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1. 亚洲文明对话大会近期在北京召开,你的印度朋友Danny收看了大会相关报道,对华夏文明产生了浓厚的兴趣,来信向你了解中国文化。假设你是李华,请根据以下内容提示用英语写一封回信给Danny。 要点 历史文化 文明行为 身边文明 内容 历史悠久,文化各异;传统节日,多彩习俗(举一例) 相互尊重,以礼相待;互学共鉴,共同成长(或自拟) 校园文明(自拟一点) 注意:1. 词数90词左右,开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数。 2. 回复必须包括所以要点,可是当发挥,是短文连贯,通顺。 3. 文中不得提及真实的人名、校名等相关信息。 参考词汇: civilized 文明的 Dear Danny,

I’m glad to receive your letter. Since you are interested in civilization(文明) of China, I would like to share something with you.

I hope you can come to China someday to experience the ancient culture of China. Look forward to hear from you soon. All the best, Li Hua

【答案】Dear Danny,

I’m glad to receive your letter. Since you are interested in civilization(文明) of China, I would like to share something with you.

Chinese civilization is one of the oldest and longest civilizations in the world. China is a country of 56 nationalities. Different nations have difficult cultures. In my country, we have many traditional festivals, such as, the Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and the Dragon Boat Festival . They are also called “three major Chinese holidays” in China. Here are the customs of eating Zongzi and racing dragon-boat on the Dragon Boat Festival.

China is a nation of etiquette (礼仪). Chinese people can respect, trust and help each other. We all learn and grow together. Everyone in my school should protect the whole public environment. Climbing the trees, picking the flowers and throwing garbage at random are not allowed there.

I hope you can come to China someday to experience the ancient culture of China. Look forward to hearing from you soon. All the best.

Li Hua

【解析】 【分析】

本文要求给你的印度朋友Danny写一篇关于华夏文明的回信。 【详解】

文章需要介绍下中国的文化。表格中列举了三个要点,写作时注意不要漏写。平时注意多多积累句型、短语。细心检查避免疏漏。以图表展示的作文要以“读”为主,首先要认真读懂图表中的要求,对所给信息加以分析、推断、筛选、概括,去粗取精;在写作时目的要明确,要注意内容的准确性和严肃性。 【点睛】

写作中注意语义通顺,符合逻辑关系,上下文之间可以适当使用连接词。如but, so, then等。可以适当使用高分句子。本篇文章写的好的句子有:Chinese civilization is one of the oldest and longest civilizations in the world.中华文明是世界上最古老、最悠久的文明之一。China is a nation of etiquette(礼仪),中国是一个礼仪之邦。

2.近来,美国总统特朗普的外孙女由于说一口流利的中文而成为“网红”。你的美国朋友Sam 看过相关报道之后也很想学好中文,但是不知道该怎样做。假如你是大明,请你根据以下提示写一封邮件给他,提一些关于如何学好汉语的建议。 要点提示 :



3.课下经常阅读中文杂志、报纸等,在网上看一些中文语言类节目; 4.经常用中文给外国笔友写电子邮件等。 注意 : 1.词数80-100;

2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.信中不能出现与本人相关的信息; 4.开头和结尾已给出,不计人总词数。

Dear Sam ,

I'm happy to hear from you. I know you want to learn Chinese well. Here are some suggestions. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

In a word,if you have good ways of learning Chinese ,you will learn it well.

Yours Daming

【答案】Dear Sam,

I'm happy to hear from you.I know you want to learn Chinese well.Here are some suggestions. First, you should listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class. Second, it's a good idea to talk with your classmates in Chinese. And don't be afraid of making mistakes. Third, you'd better read Chinese magazines or newspapers after class. You can also watch Chinese programmes on the Internet. I think it can help you to improve your pronunciation. Lastly, you can write emails to me or other Chinese friends in Chinese.

In a word, if you have good ways of learning Chinese, you will learn it well.

Yours, Daming

【解析】 【详解】

这篇作文要求我们以大明的身份给Sam写一封信,告诉他如何学好汉语,题目中从四个方面提出了建议。通过审题可知,这是要求写一封建议信,内容应包括以下几个方面:首先应和Sam先做一个交流,然后引出写信的目的;接下来给出具体的建议,依据题目中给出的这四条,用正确的英语表达出来,还应注意补充一些内容,使文章更加充实;最后写一个适当的结尾,如希望建议对你有帮助等。文章应使用一般现在时,根据表达需要使用恰当的人称。写作时应注意英语表达习惯和汉语的不同,不能按照汉语的思维逐词翻译,写汉语式的英语。应从句子的整体结构考虑,写完整的句子。如可以较常见的主谓宾结构或主系表结构为主,简单句的句型可以使文章叙述清楚、简洁。为提升文章档次,可以穿插使用并列句或复合句以及其他一些复杂句式。语句之间使用恰当的连接成分,使文章意思连贯,表达流畅。 【点睛】

这是一篇优秀的作文,短文作者根据题目要求给Sam写了一封信,对他的汉语学习提出了一些好的建议。首先短文内容完整,包括了题目中要求的所有信息。文章主要分成三个部分:第一段是与Sam之间的问候以及引出Sam学习汉语这一话题,并介绍写信的目的;第二段中是提出的具体的建议,这是这篇文章的主体,所在篇幅最大。这一段中使用了First,Second,Third,lastly等词,叙述条理、有层次;最后一段用一句话对整篇文章做了总结。其次短文使用了正确的时态和人称,句式结构符合英语的表达习惯。语法规范、准确,用词得体。文章中的语句以简单句结构为主,也使用了并列句和复合句,调整了文章的结构。文章中使用了较为丰富的短语和句型,如First, you should listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class.、Second, it's a good idea to talk with your classmates in Chinese、I think it can help you to improve your pronunciation、In a word, if you have good ways of learning Chinese, you will learn it well.等等。

3. “美丽的琼海我的家,人人都要保护她”。自双创以来,我们的生活环境得到了很大的改观,人人积极参与双创活动,让人点赞的文明行为随处可见。作为一名中学生,请你写



1.语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规范; 2.必须包含所给提示,并做适当的拓展; 3. 行文中不得出现真实人名、校名或地名;

4. 词数80左右,(短文的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);

Since the government created the civilized and healthy city, our living environment has improved a lot. Everyone plays an important role in building our city, so good behaviors can be seen everywhere. As junior high students,


Let’s take action now. Our actions can make a difference and lead to a more beautiful city. 【答案】Since the government created civilized and healthy city, our living environment has improved a lot. Everyone plays an important role in building our city, so good behaviors can be seen everywhere.

As junior high students, on the one hand, there are a lot of things we can do. We should be polite to others and try to behave well. It’s kind of you to help people in need. Meanwhile, We can help clean up our city in order to make it clearer and tidier. Also, we can plant more trees and keep off grass. On the other hand, there are many things we shouldn’t do. We shouldn’t make a lot of noise loudly in the public. We can’t spit anywhere and we shouldn’t throw rubbish everywhere. At the same time, we shouldn’t break traffic rules.

Let’s take action now. Our actions can make a difference and lead to a more beautiful city. 【解析】 【详解】


目中并没有规定具体的写作内容,而是用图表的形式,列出了写作的提纲。通过审题可知,这篇短文我们应从两个方面来叙述:即应该做什么;不应该做什么。根据这个内容,写作时,把短文分成两个层次,这样可以使文章结构清晰、条理。整篇短文应使用一般现在时态,第一人称we来叙述。写作时应注意:首先英语的表达习惯和汉语是不同的,不能逐词翻译,写汉语式的英语,而应从句子的整体结构考虑,使用恰当的词汇、短语和句型,以常见的主谓宾或者主系表构成的简单句为主,穿插使用并列句或者复合句,改变文章节奏,提升文章档次。语句之间使用恰当的连接成分,使文意连贯、流畅。 【点睛】

这是一篇优秀的作文,短文作者根据题目要求,向中学生们发出号召,共同参与到城市“双创”活动中来。首先短文的内容完整,文章根据题目中列出的图表,补充了具体的写作内容,从应该做的和不应该做的两个方面,对中学生的日常行为提出了要求。文章条理清晰,有层次。其次短文中使用了正确的时态和人称,语法规范,语言准确,语句通顺,符合英语的表达习惯。短文中句子结构以简单句为主,也使用了并列句和复合句以及一些较复杂的高级句式,语句之间也使用了较好的连接成分,如We should be polite to others and try to behave well. 、It’s kind of you to help people in need. 、Meanwhile, We can help clean up our city in order to make it clearer and tidier.、We can’t spit anywhere and we shouldn’t throw rubbish everywhere. At the same time, we shouldn’t break traffic rules.等等。


提示词语:Laoshe Teahouse, drink tea, Peking Opera, magic shows, gate 提示问题:Where are you going? What will you do there? When and where will you meet?

【答案】Hi, Lucy! I know you like Chinese traditional culture. I want to invite you to Laoshe Teahouse this Saturday morning. We are going to drink tea, watch magic shows, enjoy Peking



