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A. himself B. yourself C. herself myself


( )113. He has nothing to do today, ?

A. doesn’t he B. do he C. does he D. isn’t he

( )114. — How much did the new watch your sister? 文档来自于网络搜索 — She 350 yuan for it.

A. cost; paid cost

B. spend; cost C. pay;

D. take ; paid文档来自于网络搜索 ( )115. foreign friends come to visit China every year.文档来自于网络搜索 41 / 196

A. Many thousand B. Thousands of C. Many thousand of D. Many thousands文档来自于网络搜索 ( )116. — — Nothing serious, but a bit tired.文档来自于网络搜索 — You’d better have a rest now, dear.

A. Is that all?B. Is there anything else?C. what’s this?D. What’s the matter with you?文档来自于网络搜索 ( )117.— do you do some cleaning?— Three times a week. 文档来自于网络搜索 A. How long B.How often C. How many

( )118.I have to buy the

42 / 196

flowers my mother.文档来自于网络搜索 A. enough money, to in C. enough money, for

B. money enough,

文档来自于网络搜索 ( )119.There an English movie tomorrow.

A. will have B. is going to be C. is going to have

( )120.— You look pale. What’s wrong with you?— I have .文档来自于网络搜索 A. a flu B. the flu C. the headache

D. the apple文档来自于网络搜索 ( )121.Mary is interested volleyball, but she isn’t good it. 文档来自于网络搜索 43 / 196

A. for, on B. at, in C. in, at

( )122.He doesn’t mind they’re good or not . A. if B. weather C.whether文档来自于网络搜索 ( )123.— I didn’t see you at the party yesterday. 文档来自于网络搜索 — Oh, I a meeting at that time.

A. had B. have C. was having

( )124.— Must I finish my homework today, Mom? 文档来自于网络搜索 — No, you . You finish it tomorrow.

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A. mustn’t, can C. don’t have to, can

B. needn’t, need

文档来自于网络搜索 ( )125.I about it you told me.

A. knows, until B. didn’t know, until C. didn’t know, after文档来自于网络搜索 ( )126.Yao Ming is one of in the world.

A. best players B. the best player C. the best players文档来自于网络搜索 ( )127.—Who taught Kangkang Japanese?

-- He taught on the

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