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perseverance, especially among youngsters. It is not uncommon to hear that the life does not deserve your effort /being serious or being diligent means you are losing. The risk is that young people tend to accept this kind of pessimistic statement. There definitely has been the necessity in promoting and enhancing this invaluable quality among young people.

与此同时,人们越来越担心,尤其是年轻人缺乏毅力。听到人间不值 得/认真你就输了,这并不罕见。风险在于,年轻人倾向于接受这种悲 观的说法。我们绝对有必要在青年人中推广和提高这种宝贵的素质。

We should realize that many top-performers' successes lie in the spirit of persistence. Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, is a shining and fitting example. It is his courage to face the difficulty and the quality of never quitting help him shape the remarkable success of Ali and produce the value for society.

我们应该认识到,许多表现优秀的人的成功在于坚持的精神。阿里巴 巴的创始人马云就是一个闪亮而恰当的例子。他勇于面对困难,不放 弃的品质,帮助他塑造了阿里非凡的成功,为社会创造了价值。


Our era is full of opportunities and challenges. Some new

technologies or devices are changing our way of life, of playing and

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of learning. Of all changes, the fairly far-reaching one may be the use of smartphones.

我们的时代充满了机遇和挑战。一些新技术或新设备正在改变 我们


的生活方式、游戏方式和学习方式。在所有的变化中,影响相当 深远的可能是智能手机的使用。

好处:(1) It does make our communication more convenient and quicker.

(2) We can enjoy the vivid, concrete and accurate information and entertainment sources effortlessly. (3) The high-quality online courses are more accessible to all of us. (4) People can buy various goods at much lower price than before on e-commerce websites. 坏 处:(1) However, the over use of smart devices and the over-load of information pose serious threat to all of us, especially teenagers. (2) For example, some popular mobile phone games, say, The Glory of Kings, really waste, lavish and squander youngsters' prime time, (which will lead to their low grades and lower achievement 可以删 除).(可以删除,然后


它确实使我们的交流更加方便和快捷。具体而准确的信息和娱乐 来源毫不费力。(3)高质量的在线课程对我们所有人来说更容易获得。 坏处:(1)然而,过度使用智能设备和信息过载对我们所有人,特别 是青少年构成严重威胁。浪费和浪费青少年的黄金时间,这将导致他 们的低成绩和低成就可以删除).(可以删除,然后可以结合题干的具体 要求加一些表述)

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So, it is imperative for scholars and experts to work out

reasonable and practical guidelines to regulate youngsters' use of smart devices. We, college students, should cultivate the rational perspective towards this new trend.

因此,学者和专家们有必要制定出合理、实用的指导原则来规范青少 年使


用智能设备。作为大学生,我们应该培养对这一新趋势的理性认 识。


1. jumping the queue 2. spitting on the ground 3. littering 4. smoking

6. throwing objects in high buildings

7. playing music loudly with mobile phone speakers 8.overpacking of products. 9. dishonoring the promise


Honesty is steel that forges the supporting structure of our society. If this invaluable asset is ever neglected in any possible manner, our society can not grow steady.

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The picture shows that the importance of honesty and how to promote the

mutual trust among the public.

As we all know, we are facing the challenge of lacking credibility. It is not uncommon to notice the online cheating or the misleading information in the advertisement. Fortunately, the problems have captured wide media


attention and triggered heated discussion on the social media platform. Honesty is steel that forges the supporting structure of our society. If this invaluable asset is ever neglected in any possible manner, our society cannot grow steady. Meanwhile, the practice of keeping promise and honoring commitment has been required in many sectors. This is the promising start.

As the college students, it is supposed for us to follow this positive and necessary policy. More importantly, we should exert influence over people around us, family members or neighbors. Only with our shared effort can we hope to witness a better world.

这幅图显示了诚实的重要性以及如何促进公众之间的相互信任。 我们都知道,我们正面临缺乏信誉的挑战。

注意到网上欺诈或广告中的误导性信息并不少见。幸运的是,这 些问题已经引起了媒体的广泛关注,并在社交媒体平台上引发了热烈 讨论。诚实是钢铁,它锻造了我们社会的支撑结构。如果这种宝贵的 财富被任何可能的方式所忽视,我们的社会就不可能稳定。同时,许

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多部门都要求信守承诺。这是充满希望的开始 作为大学生,我们应该遵循这一积极而必要的政策。更重要的是,我 们应该对身边的人、家人或邻居施加影响。只有通过我们的共同努力, 我们才能希望看到一个更美好的世界。




