【期刊名称】《安徽农业科学》 【年(卷),期】2011(039)016
【摘要】根据期刊性质和学科分类方法,以文献数量为依据对<麦类作物学报>进行分类.结果发现,<麦类作物学报>2009年刊登的文献全为学术性,其中农作物类文献229篇,占当年发表文献总量的92.71%,其余学科文献均较少,不能划入相应学科,因此应将该刊归类为畜牧与动物医学类学术期刊.%Classify Journal of Tritkeae Crops according to property and subject of journal based on its documents quantity. Almost all of its documents in 2009 are related to academic research, furthermore, the documents about crop count up to 229, and account for 92. 71% of summation. As the documents quantities of other subject are too small to reach the standard of these subjects, so Journal of tritkeae crops belongs to scholarly journal about crop. 【总页数】1页(封2-封2)
【关键词】《麦类作物学报》;期刊分类;学科;性质;文献数量 【作者】朱安;李杨;房威;张志转;朱永和
【作者单位】《安徽农业科学》编辑部,安徽合肥230031;《安徽农业科学》编辑部,安徽合肥230031;《安徽农业科学》编辑部,安徽合肥230031;《安徽农业科学》编辑部,安徽合肥230031;《安徽农业科学》编辑部,安徽合肥230031 【正文语种】中文