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5、go house(回家)_____ 6、in three o`clock(在三点钟)

7、go up(起床)__________ 8、go bed(睡觉)____________

9、have breakfast(吃晚饭) 10、listen at the clock(听钟表)


( )1. I ________ up at 6 o’clock. A.go B.get C.gone D.goes

( )2. _____ time is it? A. Which B.When C. What D. Than.

( )3.I go ______ school at 8 o`clock. A. in B. at C. on D. to

( )4. I ________ lunch at twelve o’clock. A. have B. has C. had D. the

( )5 I have dinner ___six o’clock. A.in B.on C.the D.at

( )6. I ________TV at seven o’clock. A. see B. look C. watch D. visit

( )7. I go to bed at half _____ nine. A. pass B. past C. pest D. play

( )8 What’s the time?It`s___six o’clock. A. / B.at C.to D. in

( )9. I have dinner at _________ past six. A. time B. to C. get D. half

( )10.What ____ is it , please? It is half past seven. A. half B. time C. past D. pass

五、选词填空。每空一词,(10分) in; at ; What ; time ; o`clock ; past post 1. A: _____ time is it, please? B: It’s six________.

2. A: What _____ is it, please? B: It’s half______ six. You have dinner______ half past six.六、连词成句,并注意大小写及标点符号。(20分)

1. get, six, o’clock, up, I ,at _____________________________________________

2. the, please, what,time, is ______________________________________________

3. past, half, at, eight, bed,to, go, I _________________________________________________

4. Daming, TV, at, watches, eight, o’clock _______________________________________________

5. half, seven, past,it, is _________________________________________________


My name is Xiaoming . I get up at half past six . I have breakfast at seven o’clock. I go to school at eight o’clock. I have lunch at twelve o`clock . I go home at four o’clock. I have dinner at five o`clock . I watch TV at half past six . I do my homework at seven o`clock . I go to bed at nine o’clock.

( )1. I get up at seven o’clock. ( )2.I have lunch at twelve . ( )3. I go home at five o’clock.

( )4. I watch TV at half past six. ( )5. I go to bed at half past nine.


一、Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Hh Ii Kk Ll Mm 二、BAABA

三、1、half past seven 2、go to school 3、have lunch 4、watch TV 5、go home

6、at three o`clock 7、get up 8、go to bed 9、have dinner 10、listen to the clock


五、1、What , o`clock ,2、time , past , at

六、1. I get up at six o’clock .2. What is the time ,please? 3. I go to bed at half past eight .

4. Daming watches TV at eight o’clock . 5. It is half past seven . 七、×√×√×


一、写出字母表中的从Hh到Tt 13个字母的大小写:(13分)



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ll ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nn



1、周末:weakend weekend week 2、汉语:China Chianese Chinese

3、数学Maths Meths Naths 4、科学Scaence Sciense Science

5、睡觉sleep cleep sleap 6、音乐Musec Mvsic Music

7、在学校at school on school 8、在周末in the weekend on the weekend at the weekend

9、在早上at the morning in the morning 10、在下午in the morning in the afternoon in the evening 四、选择填空:(20分)

( )1、She basketball . A .play B .plays C .does play

( )2、What she at the weekend ? A .do ,does B .does ,do C .does ,does

( )3、What do you at school ?I English and Chinese . A .has ,have B .have ,has C .have ,have

( )4、What`s the time ?It`s . A .half past seven B .seven past half C .seven o`clock half

( )5、At the weekend I swimming ,And he TV . A .goes watches B .go watch C .go watches

( )6、What do you do ? I have dinner. A .at eight o`clock in the afternoon

B .in the afternoon at eight o`clock C .at the afternoon in eight o`clock( )7、Do you play football in the morning ? . A .No ,I do B .Yes , I does C .No ,I don`t ( )8、Does Xiaoyong like basketball ?

A .No ,he don`t B .Yes ,he does C .Yes .he do ( )9、What does Lingling at school today? She Maths,English and Chinese .

A . has has B .have have C .have has D .has have ( )10、I have in the afternoon .

A .Music ,art and pe B .Maths and Art ,PE C .Maths ,Art and PE 五、用所给单词正确形式填空:(20分) go have play watch sleep do 1、I English today .Xiaoming Science today .

2、Daming at nine o`clock in the evening .I to bed at nine o`clock in the evenning(在晚上) .

3、My father TV at half past eight in the evening .

4、What Sam do at the weekend ?He football at the weekend .I swimming . 5、Xiaoyong to school at seven in the morning .He home at four in the afternoon.


1、gets, six, o’clock, up, she ,at _____________________________________

2、sleep,in ,morning ,I the

3、you ,do ,what,do,weekend,the,at,Sam? ________________________________________

4、English ,Chinese,and ,have ,I,too, ________________________________________

5、Do ,have ,you,Maths,today? _________________________________________





