龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
作者:刘海元 白光斌
摘 要:全国中小学生课外文体活动工程及示范区建设历经7年,目前有23个示范区积极推进课外文体活动,涉及有1.2万多所中小学,780多万名中小学生参加课外文体活动工程。虽然通过示范区的建设在教育观念、管理实践、师资队伍、场馆器材、人才培养等方面取得了一定成效,但在宏观管理、督导促进、宣传扩大、目标实现等方面还存在较大差距。 关键词:学校体育;中小学生;全国中小学生课外文体活动工程 中图分类号:G806文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2008)08-0040-05
Investigation of the current state of the construction of the project of extracurricular cultural and physical activities of elementary and middle school students nationwide LIU Hai-yuan1,BAI Guang-bin2
(1.Department Theory,Capital Institute of Physical Education,Beijing 100088,China;2.Department of Physical Education,Xidian University,Xi’an 710071,China)
Abstract: It has been 7 years since the beginning of the construction of the project of
extracurricular cultural and physical activities for elementary and middle school students nationwide. Currently there are 23 demonstrative zones actively promoting extracurricular cultural and physical activities, and over 7.80 million students in more than 12,000 elementary and middle schools participating in the project of extracurricular cultural and physical activities. Although via the
construction of demonstrative zones some achievements have been made in such aspects as education conception, management practice, teacher team, gymnasium facility and talent cultivation, there are still things to be further improved in such aspects as macro management, supervision and acceleration, promotion and expansion, and objective realization.
Key words: scholastic physical education;elementary and middle school students;program of students taking parting extracurricular cultural and physical activities in middle and primary school