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This document specifies the general quality requirements for the category of Soft/Plush toys,

Electrical/Battery operated toys, Ride-on toys, Infant toys and Other toys. It is used as a general guideline for inspection if clients have not defined their requirement.

此文件为玩具(包括长毛绒玩具,电池驱动玩具,乘骑式玩具,充气玩具等)验货的通用标准,如果客户没有特别的要求,在此定为通用的验货指南。 2. ?

? Must be without any unsafe defect for using; 不允许有在实际使用中任何对使用者造成伤害的缺陷;

? Should be free of damaged, broken, scratch, crackle etc. Cosmetic / Aesthetics defect;


? Must be conform to the shipping market legal regulation / client’s requirement;


? The construction, appearance, cosmetics and material of all units should comply with client’s

requirement / approved samples;


? All units should have full function complying with client’s requirement / approved samples;


? The marking / label on unit should be legal and clear. 产品上的标记/标签必须符合法规要求且清晰明确。

Inspection Criteria of Product / Package 产品/包装验货标准

Product: 产品 Scope范围

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? All units will be adequately packaged, and constructed from suitably robust materials, such that it

arrives in store in a merchantable condition;


? The packaging material can protect the goods from damage during transportation; 在运输过程中,包装材料能防止货物受损;

? The shipping mark, bar code, label (such as price label), should conform to client’s spec. and/or

approved samples;


? The package should comply to client’s requirement / approved samples; 包装必须符合客户的要求或与样品保持一致;

? Text of illustration, instruction, label and warning statement etc. must be clearly printed in user’s



? The illustration and instruction on the packaging must conform to the product and its actual



? The method and material of pallet/crate etc. should be approved by client.


3. Inspection Plan & Defects classification检验计划及缺陷分类 ?

Sampling procedure & Defects Definition, please refer to SHOP-HI001 General Inspection Operation Procedure

抽样程序以及缺陷定义,详见SHOP-HI001 通用检查程序 – 最终随机检查。 ?

Acceptable Quality Limit: 可接受的质量限 ? Critical 0 Non-conformity is not allowed ? AQL 1.5 For Major Non-Conformity ? AQL 4.0 For Minor Non-Conformity



Package: 包装


Item code 条款 Details 详情细节 Sample size & Defects Classification 抽样数量及缺陷分类 Critical Major Minor 致命 严重 轻微 At least the square root of the total number of cartons or defined by client, and checks all 1 Packaging Check 包装检查 cartons/pallets/crates that were selected for sampling. 至少是总箱数的平方根,否则就由客户特别指定,要对所有抽取的卡通箱/栈板/板条箱进行检查. Details please refer to SHWI-HI-G-001 具体请参照产品包装验货通用作业指导书相关章节 2 A B Aesthetics / Appearance Check 外观检查 Instruction (sheet)/warning/warranty etc. printing material 说明书/警告语/质保书等印刷材料 Details please refer to SHWI-HI-G-001 具体请参照产品包装验货通用作业指导书相关章节 Appearance of unit 产品外观 · · · Non functional sharp point and sharp edge (May injure customer) Live insect / mildew Knives, blades, needles and similar sharp foreign object contamination 外表附着刀子、刀刃、针等尖锐物体 · · · · Incorrect material used Wrong color or style or type Excessive/unpleasant odour Deformed, scratched, dirty mark, chipped, dent mark, burr 材料使用错误 颜色/款式/型号错误 异味 变形、刮痕、污迹、缺口、凹痕、毛刺 更多免费资料下载请进:http://www.55top.com

G-II X X 非功能性的尖点锐边 活虫/发霉 X X X X X X 好好学习社区

德信诚培训网 · · · · · Damaged, broken, cracked, rust mark Missing / illegal warning/caution label or marking Missing / illegal other label or marking Wobble unit The protected end cap of tube was loose or missing 破坏、损坏、裂缝、锈痕 警告语标签或标识缺失或难辨认 其他标签或标识缺识或难辨认 摇晃 管子顶端的保护帽松动或缺失 · Poor coating / plating / polish 涂层/电镀/抛光不良 · Open seam or poor seam 接缝未缝或缝补不良 · Untrimmed long thread end 未修整的长线头 · Over stuffing or under stuffing 过度填充或欠量填充 · Battery compartment 's cover not closing firmly and properly 电池盒盖子不能牢固闭合或完全闭合 · Gap between moving parts is less than 5mm or more than 13mm 移动部件间的缝隙小于5mm或大于13mm · Small part (for under 36 months) 小部件(小于36个月的儿童使用的) · Small part without warning statement (for less than 36 months) 小部件没有警告声明(小于36个月儿童使用的) · Diameter of projectiles is less than 2mm 投掷部件的直径小于2mm · Leakage of liquid filled toys / inflatable toys 盛装液体的玩具或充气玩具漏 3 Bar Code verification 条形码检测 · Bar code can not be scanned 条形码标签不能被扫描 · Wrong bar code label is used 条形码标签错误 4 Safety check 安全检查 A Metal detection check (for plush toy) 金属探测检查(针对毛绒玩具) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X S-1 X X G-II 更多免费资料下载请进:http://www.55top.com 好好学习社区

德信诚培训网 Any metal particle found by Metal Detector 通过金属探测仪器发现金属碎屑 Hi-pot check 高压测试 Position: between primary circuit and accessible dead metal parts B For Europe shipment: 4000Vac//5mA/2S For US shipment: 1200Vac/5mA/2S 位置:在初级线圈和可接触的外部金属部件 欧洲产品:4000伏/5毫安/2秒 美国产品:1200伏/5毫安/2秒 Length of cords on toys 玩具上的绳子长度 C The cord is more than 220mm L (EN) / 305mm (for free cords for US) / 356mm (for loop for US) by force 25N. 绳子长度超过220mm(欧洲市场)/305mm(美国市场)/施加25N的力绳圈长度超过356mm(美国市场) Enclosure toys (for the volume is more than 0.03m3 and inner size is more than 150mm) D 密闭式玩具(体积大于0.03m3,内部尺寸大于150mm) Cannot be opened by force of 45N, and no two ventilations (650mm2) 45N力不能被打开,或没有两个通气孔(650 mm2) 5 Function check 功能检查 Unit no function or malfunction against reference samples and / or requirement of client 不具备参照样品或客户要求的功能 Brake system no function or malfunction 刹车系统无功能 Buckle system no function or malfunction 扣带系统无功能 Remote controller / Remote receiver no function or malfunction / over temperature of surface 遥控器或玩具上的遥控接收装置无功能/表面温度过高 6 Field Tests & Data Measurement 现场测试及数据测量 Assembly check and special function (which can be checked after assembling) check A 组装检查及组装后的性能测试 Cannot be assembled or Part and part can not match 不能组装或部件间不匹配 X G-II X G-II X G-II X G-II X X X X S-3 X 更多免费资料下载请进:http://www.55top.com 好好学习社区



