宾;

2. 主讲内容:美国人常用的身势语; 3. 期待回复 . 注意:

1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 第二节 读后续写


Once in a small town, there lived two friends Eric and Bob. By profession, both of them were shop owners. Bob owned a grocery shop while Eric had a milk shop. Bob became rich in no time. He was smart, but also dishonest, so he used his smartness to cheat people by being dishonest. Eric was hard-working and smart, but he was not dishonest and therefore he struggled.

Bob cheated his customers in many ways. For example, he used to mix sand in each bag of flour(面粉). Similarly, he did many other things in other grocery items. According to Bob, no one could lead a good life without being dishonest. On the other hand, Eric believed in living an honest life. He couldn’t even dream of cheating anyone, even if that meant he would remain poor all his life. Eric used to believe that honesty gave one respect. Sometimes his family only ate once a day.

Both friends often argued about the topic of “to be honest or to be dishonest,” which usually ended in Bob laughing at Eric and then walking away.

One day, a rich man came to Eric’s shop and said, “I want four gallons(加仑) of milk, but add two gallons of water to it. I am throwing a big party in my house and I want to serve the guests with milk.”

Eric, who was reading a newspaper, put it aside and said, “Wait a minute, wouldn’t that be cheating your guests?”

The rich man, with a confused expression, replied, “So, does it worry you?”

“All I’m asking is whether it would be wrong to serve your guests with milk diluted(稀释) with water? As a rich man, trust me, you should not do that,” Eric explained.


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1:

The rich man was now becoming annoyed. ________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2:

The rich man looked at Eric and turned away thoughtfully. ____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



1-5 ABACB 6-10 BCCAC 11-15 CBABB 16-20 CBBCC 21-25 BDBBD 26-30 BCCAD 31-35 BCFDE 36-40 CABCA 41-45 DCBAA 46-50 CDBAD 51-55 ACBDC 56. deeper 57. methods 58. traditional 59. an 60. their 61. is considered 62. it 63. usually 64. looking 65. as 应用文写作

One possible version: Dear Eric,

How’s everything going? I am writing to invite you to be our guest speaker for an activity held by the English Corner next week.

The activity is mainly about different ways of communication indifferent cultures. Would you please prepare a speech about body language in America? I’m sure your speech will be of great help to all the students.

If you’re interested, I will email you more detailed information. Looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


One possible version:

The rich man was now becoming annoyed. He said that he couldn’t waste his money on guests by serving them pure milk. All he wanted was that he should be remembered as a man who served his guests with an expensive and healthy drink. “By the way, who is not dishonest in our society?” said the annoyed rich man. “Well, sir, at least I am not. I would advise you to serve your guests with water instead of milk. At least you wouldn’t be lying,” Eric advised.

The rich man looked at Eric turned away thoughtfully. After some time, the rich man sighed and said, “I am really impressed with your honesty! I want to offer you a job as a manager in my factory. I know with a person of such high quality, my factory will be more and more successful.” Eric accepted the offer and from that day, he started living a good life. A few days later, Bob’s shop caught fire and everything earned dishonestly was destroyed.


阅读理解 第一节



本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了瑞士科学家迪迪埃?奎洛兹如何在学生时代就开始探索系外行星以及他的研究发现由被质疑到被认可的经历。 21. B。细节理解题。由第一段中的He’d just discovered the first planet outside Earth’s solar system以及第三段中的Queloz and his advisor Michel Mayor, who were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for their pioneering work in October 2019可知,奎洛兹发现了太阳系外的第一颗系外

行星,他是系外行星探索的先驱。 22. D。推理判断题。由第四段中奎洛兹所说的 I remember many discussions … but in the end we always circled back and said that that’s' the only explanation a 可知奎洛兹对他的发现经过了反复的推理论证,最终还是证明它是对的。

23. B。词义猜测题。由划线词后的 people wanted to put that effect (down) to something else以及最后一段中的Queloz said the team's discovery took time to be recognized 可知,当时人们并不认可奎洛兹的研究发现,resisted it 在此意为“拒绝接受”。




24. B。细节理解题。根据第二段中的 Mcmulkin was worried about not being able to keep up a college workload 以及 he also feared that he would have trouble keeping up with the course lectures可知,刚上大学时Liam 担心自己不能很好地完成学业。

25. D。细节理解题。根据第三段中的 Though there are some British Sign Language (BSL) translations of scientific vocabularies, they become fairly limited for college-level communication以及第四段内容可知,英国手势语有局限性, 对于一些拼写较长的科学术语,手势语译员只能把这些词用手语拼写出来,这让Liam上课很累。

26. B。推理判断题。由最后一段中 Marios Stavridis所说的Liam’s effort to create new signs is very important to the future of the life sciences以及Liam and other deaf students will be able to access science on a whole other level可知 Marios Stavridis博士认为, Liam 的发明将聋哑学生学习科学推向了新的层次。



本文是议论文 Cancer Research UK的广告活动把肥胖症与吸烟相比,在香烟盒上写品牌名称和健康提示语的位置醒目地写上了与肥胖相关的广告语,这在网络上引发了激烈的争论。

27. C。细节理解题。根据第二段中的 Cancer Research UK explains the thinking behind the divisive ads by showing that obese people outnumber smokers two to one, and that heavy weight causes more cases of certain cancers than smoking可知,在这次广告活动的背后Cancer Research UK的本意是想表明肥胖现象比吸烟更为严重。 28. C。推理判断题。根据第三段中的A common idea running through the response is that Cancer Research UK is fat shaming obese people可知,大部分人对Cancer Research UK的这次广告活动持反对态度。 29. A。细节理解题。根据第四段中的bring about a policy change that will halve childhood obesity rats by 2030, and place restrictions on ads for junk food on TV and online可知,文中的“政策变化”指的是降低肥胖率。

30. D。推理判断题。最后一段中Linda Bauld说,政府主导的变化对减少吸烟已见成效,减少肥胖问题也需要这样的方法。故可推断,Linda Bauld主要在谈论“政府行为在减少肥胖现象方面的作用”。 第二节


本文是说明文。在日本丢失了的东西大都能找回来,这归功于其优良的失物招领体系。 31. B。本空上句介绍了东京有很高的失物返还率,B项“在一个拥有920万人口的城市,这


32. C。本空承上启下。本空上句介绍日本全国各地到处都有警察岗亭,下句介绍了通过这些岗亭返还的失物很多,故可推断,C项“捡到失物的大部分人都会把它们交到警察岗亭”符合语境。

33. F。本空是其所在段落的主题句。该段主要介绍了日本对于失物返还的奖惩制度,故选F项“日本的法律制定者建立了一套关于失物招领的体系”。

34. D。由本空前的“市民文化”以及本空后的“他们的行为得到警察和老师的支持”可知,D项“学生在很小的时候就被教育如何利用警察岗亭”符合语境。

35. E。本空上句表明日本警察不只肩负抓捕罪犯这一职责,E项“他们也设法弘扬当地社区的善举”是他们的又一责任。 语言运用 第一节


本文是记叙文。不善言辞的作者追寻写作梦想。 36. C。根据上文中的 Miracles start to happen when you give as much power to your dreams as you do to your fears可知,梦想是“重要的(important)”。

37. A。根据上文中的 It is only when you dream big with all your heart aye 可知,只有当你有远大的梦想时,你才“能(able)”实现宏伟的目标。

38. B。根据下文中的I want to become a famous …可知,作者从小就有一个“梦想(dream)” 39. C。下文中的 through writing 和will soon come up with my own novel 提示本空。

40. A。根据下文中的 remain quiet和hide feelings以及下文中的It is hard for me to… feelings verbally可知,作者不善言辞。good(娴熟的)符合语境。

41. D。根据下文中的reply back和peace-loving person可知,即使有人说他的坏话,作者也不想变得“无礼(impolite)”。

42. C。下文中的as mentioned “I choose” not to do so提示本空。

43. B。根据下文中的I am a peace-loving person可知,作者选择保持沉默是“因为(as)”他是一个平和的人。 44. A。根据上文中的I am a peace-loving person和下文中的it is not good to hide feelings as it can lead to stress 可知,此处表示转折,故选However。

45. A。根据下文中的free myself from these feelings 可知,作者总有种想“大声喊出来(shout out )”的冲动。 46. C。 47. D。根据上文中的free myself from these feelings以及两空之间的a good way可知,作者“发现(found)”写作是一种表达“情绪(feelings)”的好方式。

48. B。根据下文中的 found out that I am actually good at it 可知,作者“开始了(began)”写作并发现自己很擅长。

49. A。根据上文中的 have never been very… when it comes to verbal communication可知,作者很难用语言来“表达(communicate)”自己的情绪。

50. D。上文中的I am actually good at it 和 However 提示本空。

51. A。根据下文中的 I keep recording all my feelings 和 writing bits and pieces about the happenings in my life 可知,写作已经成为了作者“生活(life)”的一种方式。

52. C。根据下文中的 It has become more of a passion 可知,一直写日记让作者变得“开心(happy)”。

53. B。根据下文中的 turn it into my profession可知,作者“想(want)”成为职业作家。



