【期刊名称】《电信工程技术与标准化》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)010
【摘要】This paper mainly studies the coexistence mechanism of running LTE and Wi-Fi system simultaneously in the unlicensed frequency bands and achieves the system-level simulation. The simulation results show that LAA can be in harmony with Wi-Fi in the unlicensed bands. To design a reasonable retreat mechanism on LAA system, can simultaneously improve the throughput of LAA and Wi-Fi system, and also improve resource allocation fairness and effi ciency.%本文主要研究了在非授权频段上运行LTE和Wi-Fi系统共存的机制,设计实现了基于LAA和Wi-Fi共存场景的系统级仿真平台。仿真结果表明,在非授权频段上LAA能与Wi-Fi和谐共存。针对LAA系统设计一种合理的退避机制,能够同时提升LAA和Wi-Fi系统的吞吐量,提高资源分配的公平性和使用效率。 【总页数】5页(88-92)
【关键词】非授权频段;LAA;Wi-Fi;共存机制;系统级仿真 【作者】蔡凤恩;成蕾;刘欢;高月红
【作者单位】北京邮电大学,北京 100876;北京邮电大学,北京 100876;北京邮电大学,北京 100876;北京邮电大学,北京 100876 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】TN929.5
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