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55. We solved the problem by using a computer rather than to do it all by hand. A B C D

Part IV Cloze (10%)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D at the end of the passage. You should choose ONE answer that best fits into the passage. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

We have quite a bit of information about ancient Egyptian medicine. Doctors' instructions have been found to tell us 56 they did for the sick and the injured. 57 many of the treatments included magic, ancient Egyptians used plant leaves and other methods to treat many 58 . Religion, magic and medicine were 59 related in ancient Egypt. Some priests (牧师) were specially 60 as doctors to 61 the sick and the injured. Doctors were held to a high moral standard. Patients was treated with 62 and their 63 information was highly secret. The highest-ranking doctors were priests of the goddess Sekhmet, 64 controlled illnesses. Doctors spent a part of each year 65 the goddess. Doctors were thought to be 66 to the gods and able to ask them for healing. Temples were centers for healing. 67 a person was ill, he or she would come to the temple or 68 a doctor for a diagnosis (诊断). A(n) 69 problem was treated with medicine, prayer and magic. If a clear cause was not 70 , the diagnosis would be that the illness was caused by an evil spirit or cUrse. The doctor would use magic spells to 71 a cure. 72 , a diagnosis could not be reached. 73 this case, a patient would be told to rest for a period of time 74 another examination could be 75. 56. A. that B. why C. what D. which 57. A. When B. Although C. Since D. After

58. A. damages B. diseases C. disasters D. destructions 59. A. hardly B. closely C. mainly D. shortly 60. A. trained B. designed C. planned D. studied 61. A. look to B. come to C. care for D. search for 62. A. reputation B. respect C. fame D. inspection 63. A. ill B. own C. hidden D. personal 64. A. that B. which C. who D. what

65. A. serving B. reading C. learning D. following 66. A. careful B. generous C. mean D. close 67. A. Before B. When C. Until D. Since

68. A. think over B. apply to C. call for D. make up 69. A. serious B. internal C. odd D. obvious 70. A. discovered B. treated C. cured D. aroused 71. A. bring about B. set out C. insist on D. make up

72. A. Subsequently B. Consequently C. Occasionally D. Hopefully 73. A. With B. In C. For D. On

74. A. until B. when C. although D. because 75. A. decided B. performed C. carried D. discussed Part V Translation (20%) Section A

Directions: In this part there are five sentences which you should translate into Chinese. These sentences are all taken from the 3 passages you have just read in Reading Comprehension. You can refer back to the passages to identify their meanings in the context.

76. Previous studies have shown the longer the mom breastfeeds, the more benefit for her body.

77. It was because he was in a very watery environment, safe fi.om the bacteria that need oxygen to live.

78. His hands and fingernails suggested that he hadn't done heavy manual work in his life—he could have been a rich man.

79. After spending a few minutes on a crowded city street, the brain is less able to hold things in memory, and suffers from reduced self-control.

80. The good news is that even slight alterations, such as planting more trees in the inner city or creating urban parks with a greater variety of plants, can significantly reduce the negative side effects of city life. SectionB

Directions:In this part there are five sentences in Chinese.You should translate them into English.Be sure to write clearly. 81.这部电影我已经看过好几遍了。 82.这就是他五年前住过的房子。 83.在房子前面的大树下放着一张桌子。 84.他二十七岁时开始学英语。 85.全球化也正在改变人们的生活方式。 参考答案(B)




76. 先前的研究已经表明:妈妈母乳喂养的时间越长,对她本人的身体越有利。 77. 因为他被置于相当潮湿多水的环境,需要氧气才能生存的细菌无法侵害到他。 78. 他的手和指甲显示:他一生中没有从事过繁重的手工劳动,他很有可能是个有钱人。

79. 在熙熙攘攘的城市街道上呆几分钟,大脑的记忆力就会下降,自制力也会有所减弱。

80. 好消息是,即使是微小的改变,如在城市中多植树或建立种有多种植被的城市公园,都会大幅度地减少城市生活对人脑的负面影响。 81. I have seen this movie several times.

82. This is the very house he lived in five years ago. 83. Under the big tree in front of the house is set a table. 84. He began to learn English at the age of 27. 85. Globalization is changing people’s way of life.


Part I Reading Comprehension (30%)

Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet。 Passage 1

Questions I to 5 are based on the following passage:

The fourth-graders at Chicago's McCormick Elementary School don't know Chinese is supposed to be hard to learn. For most, who speak Spanish at home, it's becoming their third language. They've been hearing and using Chinese words since nursery, and it's natural to give a \the classroom, “It's really fun!” says Miranda Lucas, taking a break from a lesson that includes a Chinese interview with Jackie Chan. “I'm teaching my mom to speak Chinese。”

The classroom scene at McCormick is unusual, but it may soon be a common phenomenon in American schools, where Chinese is rapidly becoming the hot new language. Government officials have long wanted more focus on useful languages like Chinese, and pressure from them — as well as from business leaders, politicians, and parents — has produced a quick growth in the number of programs。

Chicago city officials make their best effort to include Chinese in their public schools. Their program has grown to include 3,000 students in 20 schools, with more schools on a waiting list. Programs have also spread to places like Los Angeles, New York City, and North Carolina. Supporters see knowledge of the Chinese language and culture as an advantage in a global economy where China is growing in importance. “This is an interesting way to begin to engage with the world's next superpower,” says Michael Levine, director of education at the Asia Society, which has started five new public high schools that offer Chinese. “Globalization has already changed the arrangements in terms of how children

today are going to think about their careers. The question is when, not whether, the schools are going to adjust”

(76) The number of students learning Chinese is tiny compared with how many study Spanish or French. But one report shows that before-college enrollment (报名人数) nearly quadrupled between 1992 and 2002, from 6,000 to 24,000. Despite the demand, though, developing programs isn't easy. And the No. one difficulty, everyone agrees, is having enough teachers. Finding teacher \challenge,\and a Chinese teacher for 15 years at the college level. \comparison. Or getting schools funded.\

1. The best title for this passage might be ______。 A. Next Hot Language to Study: Chinese B. Next Hot Language to Study: Spanish C. Next Hot Language to Study: French D. Chicago Is the Place to Learn Chinese

2. The most difficult thing to do is finding ______。 A. enough textbooks for the Chinese programs B. enough money for the Chinese programs C. enough teachers for the Chinese programs D. enough students for the Chinese programs 3. We learn from the passage that ______。

A. Scott McGinnis has been a Chinese teacher for 15 years

B. Jackie Chan is a Chinese teacher at McCormick Elementary School C. Chicago officials are required to learn Chinese

D. Scott McGinnis is good at giving his opinions on everything 4. According to the passage, all the following statements are true EXCEPT______。

A. the number of students learning Chinese is small

B. Chinese programs have found their way in several major cities in the U.S。

C. government officials don't like the pressure from business leaders and parents to start Chinese programs

D. China is becoming more and more influential in the world

5. The word “quadrupled” in the last paragraph is close in meaning to “multiplied by______”。 A. three times B. four times C. five times D. six times Passage 2

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

Many private institutions of higher education around the country are in danger. Not all will be saved, and perhaps not all deserve to be saved. There are low-quality schools just as there are low-quality businesses. We have no obligation to save them simply because they exist. But many thriving

institutions that deserve to continue are threatened. They are doing a fine job educationally, but they are caught in a financial difficulty, with no way to reduce rising costs or increase revenues (收入) significantly. Raising fees doesn't bring in more revenue, for each time fees go up, the enrollment (注册人数) goes down, or the amount that must be given away in student aid goes up. (77) Schools are bad businesses, whether public or private. not usually because of bad management but because of the nature of the business. They lose money on every customer, and they can go bankrupt either from too few students or too many students. Even a very good college is a very bad business。 It is such colleges, thriving but threatened, that I worry about. Low enrollment is not their chief problem. Even with full enrollments, they may go under. Efforts to save them, and preferably to keep them private, are a national necessity. (78) There is no basis for arguing that private schools are bound to be better than public schools. There are plentiful examples to the contrary. Anyone can name state universities and colleges that rank as the finest in the nation and the world. It is now inevitable that public

institutions will be dominant, and therefore diversity (多样性) is a national necessity. Diversity in the way we support schools tends to give us a healthy diversity in the forms of education. In an imperfect society such as ours, uniformity of education throughout the nation could be dangerous. In an imperfect society, diversity is a positive good. Eager supporters of public higher education know the importance of keeping private higher education healthy。

6. In the passage, the author asks the public to support _____。 A. private higher education in general B. public higher education in general

C. high-quality private universities and colleges D. high-quality state universities and colleges

7. According to the passage, schools are bad businesses because of____。 A. the nature of school B. poor teachers C. bad management D. too few students

8. The phrase “go under” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to _____。



